Do we need Water Tanks anymore?
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Do we need Water Tanks anymore?

I was looking at getting a water tank installed prior to Summer due to water restrictions and my dead lawn.

With the government now deciding on desalination plants and the water crisis might be soon over do you think e will have long term water restrictions?

I surely miss giving the car a good hose down and the kids would love to run through a sprinkler!
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Rain water tanks in the future as long as they are maintained,placed/installed well will add value to your home also the water will come in handy.

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" I surely miss giving the car a good hose down and the kids would love to run through a sprinkler!"

You will never be able to do that again. Of course we still need water tanks, go and look at the dams and you will see how empty they are. We are in a drought !!! We need more rain than we have had to make up for the ten years of minimal rain.
A dead lawn should be the least of your problems. Look into planting Matilda soft leaf buffalo grass. It is drought tolerant, a lush green and does well in 80% shade. I have a patch on the front of my house and its the envy of the neighbourhood, people can't believe I don't water it. Only when it was first planted it needed some tank water to establish properly

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The freedom to expand your garden and do other things would definitely make the tanks worthwhile!

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Get a water tank, Fill up buckets from your bath/shower and especially out of your washing machine (as that usually uses the most water), and water your lawns! I don't think we will ever see our dams at the capacity they were 10 years ago! Not in our lifetimes anyway.

A great way to use the water from your washing machine is to connect your garden hose to the outlet of your washing machine, and when the washing machine starts to expel the water, race outside and run the water over your lawn!

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When I first went to Europe in the 80s, I was amazed at how water efficient they were and they weren't in any drought ! They were brought up to only use the water that they needed, not to turn sprinklers on for hours , and to get under the shower and forget yourself. Australians have to be the most wasteful when it comes to water usage and we are now paying the price ! Of course governments are partly to blame because we needed to be educated a long time ago. Better late than never, but it's also too little too late.

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I don't think it's too late, but industry needs to try as hard as individuals. Industry should pay more for water or use water that is not drinking quality when possible.

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Now more than ever you will wish you had water tanks - 4 days of 40 degrees, your garden will die without water.

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A bit of planning ahead and installing a tank or two will give you years of enjoyment of your garden and improve your sale price if you want to move - do you need any more reasons?

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Absolutely. Desalination plants are a stop gap measure- not to mention a huge drain on our electricity energy resources. Living in an apartment with only a couple of small balcony's left us with little option but to install a flat-pack slimline water tank. We were initially concerned about the appearance of the tank but thankfully we found a company called Aquaclad that offers a variety of rather nice finishes.

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Agree desalination plants will supply water for our current population, but they're in response to our population growth, and lets face it that won't slow down. Plus there's some nice rebates around at the moment.

dquinn how did that work? I mean was it fitted to the side of the building, or does it take up room on the balcony?

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I recently bought a water tank from, its very nice and big in size which saves large amount of water.

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Rain water tanks have become a popular addition to the family home, with the ever increasing restrictions now imposed by the government and the water tank rebates, rainwater tanks are now being installed at an ever increasing rate providing boom in the plastics and plumbing industries..

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Yeah, ofcourse I need water tanks for saving water at my house. So Can you tell me what is the best type of tank to get? and what it should be made out of? Also, is a 300 gallon tank large enough for a family of 5? Thanks.

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I would argue that water tanks will always be needed from now in Melbourne. Although we have had an enormous amount of rain the past year, no one is going to forget the years of water restrictions we had prior. Also using water tanks can save you a lot of money AND I wouldn't count on the government desalinisation plants to be helping you anytime soon.

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