Offers to Purchase close 12noon Tues 23 Nov 2021

0 Bed  •  0 Bath  •  0 Car  •  20573900m²

Main view of Homely rural property listing, ' Smiths & Wernup', Katanning WA 6317
Second view of Homely rural property listing, ' Smiths & Wernup', Katanning WA 6317
Third view of Homely rural property listing, ' Smiths & Wernup', Katanning WA 6317

Under Offer

' Smiths & Wernup', Katanning WA 6317

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Offers to Purchase close 12noon Tues 23 Nov 2021

  • 0
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  • 0
  • 20573900m²

Rural Property under offer

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What's around Smiths & Wernup'

Rural Property description

“***SOLD***Wernup" (1674ha 4138ac) & "Smiths" (467ha 1155ac)”

Well known Katanning farmers Norm Flugge and Liz Guidera have decided to enter the next phase of their life and offer their "Wernup" & "Smiths" parcels for sale with the possibility of adjoining properties (2062 hectares 5095 acres arable) being offered for lease or sharecropping.
This provides a great opportunity to acquire 1667 ha (4119 ac) of arable prime farmland with the potential of farming a total holding of 3729 ha (9214 ac).
This is a rare opportunity for families looking for prime farmland and to relocate closer to a major centre with excellent facilities. The current owners will consider all options to improve the social benefit to the district.

If it is purely for farm expansion you are looking for, then this package would be very attractive.
The availability of lease or sharecropping land is subject to the current owner's approval.
Katanning is located in the north of the Great Southern, about 290km south of Perth, and 170km north of Albany. Its economic strengths are in agriculture and associated services.
The town of Katanning is a major regional centre and has access to a range of recreation and leisure facilities, government, health and education services, as well as a diverse retail and business district.
Katanning's meat processing facilities have drawn a wide range of migrant workers to the town over the past five decades, and they have helped to create one of the most multicultural communities in regional Western Australia.
"Wernup" encompasses a total of 1674.64 hectares (4138.20 acres) on 24 individual titles with "Smiths" comprising of 467.65 total hectares (1155.61 acres) both with an undulating landscape, in the majority conservatively cleared with areas of natural timber for shade and shelter for livestock.
The properties enjoy a Mediterranean climate with a reliable rainfall in most years with a long-term average of around 350 - 400 millimetres (14 -16 inches).
Both properties are well located close to the major regional centre of Katanning (30kms), Albany (160kms) and 270kms to the Perth metropolitan area.
The rich fertile soils provide the owners with solid crop yields of around 2.5t - 3.0t/ha for cereals and upwards of 1.0t - 1.5t/ha for canola depending on seasonal conditions.
The homestead on "Wernup" known as "Mossvale" was built circa 1960 comprising of double brick and tile construction. Including four bedrooms, two bathrooms, laundry, lounge, dining, kitchen, office, covered in sunroom, double garage with gas HWS. A solid building with plenty of potential to modernise. A fully operational tennis court is also included.
"Wernup" is subdivided into 10 paddocks and roadways with fencing comprising in the main of 7-line Ringlock on steel posts. "Smiths" similarly comprises mainly 7-line Ringlock on steel and some timber posts, subdivided int 4 paddocks.
The reliable water supply on "Wernup" is sourced from 10 dams all which have roaded catchments and cleaned out over summer months. The property also enjoys the benefit of scheme water with 2 connection points off the Katanning-Nyabing Rd. One of the scheme points is equipped with a 2,000lt tank and trough unit. The other scheme connection is equipped with a 48,000lt tank.
"Smiths" is serviced by 4 dams, one in each paddock. All have roaded catchments and have been cleaned out over the summer months. While scheme water supply runs past the property it is not currently connected, however can be connected if required

"Wernup" & "Smiths" are offered for sale by Offers to Purchase.
The Offers to Purchase process will be in two tranches. (Refer OTP Documents)
Available as a whole or in separate parcels plus potential lease.
Offers are to be submitted on the documents provided by 12 noon Tuesday 23rd November 2021.

The Seller reserves the right to accept a suitable offer prior to the closing date.
The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.
For further details, inspection and Offer to Purchase documents contact the exclusive agents
Glenn Mctaggart 0429 611124
Terry Norrish 0429 471219

Other features

Property Type: Rural Land Land area: Land Area Ha: 2057.39

Land details

Area: 20573900m²

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Fourth view of Homely rural property listing, ' Smiths & Wernup', Katanning WA 6317View more
Fifth view of Homely rural property listing, ' Smiths & Wernup', Katanning WA 6317View more

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' Smiths & Wernup', Katanning WA 6317
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