Albert Park residents angry at Giant dim sim plan
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Albert Park residents angry at Giant dim sim plan

After railing against the Australian Grand Prix for more than a decade, long-suffering residents of Albert Park and South Melbourne are up in arms over plans for a giant, fried dim sim to rival Queensland's Big Pineapple.
source: The Age

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You've got to be joking... The fried Dim sim is no match for the Steamed Dim Sim.
The South Melbourne traders seem to think that anything fried is the " best" way to go. If a giant Dim Sim is developed, then it rightly should sit proud above the South Melbourne Market, not and I repeat not in Albert Park and it should be a Steamed replica... hot stuff.
BTW Albert Park is already world renown for its monument to the Kraft memorial in Kerferd Road.
IF and I mean IF a giant food replica be located in Albert Park, it should represent Andrews Hamburgers Hamburger with the Lot and Pineapple.

Thanks for alerting us to this travesty of giant food monuments AJ, the Australian people who travel far and wide to savour Albert Park Cuisine salute you!

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hehehe...thanks for the kind words KurtPerthWA.

I like to mix it up with the steamed vs fried dimsim. Fried are my favourite, but when fish n chip night comes along, it's steamed all the way.

I havent heard of this Kraft Memorial in Kerford Road, but ill be sure to check it out.

PS Are there any developments of this sort in Perth? (if that is where you are from)


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I grew up in Boyd Street and have great affection for Albert Park in General. The "Kraft" monument is a Rock with a plaque to say (as near as I can remember) that near that point a Kraft (y) food developer produced the "COON" variety of cheese.

It had been vandalised the lasty time I was there, so I would not guarantee that it still exists.The location was the center plantation south of the Hambleton/ Merton/ Kerford Rd intersection.

My mother seems to be a well known entity around Bridport Street and has her likeness painted on the wall just behind the Dim Sim outlet at the South Melbourne Market. You may have seen her around, a very short elderly lady with a walking stick. It takes a while to get along the shopping center with her as she is constantly greeted by the locals. Is Andrews still operating. Its my first stop when I get to Albert Park on visits?

There are around, but I dont take too much notice of them. The rocking horse in SA is impressive. Its located near Birdswood. at a place called Gameracha(???)

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I absolutely love Albert Park, in fact one of my best mates moved into a flat around Boyd Street. Next time I am down there ill try and spot the Kraft Monument, might take a few photos.

So you mother seems to be well known in the area around Bridport St? Really? What for? That's pretty cool someone painted a picture of her, although doesn't that freak her out a little? I know I would be a bit weirded out if my pic was painted on a wall somewhere...although come to think of it, it's really not that different to having your face on the internet.

Don't know what Andrew's is though?

Rocking Horse in SA? Haven't heard of it. Do you have a more specific location for it (street name\intersection), Ill check it out on StreetAdvisor StreetView.


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The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of

Any news on the giant dim sim?

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Not at the moment Brian, but maybe you could give me an update if anything does occur re the Dimmer, I'll be over in Jan to look the place over again. BTW The monument I described in Kerferd Road is even more significant than on my report as it is actually the VEGEMITE memorial, and not the COON cheese. I apologise to anyone who actually left the Bridport Cafe strip to walk down there looking for cheese,but, as we all know we are all happy little Vegemites as long as its spread on cheese!.... Hey, maybe Albert Park could do with a "Giant Vege Jar", I'm sure all the advertising geeks at Kraft would just love the chance.

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a giant iSnack 2.0?

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..."looming over it like some giant fibreglass turd"... priceles!

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I wonder how many tourists would recognise it as a giant dim sim

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Only those that bought them off the old chinese guy, the "new" dim sims have a different shape

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