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4 Bed  •  2 Bath  •  4 Car  •  5530m²

Main view of Homely house listing, 12 Flockhart Drive, Marlow Lagoon NT 830
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 12 Flockhart Drive, Marlow Lagoon NT 830
Second view of Homely house listing, 12 Flockhart Drive, Marlow Lagoon NT 830

12 Flockhart Drive, Marlow Lagoon NT 830

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  • 4
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5530m²

House for sale

Next inspection:Sat 15 Mar 3:00pm

Home loan calculator

The monthly estimated repayment is calculated based on:

Listed display price: the price that the agent(s) want displayed on their listed property. If a range, the lowest value will be ultised

Suburb median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale in that same suburb

National median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale nationally

Note: The median price is just a guide and may not reflect the value of this property.

Est. repayment
Well Money

What's around Flockhart Drive

House description

“Marvelous Marlow”

For the first time ever, this property is ready for its new owners.
Sitting on 5530m2 the block is fully fenced with electric gate access along the driveway is stunning established gardens and lush lawns.

The brick house has been cared for from top to bottom, the wrap around verandahs keep it cool all year round. Inside you’re welcomed to a massive living area that flows onto the dining room and huge kitchen.
Down the hallway is a large master bathroom with ample room, 3 great size bedrooms with new split system air conditioning and built in robes. At the end is the grand master with walk in robe and ensuite. On the roof is solar panels installed in 2019.

The private back yard host an inground saltwater pool, 8mx18m double roller door shed with power and carport. At the very back is additional under cover storage for all the toys.

Property features


Air Conditioning


Built-in Robes


Fully Fenced


Outdoor Entertaining


In-Ground Pool




Solar Panels

Other features


Land details

Area: 5530m²

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Inspection times

15 Mar 3:00 PM
22 Mar 3:00 PM
Contact the agent
To request an inspection
Third view of Homely house listing, 12 Flockhart Drive, Marlow Lagoon NT 830View more
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 12 Flockhart Drive, Marlow Lagoon NT 830View more

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12 Flockhart Drive, Marlow Lagoon NT 830
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