3 Bed  •  1 Bath  •  1 Car  •  563m²


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Main view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
Second view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
Main view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
Second view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
Floorplan of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
Third view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168

73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168

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  • 3Bed
  • 1Bath
  • 1 Car
  • 563m²

House for sale12 days on Homely

Next inspection:Sat 8 Mar 11:30am

Auction date:Sat 15 Mar 2:00pm

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Note: The median price is just a guide and may not reflect the value of this property.

Est. repayment
Well Money

What's around Cartwright Avenue

House description


This outstanding property, located in the highly desirable suburb of Busby, presents an incredible opportunity for builders and savvy investors. With R4 zoning, this property offers excellent potential for future development (STCA). Just a 100-meter stroll to Miller Shopping Centre, schools, and bus services, this home is in an ideal location for convenience and future growth.
Property Features:
+ 3 well-sized bedrooms with built-in wardrobes
+ R4 zoning with great development potential (STCA)
+ Timber flooring throughout, low-maintenance living
+ Spacious land size: 15.5m x 36.4m (approximately 563m²)
+ Open-plan lounge and dining areas, perfect for family living
+ Expansive backyard offering plenty of space for outdoor activities
+ Prime location close to all essential amenities, with easy access to transport
+ This property represents a fantastic opportunity for both builders and investors to capitalize on a prime location with significant development potential.
Contact the agent today for more details or to arrange a viewing.

Land details

Area: 563m²

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What's around Cartwright Avenue

Auction time

15 Mar 2:00 PM

Inspection times

8 Mar 11:30 AM
15 Mar 1:30 PM
Contact the agent
To request an inspection
Third view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168View more
Fourth view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168View more
Fifth view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168View more
Sixth view of Homely house listing, 73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168View more

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Son (sonny) Tran

Laing+Simmons - Cabramatta

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73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
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Report Listing
73 Cartwright Avenue, Busby NSW 2168
  • 3
  • 1
  • 1
  • 563m²

Son (sonny) Tran

Laing+Simmons - Cabramatta
Next inspection
Sat 8 Mar 11:30am