Cost of house for rent
2 answers3 following

Cost of house for rent

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2 Answers

Hi Vince, there are lots of suburbs within the greater Rockingham area and depending on your budget and what you are hoping to rent I am sure we would be able to find something for you.

There are 1 x1 's from $160 per week in Shoalwater, we have just leased a 2 x2 in Shoalwater for $340 and we have a 4 x 2 in Shoalwater currently on the market at $410. Each area has a broad range of different properties depending on size, presentation, features and location even within the suburb. If you are looking for something specific please feel free to contact me Martina Berry Professionals Rockingham 0432367281 [email protected] and I will be more than happy to assist you.

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Hi there,
That depends upon what part of Rockingham you'd like to reside in, how many bedrooms/bathrooms etc.. Here is a link to rentals currently available on our website:
And here is a link to rentals currently available in Rockingham on the site:
Kind regards
Lea Satie
Sales & Marketing Consultant
Ray White Rockingham

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