Is Landsdale a nice area?
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Is Landsdale a nice area?

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1 Answer

Landsdale is a very nice spot, with a lot of parks and good quality houses to suit all budgets. It would be a mid range suburb, but you could find properties at the lower (but not cheap) and higher end of the market. I think at one point a few years ago Landsdale was very much sought after because people suddenly realised what a bargain the area was. The result was prices rose above the median for Perth by quite a bit. As a teenager, I lived nearby and used to bushwalk in the area that is now Landsdale, so I was not very happy when it was developed because of the native bushland. I drive through every now and then visiting relatives and almost get lost because the layout of the roads has been changed so much in the surrounding areas to accomodate all the new building in the area. Would be an great choice for any type of person, family, professionals, retirees.

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