3 Bed • 1 Bath • 1 Car

39 Solander Drive, St Clair NSW 2759
- 3Bed
- 1Bath
- 1 Car
House for sale26 days on Homely
Next inspection:Sat 8 Mar 2:30pm
Auction date:Sat 8 Mar 3:00pm
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Listed display price: the price that the agent(s) want displayed on their listed property. If a range, the lowest value will be ultised
Suburb median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale in that same suburb
National median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale nationally
Note: The median price is just a guide and may not reflect the value of this property.
What's around Solander Drive

House description
This property presents a rare opportunity to enter the housing market at an affordable price but there is a catch. The property requires a full renovation. The bathroom has been partially renovated so this is a major plus. Set on secure private battle axe block in this much sought after location is a major plus and with imagination, creativity and work, this could become the ideal family home or investment. The home's basic layout provides 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 living areas, internal laundry and open kitchen space. In addition the covered outdoor entertainment area doubles up as a generous oversized carport.
For more details contact Ross Heidtmann on 0407 113 039 or Peter Stanford on 0417 333 322
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What's around Solander Drive

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