Offers over $3 Million

4 Bed  •  3 Bath  •  4 Car  •  10504m²

Ray White - Aldridge & Associates
Main view of Homely house listing, 10 Summerfield Place, Gooseberry Hill WA 6076
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 10 Summerfield Place, Gooseberry Hill WA 6076
Second view of Homely house listing, 10 Summerfield Place, Gooseberry Hill WA 6076

10 Summerfield Place, Gooseberry Hill WA 6076

Copy address

Offers over $3 Million

  • 4
  • 3
  • 4
  • 10504m²

House for sale

Home loan calculator

The monthly estimated repayment is calculated based on:

Listed display price: the price that the agent(s) want displayed on their listed property. If a range, the lowest value will be ultised

Suburb median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale in that same suburb

National median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale nationally

Note: The median price is just a guide and may not reflect the value of this property.

Est. repayment
Well Money

What's around Summerfield Place

House description


Like this….. Bespoke design and handcrafted home of impressive proportions located in one of the areas finest and most sought-after locations.
Situated in the "Farrant Estate" on 10,504 sqm ( 2.5 + acres) amongst quality homes on a delightful, partially cleared, treed block this home nestles into the environment like no other.
Only 8 years old and built to a high specification, the home is best described as having a modern aesthetic with an Industrial theme.

Look at the photos and you will just get a sense of what's on offer - Take time to pay a visit and get the full immersion - you will love it!!

Featuring 4 spacious bedrooms (Master king, others all fit queens), plus study and 3 deluxe bathrooms (plus sperate powder room) this home is just perfect for the large or extended family with the floor plan providing generous living spaces and private balconies for all separate members of the family, whilst also providing communal spaces for the family to come together, fitted tastefully with quality finishes and furnishings. The kitchen and bathrooms are a delight and the outdoor kitchen area will provide for endless BBQ meals whilst enjoying the view and surroundings.
Incorporated into the main house under croft are two substantial rooms one utilised as a studio and the other as substantial storage in addition there is a separate, very spacious "barn" style workshop complete with bathroom and with three phase power.

More - Yes! How about huge, reticulated veggie patch (we mean HUGE) and established gardens with pathways winding through this amazing lifestyle block, solar panels and hi tech solar hot water system makes for low power bills and the property enjoys a ATU which recycles the wastewater efficiently. 4 car garage under the main roof, plus additional undercover parking for up to 3 cars, fully fenced and electric gate entry from very private cul de sac.

This is an opportunity to secure your own "mini" estate so close to the city and with brilliant access to Perth Airport, live the life here in Gooseberry Hill!!

Land details

Area: 10504m²

Property video

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Third view of Homely house listing, 10 Summerfield Place, Gooseberry Hill WA 6076View more
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 10 Summerfield Place, Gooseberry Hill WA 6076View more

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10 Summerfield Place, Gooseberry Hill WA 6076
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