Hornsby Heights, NSW 2077
Ranked 421st best suburb by locals in Sydney (Greater) Region, NSW
Great for
- Clean & green
- Parking
- Peace and quiet
- Safe and sound
- Neighbourly spirit
Not great for
- Nightlife
Who lives here?
- Families With Kids
- Professionals
- Retirees
- Singles
Reviews of Hornsby Heights, NSW
"Hornsby Heights"
Hornsby Heights is a beautiful place with leafy surroundings almost where ever you live, its so peaceful and quite. The transport is pretty reliable but if you miss the last bus it could be a long walk a head. Overall the neighbours are nice and the life style is relaxing.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
"Overall; Nice, Average."
- Established homes/ area in Sydney (circa 1970 - 80's mainly).
- No/ limited flat land off the main rd (Sommerville Rd). No/ limited noise buffer on the main Rd. Take your pick of the 2: flat land or quiet. Rare to have both in Hornsby Heights.
- Bushfire & termite prone (most homes have termite damage), not to mention snakes/ spiders/ possums/ etc. are commonly found.
- Very peaceful, bush environment.
- Great train line from Hornsby, however limited options to actually get to Hornsby.
- Heaps of cyclists, particularly on weekends.
- Getting to the city is typically via the Pacific Highway. Enough said.
- Generally middle-aged parents/ families live here.
- Buy the local council's 2nd green bin. Buy an excellent leaf blower & not a 2 stroke blower either, as neigbours in this suburb appreciate the quiet.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
"Cross between bush and city living"
Hornsby Heights is a suburb in Northern Sydney and is about a forty minutes' drive to the CBD via the Pacific Highway. For those planning to drive along the Pacific Highway during peak hours, please give yourself plenty of time to commute as the traffic here is notorious.
Hornsby Heights is a part of Sydney where you can see the bush creeping up, hence it is a cross between country and city living. The houses there often look like ones you can find up the Central Coast because there is so much bush land around. With bushland comes a lot more leaves that are blown around. It is not a suburb where you find tons of new houses and beautiful lawns. It is more semi bush living but still within Sydney and away from any noisy roads.