For Sale $1,600,000 - $1,750,000

3 Bed  •  2 Bath  •  2 Car  •  543m²

Main view of Homely house listing, 12 Myamblah Crescent, Merewether NSW 2291
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 12 Myamblah Crescent, Merewether NSW 2291
Second view of Homely house listing, 12 Myamblah Crescent, Merewether NSW 2291


12 Myamblah Crescent, Merewether NSW 2291

Copy address

For Sale $1,600,000 - $1,750,000

  • 3
  • 2
  • 2
  • 543m²

House for saleNEW on Homely

Next inspection:Sat 15 Mar 12:00pm

Home loan calculator

Est. repayment
Well Money

What's around Myamblah Crescent

House description

“Ideal Family Home in Ideal Family Location”

This is a perfect home to raise your family. Fenced and level rear yard plus walking distance to the nearby Myamblah Crescent oval, and Glenrock reserve for hiking and mountain biking. It is only a short drive to Merewether Beach, Ocean Baths, shops, schools and cafes. The huge downstairs rumpus opens to the rear yard – the perfect spot for the kids to hide and play. Upstairs is the separate lounge, dining and kitchen areas. The rear deck is great for entertaining and relaxing. A family focused street with houseproud neighbours.

* Separate lounge and dining rooms - dining opens to rear deck
* The spacious kitchen overlooks rear yard, open plan to dining
* Two bathrooms, one up and one down with separate toilet and a bath
* Huge downstairs rumpus opens to the rear yard
* Large, fully fenced rear yard - perfect for the growing family
* Plenty of storage throughout, internal access from garage
* Tandem length garage – parking for 2 cars, drive through to rear
* Relaxing outlook from rear, surrounded by trees and bushland view
* Easy walk to Myamblah Crescent oval and Glenrock Reserve
* Close to Merewether Beach, cafes, clubs, shops and schools
* This is an affordable entry to this popular area so don't hesitate

Council Rates: $3,050 PA approx
Water Rates: $825 + usage PA approx
Rental Potential: $800 - $850 PW approx

Property features


Built-in Robes






Living Areas: 2


Remote Garage


Rumpus Room


Toilets: 2

Other features

Area Views, Close to Transport

Council rates

$3050 Yearly

Land details

Area: 543m²

Property video

Can't inspect the property in person? See what's inside in the video tour.

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Inspection times

15 Mar 12:00 PM
Contact the agent
To request an inspection
Third view of Homely house listing, 12 Myamblah Crescent, Merewether NSW 2291View more
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 12 Myamblah Crescent, Merewether NSW 2291View more

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12 Myamblah Crescent, Merewether NSW 2291
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