Dolans Bay
4.7(1 review)

Dolans Bay, NSW 2229

4.7(1 review)

Great for

  • Childcare
  • Clean & green
  • Cost of living
  • Eating out
  • Gym and fitness

Not great for

  • No ratings yet

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families With Kids
  • Retirees

Reviews of Dolans Bay, NSW

"Great Location, its a must"

Langer Avenue is a quiet and very safe place. Friendly neighbourhood and its just walking distance to the local IGA and corner shops at Lilli Pilli. Its a very exclusive place.
Truely a great area.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

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