Does anybody think the new bus lanes on Fitzsimons Lane will make a difference to the traffic?
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Does anybody think the new bus lanes on Fitzsimons Lane will make a difference to the traffic?

I just don't get why the money is being spent on adding a new lane between Foote St and the major roundabout near the Water Tunnel car wash given it will hit a bottleneck at Eltham anyhow? Easier fix - an overpass, then there is no need for the roundabout? Would love to see the cost differential. And while they are at it, lose the sculpture! Thoughts anybody?
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1 Answer

Bus Lanes will absolutely make a difference to the traffic not only here but when the extension occurs on the Easter Freeway. The other area we as the public need to consider is taking more Public Transport which we tend not to do as much from areas north of Reynolds Rd.
Jodi Longmore-Scott - Sales Agent Park Orchards

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