
2 Bed  •  1 Bath  •  2 Car  •  499.5m²

Main view of Homely house listing, 69 Cupro Street, Lithgow NSW 2790
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 69 Cupro Street, Lithgow NSW 2790
Second view of Homely house listing, 69 Cupro Street, Lithgow NSW 2790

69 Cupro Street, Lithgow NSW 2790

Copy address


  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 499.5m²

House for sale8 days on Homely

Next inspection:Sat 15 Mar 12:15pm

Home loan calculator

The monthly estimated repayment is calculated based on:

Listed display price: the price that the agent(s) want displayed on their listed property. If a range, the lowest value will be ultised

Suburb median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale in that same suburb

National median listed price: the middle value of listed prices for all listings currently for sale nationally

Note: The median price is just a guide and may not reflect the value of this property.

Est. repayment
Well Money

What's around Cupro Street

House description

“Room to Grow”

A traditional double brick cottage located in Extension Estate, with a warm and inviting atmosphere that makes you feel at home.

Bursting with character and many original details throughout, highlights include two separate living areas with feature mantelpieces and a functional kitchen with electric cooking.

The kitchen area allows access to a rear sunroom that presents a versatile space, while the two comfortable bedrooms are accommodated by an updated main bathroom and the convenience of a separate toilet.

The charm of this property extends beyond the walls into a fully fenced yard with an established cottage garden and a lovely front porch.

A single garage can be accessed from the practical rear lane, along with additional off street parking for guests or extra vehicles.

This home offers accessibility for small families and individuals alike, with local parks, cafes, and shops just a short drive or stroll away. It's 650m to Queen Elizabeth Park, 750m to the Lithgow CBD,1.3km to the Lithgow Valley Shopping Centre and Train Station.

Land details

Area: 499.5m²

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Inspection times

15 Mar 12:15 PM
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Third view of Homely house listing, 69 Cupro Street, Lithgow NSW 2790View more
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 69 Cupro Street, Lithgow NSW 2790View more

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69 Cupro Street, Lithgow NSW 2790
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