Methane Gas scare - evacuation. Who should pay?
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Methane Gas scare - evacuation. Who should pay?

The recent methane gas scare in the Brooklands Green estate has forced the potential evacuation of more than 700 residents.

How in hell did this get through council?

If I owned a home in the estate and it was worth $400,000 - and I am forced out, who pays my mortgage?

Houses are now unsellable?

Who should be sued? Casey council, Victoria Govt? EPA? The developer?

This sounds crazy that all the government is prepared to do is provide $8,000 relocation assistance. No doubt they are waiting for the massive class action.
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I have no idea who is responsible, but this is a nightmare situation. I think maybe the government should pay, it almost seems unAustralian to leave the poor people in the dry.

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I had to laugh when I read that the mayor got voted out in the local elections. The council has to wear some of the blame.

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Now the news is reporting that the evacuation may have been unncessary! See

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Talk about a huge mess. I hope the residents get compensation of some sort.

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Hopefully the new mayor will be more interested in helping the locals than the last one...

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The council and the developer should be held accountable for this for letting the estate be developed in the first place....its all about the money!!

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