ACDC Street, celebrating white trash bogan rock?
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ACDC Street, celebrating white trash bogan rock?

Have we failed so badly to produce any sort of decent musical legacy that we're happy to celebrate white trash bogan rock? Surely I can't be the only person who finds this an embarrassing reflection on our creative abilities? What's next 'Craig Mclachlan close'?
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I completely disagree. That's like saying that nothing should be named after Elvis because he was a fat old guy who made bad movies. ACDC had their time, and they rocked it. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, especially considering most street names are quite dull and boring!


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Did they really rock? Surely they're on the less credible (somewhat cringe worthy) side of music and more comparable to say def leppard than zeppelin?

Having said that, the street itself is a good choice for a more interesting name with a music slant. There's a bar at the end of the street that always has decent music playing (stooges, cramps, early stones) - in fact I recently saw the guitarist and drummer from the Yeah Yeah Yeah's drinking there after their gig at the Forum.

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It's heartening to see that "Tall Poppy Syndrome" is alive and well. The right to criticize the achievements of others, regardless of your own talent or contribution, is all yours MattyD. I think you should let us know who should be awarded naming rights; perhaps some more contemporary artists who've stood the test of Video Smash Hits. I'd expect less elitist behavior from a Stooges fan. I'm not a huge AC/DC fan but being brought up in this Australian melting pot has taught me to appreciate the contributions of all who've made the effort.


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ok, so MattyD, what would be a good name?

Perhaps we should start a new thread. Best name of a street in Melbourne?

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That's a tough one. Nick Cave might be a more credible contender for a street name?

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Yes. I think he should have a cave named after him. But a street'll do.

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Or how about the author of our biggest selling record (Shaddap You Face), Joe Dolce :)

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Personally, I'm not a fan of AC/DC but i fully respect the achievement(s) they have done AND how they have represented Australia in the international arena.

Do they appeal to bogans? For sure.
Do they appeal to other people - that they also do.

And most importantly, were they an accurate and experimental reflection of their times WHEN they first came into the forefront of music? Yep - and this is what i think is important.

When they first came onto the scene, they were fresh. original. rough. And this is what got them attention and fame.

So it's easy to dismiss them 30-40 years later ... and when u compare them to popular musicians/artists/bands/people churned out through record labels under the false banner of an artist/group ... then it's fair to say they are .. lameish.

But the point here is that they got a street named after them. Why? For the sum of their achievements over their career. Like em or not ... you can't argue with history and what they have done.


I don't like em, but i respect them and i think it's cute :)

wish i got a street named after me. Prolly end up having hobo's pissin in it, though.

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Tall Poppy? Not at all, I don't think they're embarrassing because they've been so successful - it's simply because they're painfully cringe worthy! Surely a grown man prancing around the stage dressed as a school boy is nothing other than lame and creepy?

Time has nothing to do with it either. The Stones for example have churned out a lot of crap but retain a certain amount of credibility because they actually did something of substance in in the first place. I can't think of an ACDC song that comes near to 'Sympathy for the devil' or 'Jumpin' Jack Flash'?

As for experimental, hardly! Throbbing Gristle was experimental, ACDC just borrowed from the sounds of the Brit invasion, threw out any substance and substituted it with a whole heap of bogan! Sorry but it's true!

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So MattyD, did you go to the ACDC concert on the weekend :)

I expect not, but from the turnout they had, and the reception they recieved, I would think a large proportion of Australians are quite happy the lane has been named after them.

Are there any other lanes\streets named after famous people? Interesting to compile a list.


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Well, what can I say... there's no accounting for taste and just because something is popular, doesn't mean it's right (public hangings used to get quite a turn out)! Perhaps we should name a street after William Wallace, he was a popular Scott too?

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hehehe...public hangings...c'mon that's a bit of a stretch!

I don't even like ACDC, just for the record, however I don't see the harm in naming a street after them. I also think PureKrome has a good point. At the time, they were pretty big. Now that they have an association with the 'bogan' lifestyle, some people really don't like.

I can see a day when a street is named "Kings of Leon" lane. And we will be ok with that because we all know that they have become very popular today...but in 20 years, the kids might say "Who are those Kings of Leon losers? Why would they name a street after them?!?!"

I also don't see the big deal considering it is a small back alley in the city. It's not like they are renaming Flinders St.


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That's a fair point :)

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