Is there anyone living in Gosford and travels to Sydney everyday for work? How is it?
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Is there anyone living in Gosford and travels to Sydney everyday for work? How is it?

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3 Answers

It's a bad idea. People's marriages have broken down due to commuting and it's even more difficult when you're raising children. Some employers even use it against you - also known as postcode discrimination

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Over 60% of my current tenants commute to Sydney for work. Whilst it can make for early starts & late finishes, the majority that I have spoken to say it's worth it for the lifestyle & affordability. Here's an idea: rent in Gosford for 6months to see how you like it, we'd love to have you!

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Hi Krita have you read the suburb reviews, there are responses to commute from Gosford.
This is what a user had to say:

"An alarming fact is that the Central Coast is one of the most violent areas in NSW according to the NSW Attorney Generals Office.
However, I still call the coast home and have lived here on and off for over 35 years, with my wife being born here.
From the outside, the CC has a holiday atmosphere and carefree nature compared to Sydney and your experience will depend on the time of day, day of the week and your reason for visiting.
However several factors should be considered before taking the step to move here and I hope to provide a candid and unbiased opinion.

The CC is one of the most unique places along the eastern seaboard. That's why it is such a popular place to live, however the lifestyle you are after will largely depend on whether you have to commute for a living and as most of us do, living on the coast will have it's drawbacks.

RETIRING TO THE COAST: As I have had no experience in this age bracket (yet), I will not comment.

If commuting by train, you will have to use your car to get to a station as buses are very limited and infrequent. Parking at the station will require you getting there early as there are limited spaces, so a walk/run is usually required. A pain when it's raining.
You will find the trains over crowed and depending where you get on, you will have to stand all the way there and back.Your day will start at 5.00am and finish at 7.00pm and you will find working on the train journey will be impossible.
Allow 4 hours a day door to door if travelling to Strathfield/Sydney.
Cost at time of writing $75 pw
Not safe though after 9.00pm

Again, depending on where you are will depend on the travel time to get onto the freeway.
and getting onto the F3 at Kariong can be frustrating.
I live at Terrigal and at 5.30am it takes 20 mins to reach the F3, then another 30 mins to Wahroongah.
Same for the way home except the downhill run into West Gosford and beyond is a nightmare.
Once on the F3, you can settle into a good rhythm providing it is not raining as this adds another element of danger and if there is an accident, make sure you have provisions as you may be there all day or night if coming home.
The next snarl will be at the end of the F3, although West Pennant Hills rd is usually not a problem until after 7.30am
Fuel cost as time of writing is $120 per week plus significant wear and tear on your vehicle and in addition to high servicing costs, resale values of high mileage vehicles will not do you any favours. Allow up to 4 hrs per day especially towards the end of the week.
In addition, fuel pricing is very high compared to Sydney, to the point where a certain service station at West Gosford had the highest price fuel anywhere in NSW for that weekend."

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