What childrens sporting clubs are there in Port Melbourne?
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What childrens sporting clubs are there in Port Melbourne?

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1 Answer

Murphy reserve off Williamstown road hosts a few sporting clubs...
Port Melbourne Colts football practice (formally weds eve practice, and matches on Sundays, now season finished)
Baseball has just starting there. (sep, see the signs Sat?)
Cricket clubs - milo cricket at the north Port Oval.... Other junior cricket at Julier Reserve about to begin Saturday mornings in October, practice night on Weds at North Port Oval.
Nippers life saving clubs start in November - Sandridge Beach on Friday evenings at 6pm, Port Melbourne (opposite HMAS building) on a Sunday morning at 10:45 (waiting list)
Gymnastics at Fisherman's Bend community centre , off Centre Avenue, Garden City.

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