Brand New Spacious Home - $1,695,000

6 Bed  •  4 Bath  •  2 Car  •  435m²

Main view of Homely house listing, 202 Diamondback Parade, Marsden Park NSW 2765
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 202 Diamondback Parade, Marsden Park NSW 2765
Second view of Homely house listing, 202 Diamondback Parade, Marsden Park NSW 2765

202 Diamondback Parade, Marsden Park NSW 2765

Copy address

Brand New Spacious Home - $1,695,000

  • 6
  • 4
  • 2
  • 435m²

House for sale

Next inspection:Thu 6 Mar 7:05pm

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Listed display price: the price that the agent(s) want displayed on their listed property. If a range, the lowest value will be ultised

Suburb median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale in that same suburb

National median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale nationally

Note: The median price is just a guide and may not reflect the value of this property.

Est. repayment
Well Money

What's around Diamondback Parade

House description

“Grand Luxury Custom Built Home!”

Tushar Virmani, Marsden Park's #1 Agent and owner of Your Property Expert Estate Agency proudly introducing this immaculate five bedroom, double storey masterpiece custom build home. An excellent option for those that value privacy or love to entertain, family sized dimensions coupled with easy care attributes offer wide appeal. Beautifully appointed with excellent separation of spaces, its many attributes are further complemented by outstanding location. Constructed with a multitude of living areas inside and out, the home is equipped to accommodate to various services and activities to appeal to large and growing families and investors.

Welcoming you to, 202 Diamondback Parade, Melonba NSW 2765

Features include: -
- Beautiful stylish design with high end finishes and fixtures with breathtaking views
- Spacious open plan living and dining zone effortlessly connects to outdoor entertaining.
- Five well-scaled bedrooms - three fitted with wardrobe & two fitted with walk-in along with 2 x master includes ensuite.
- North facing backyard aspect with an emphasis on indoor/outdoor entertaining
- 3 m ceilings downstairs, floor to ceiling tiles in ensuites/bathroom with frameless shower screen.
- Bright interiors feature luxury tiles though out, superb sense of space
- Spacious double internal garage with auto doors
- Luxuries include ducted air conditioning, alarm, blinds, downlights, outdoor blinds and many more included.
- Sleek gourmet kitchen with stone bench, European appliances and butlers kitchen
- Easy access to St Luke's Catholic College, Elara Sporting field, Elara Shopping Village, Northbourne Public School and the M7 motorway

A property like this does not last long. Call Your Property Expert Tushar on 0402 555 161 for private inspection.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we believe to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility for its accuracy, and do no more than pass it on. Any interested persons should rely on their own enquiries. Also, this property is in Melonba NSW 2765 and due to system issue we are unable to advertise this in correct post code.

Land details

Area: 435m²

Property video

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Inspection times

6 Mar 7:05 PM
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To request an inspection
Third view of Homely house listing, 202 Diamondback Parade, Marsden Park NSW 2765View more
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 202 Diamondback Parade, Marsden Park NSW 2765View more

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Tushar Virmani

Your Property Expert - Your Property Expert

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202 Diamondback Parade, Marsden Park NSW 2765
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