Price Undisclosed

4 Bed  •  2 Bath  •  2 Car  •  911m²

Main view of Homely house listing, 3 Portland Road, Portland NSW 2847
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 3 Portland Road, Portland NSW 2847
Second view of Homely house listing, 3 Portland Road, Portland NSW 2847


3 Portland Road, Portland NSW 2847

Copy address

Price Undisclosed

  • 4
  • 2
  • 2
  • 911m²

House Sold on Wed 7 Jun, 2023

What's around Portland Road

House description

“Home Sweet Home”

This home is the perfect blend of classic style and modern living. The upstairs area of the home boasts four large bedrooms, including a slow combustion wood heater in one, a modern main bathroom complete with bath, a kitchen combing modern convenience with touches of yesteryear and a large family room that offers breathtaking views from the double hung timber windows. Polished floorboards and pressed metal splash back seamlessly compliment the angled ceiling, down lights and fans, whilst comfortable living all year round is courtesy of the 10.5 kilowatt reverse cycle split system and three smaller systems in the bedrooms. Moving downstairs, you will find a rumpus room/fifth bedroom, study area and storage room. There is also a second bathroom and large laundry. Casual living is encouraged by the 40 square meter deck, which has been designed to maximize the views on offer and will be the envy of friends and family. The large yard has dual access and includes the 10.5x 6 coulorbond shed including a workshop and 22,500 litre rain water tank.. Privacy is also a feature of the home thanks to the adjoining crown land and quiet location. The list of features is extensive with this property and we encourage you to inspect today.

Disclaimer: The above information in full and extract form has been furnished to us by the vendor of the property. We have not verified whether or not that information is accurate and do not have any belief one way or another in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is, in fact, accurate. The property is being offered for sale as per the Contact for Sale and interested parties should rely on their own legal advice as to the accuracy of the Contract.

Property features


Air Conditioning


Built-in Robes




Water Tank

Land details

Area: 911m²

Property video

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Third view of Homely house listing, 3 Portland Road, Portland NSW 2847View more
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 3 Portland Road, Portland NSW 2847View more

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3 Portland Road, Portland NSW 2847
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