I would like people's opinions on Kew High School?
Don't have first hand experience but going by recent VCE results it's one of the top performing government schools in Melbourne so academic standard is very good.
I unfortunately went to Kew High School. It was a place where I was belittled, insulted and discouraged from learning by teachers. Out of the numerous examples I could give, which include a Literature teacher barely attending to teach our class in Year 12 or a Math teacher who took great satisfaction from declaring to the class I had done poorly on a test, perhaps the one that comes to mind strongest is towards the end of Year 12, we were asked to choose our preferences for university as we had set up our VTAC accounts in class. As I was doing so, the co-ordinator of our year level, sneaks behind me and very openly states to myself and the entire class that I shouldn't bother doing so because I wasn't going go to University. Since then, I have completed two Bachelor degrees and I am currently close to completing my Masters Degree at a prestigious University overseas. Absolutely ZERO thanks to this school or its teachers.
I left Kew High last year because I was badly bullied and harassed by older boys. the environment at KHS is very male dominated, and the learning is not good. The teachers are of poor quality, I found learning very hard there, because especially in math it was either you were really good at math or you weren't very good, and the not very good people including me weren't properly helped to understand the topic, instead we were sometimes scolded for it by staying behind in class and copying down the whiteboard. there was almost no day when I had math at the end of the day when I didn't miss my bus to get home because we would have to stay in, not getting any better idea of the topic we were meant to be learning, just catching up on it.
I personally do not recommend this school.
Kew High has some reasonable teaching staff and some teachers that teach in a way that is easy to understand. However Kew High has poor management and some teachers who care about others students rather than you. They also are not very good at making a differing curriculum so days feel similar. In terms of VCE results a lot of kids drop out in year ten so only the ones who actually put in work stay. Overall Kew High has not accurately set there students up. I think if your children put in then teachers will see this and reward them. If they enjoy volleyball also then yeah send them here but not if they don’t like worksheets or teachers who don’t understand topics as they should. In terms of VCE results the student puts in a lot themselves without teacher help so if your child is hard work then yes.
I think Kew High is academically a place to study VCE, their results are quite good because of a sort of international students start from year 10 and 11. I found interesting studying in Kew High because to me, teachers are helpful but sometimes the coordinators are quite rigid, they require students to obey them (as an Asian, I feel that's okay). If your kids just concentrate on study , work hard to get into excellent universities such as Melbourne or Monash, you should send them their. However, if you want your children to play sports, do extracurriculars, study in school with good facilities, you should send to Blackburn High/Doncaster SC (but consider that many Chinese-based students).
My son is currently studying year 12 at Kew High.
I have found the experience to be overall very good. There will always be positives and negatives at a school. It is the same at all schools and workplaces, organizations etc. how you deal with those experiences is formative. Kew High teachers seem very supported by the school generally. There is open communication throughout the school. Like everything in life, you get out what you put in. If you want your child spoonfed then send them to a private school. If you are prepared to help your child develop into an open minded responsible adult with respect for others and their chosen paths, then I personally think the school is good.
There are plenty of drugs and alcohol issues especially via weekend shindigs at private residences (what are those parents thinking is OK?) as is the case at every school Australia wide. We are talking about teenagers here. I have found the school to be supportive, balaced and responsible in it's attitude towards the issues affecting the individual.
There is plenty of help via Chaplaincy and co-ordinators if you want to engage. Many of the teachers offer high standards as role models. There are plenty of male teachers at the school.
My son has met some great friends, kids who are from good loving homes, he has learnt to deal with the choices available to him in a supported open environment.
I would certainly send him to the school with the hindsight I now possess. Life is not just an ATAR, although my son should achieve a good one through the school, via his own hard work and the journey he has had at Kew High.
I am a student at Balwyn High School, it is a great school mostly good teachers and they offer a good education, also there is little to no bullying. As most of my friends are friends with or know people from Kew what I can understand it is not a good school. It is often referred to as a druggie school, and everyone I know who goes there hates the school. It also is said to have bad teachers and lots of bullying. I hope this advice will help with your decision.
i really enjoy going to school at kew. I think at kew teachers recognise when you are putting work in and really do try to help you do your best. When you put your mind to something, you can achieve your goals and i think kew provides a good environment for this because sometimes it dose seem like independent learning. i guess its not for everyone but the school provides a good learning environment. i have experienced no bullying or drugs either despite what others have to say and really dont think its any worse then any other school in that regard
What a pity most of these comments do not represent our family experience of Kew High School at all. I came across these comments by accident while trying to email the school. I have 3 daughters who have attended Kew High School, one of which is still a student there. As parents we have the highest regard for the school, my girls have had many happy years there and been well supported by their teachers. We have found the school to be very inclusive and the teachers to be excellent. My daughter's male and female friends are responsible, polite, respectful young people. I can't recommend the school more highly.