1.7(1 review)Edinburgh, SA 5111
1.7(1 review)
Great for
- Internet access
- Pest-free
- Eating out
- Gym and fitness
- Lack of traffic
Not great for
- Parks and recreation
- Childcare
- Clean & green
- Cost of living
- Medical facilities
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
Reviews of Edinburgh, SA
"Industrial Defence"
Edinburgh is largely occupied by the RAAF base and associated defence industries. Therefore those who live in Edinburgh would largely live on the base. There is little if any residential property apart from that on the base itself. It is essentially a defence area within the suburbs.
Great for
- Close to work for those employed in the defence industries
Not great for
- Industrial
- Noisy
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of
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