Hi! Moving from Melbourne to Brisbane....
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Hi! Moving from Melbourne to Brisbane....

We are thinking of moving our family to Brisbane from Melbourne for a better lifestyle. We have searched all over brisbane from west (kedron, ferny hills) to north (near bribie island) to the manly/wynnum areas but nothing has caught us quite yet. We'd like a bit more space, but also good access to some activities for our kids (especially as they go through their teen years). We prefer something with a bit of space/acreage, but also close to the water, which is seems as though one could achieve in Redland Bay for a good price too. Does anyone have any comments on the public schools in the Victoria Point/Redland Bay areas? I've read some of the government sites online about the schools, but would love to hear from some locals. One of our children will also attend the special school as she has a disability/learning disability, so if anyone has any comments about the Redland Special School that would be helpful too! Thanks!
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I live in Redland Bay, moved from cbd due to home invasion and crime. I've had no problem here in 4 years, it's really safe

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