Is Belmont in WA is a safe suburb?
23 answers34 following

Is Belmont in WA is a safe suburb?

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23 Answers

Lived here 7 years with not one problem. Alternatively I lived in south Perth for 4 years and had my car stolen and my other car broken into and my house had an attempted burglary. Go figure!


Yes, and South Pert would have been rated much more highly by most people. But, in South Perth there are a lot of flats and apartments so the type of tenant nearby could present a problem in some cases.

makes me giggle....the reason south perth etc..has high crime is not because of the apartment living people...its because people come to these places knowing there is something worth nicking...the crims dont have to live were they thieve living by this, you are safer in a run down area than Dalkeith (joking)



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Belmont is alright, my house been ran thru junkies 6 times but we chased those dogs away, neighbours got their windows broken and the belvidere iga always has junkies picking ciggies up the floor. A quick search of Perths dodgiest suburbs usually has Belmont.

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I grew up in Belmont, my parents lived there since the sixties - it has definitely improved since I was a child. I wouldn't say it's any worse than other suburbs. I have never felt afraid in the suburb in 30 years.

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I've lived here 5 years and havent had one single issue. If you live on the side closer to the city or forum then it's a great suburb to live. People from Perth are scared to walk out there front doors when the crime rate here is very low compared with the rest of the world. Belmonts very close to the city and will be an area worth getting into before it's like any other area close to the city- Expensive and they all used to have bad names including leederville, south perth, como, kensington, victoria park and so on.

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Looking for a home in Belmont, WA 6104

wht year was that? must b 30 years ago.Belmont is the safe place to live today.many security companies are based here like wilson security,honeywell and many more.There 's police station here as well.Millionaires lives in Ascot Waters , so safety is the first priority here.

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i lived in Belmont for 1 year and my neighbour got broken into twice, we had security shutters luckily but there were regular disturbances in the street, i'd say consider somewhere else, especially if you have kids


100% what a shithole Belmont is. I just moved into a villa complex nd every night we are traumatised by the same ppl breaking into our cars nd homes, we are all waiting for our leases to end weve had enuff. Im too scared to go to sleep, not sure how much longer i can go on with no sleep. Move to belmont nd u Will regret it.

Hi I am just wondering which Villa complex? I am wondering whether to apply to a property there but it is also in a villa complex. Im so unsure .

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Goodness - what a lot of complainers! Sounds like people are choosing the wrong streets to live in. Nothing wrong with Belmont from what I have seen and heard of family living there. Can't afford to buy into the area myself!

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Great area. Just some bits are a bit rough. But overall alot of good points.

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Stay away from this HELLHOLE!


Yes i do agree belmont has become the home of crime i grew up in belmont and things are not getting better they are getting worse and only getting worse for crist sake when is some one going to do somthing

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Belmont is close to everything.. the airport, city and belmont is redeveloping and improving dramatically. Ascot and Cloverdale are nice suburbs .. love Pearl Rd

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Take a drive around Belmont and Cloverdale and millionaires district in Ascot and see what you think. There are some affordable parts of Belmont and tenants that might make a noise occassionally, but you will probably be suprised at what you find.

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Safest place to be at d moment.It s a beautiful suburb to call home.

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Yes and No. There's a lot of dodgey tenants but there's a lot of great families too. Problems really occur at night when you'd want to be careful not to walk alone. Drunks, Abusive Drug Induced, and wanderers of dubious emotional and physical constraint tend to wander the streets.

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No problems in five years in our spot near Forster Park.

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The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of

Belmont is changing rapidly. There is massive redevelopment bringing in a higher socio-economic group. I've lived in Belmont on Sydenham St around 7 years ago and never saw any trouble even back then so I would have no hesitation recommending the area as as safe as anywhere else. Of course there are pockets of problem homes to keep away from as there are in most suburbs.

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Lived in the area for 8 years; my partner his whole life. Undoubtedly there are some parts of Belmont I would avoid (but remember there are 6 suburbs that make the City of Belmont). I live within walking distance of schools, parks, the shopping centre and public transport without issue. We have had one security issue over the years but it was from an opportunistic theif who was going through ash trays for coins and we forgot lock the car door! I would happily raise a family here and live out my days. There are many grea changes happening within the area as well that are improving the overall social demographics.


I agree, the same happened to us with the car ashtray - our fault one might assume. 10 minutes from the city, access to private schools in the city and surrounds. I would not live in some areas towards the Leach Hwy end, but generally there are some very good areas, some average spots and some less desirable spots - just like most places it depends who your neighbours are as well.

We've lived in the area near Abernethy and Leach, and never had a single problem across a number of years. Feels very safe, even with lots of parks around. They are used by families that exercise dogs, kids playing sport, and people flying model helicopters.

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Alarm system or monitored alarm system and guard dog will surely increases the safety percentage of any place.Theft and car insurance is other option. Just take it easy.

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Yes especially with Belmont Security Watch and they really does thier job well.There upmarket houses at Belgravia Estate and that place is the best.

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no i lived there for 12 months and never again. it's all bad, there are no good area either.


Most real estate agents would classify Ascot Waters, Belgravia Estate and much of 'top end' Belmont as quite good areas. Houses in these areas are expensive ($800 00 plus), well built and a match for any Western Suburbs Estate. Naturally any area can have its share of misfits and bad eggs that simply walk past on the way to somewhere else. There are some areas of cheaper housing - and rental properties that have less desirable tenants, but it is important to check the streets around where you are planning to live, rather than make a quick assessment.

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i would say its a future boom spot, but it has its seedy side so not perfect at the present time! But as i said, it could be a good place to invest!

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Check out this site for burglary stats - bit dated though I don't live in Belmont but lived there when I was young (down by the river in what is now known as Ascot) and have a mate who lives there now (Leake St). He is quite happy with it. I would say before buying a place have a chat with your potential neighbours and get a feel for any issues from them

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Nope, there are far safer suburbs to choose. Generally if there's lots of council housing (called HomesWest) in the area then there's bound to be issues. Apparently around 13% of houses in Belmont are HomesWest, which is fairly high. HTH

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