Adrien Marcinowski

Adrien Marcinowski

1 Review0 Questions0 Answers


Brisbane (CBD)

"traffic and parking"

this city could sounds nice but it is the worst ever in terms of TRAFFiC and PARKiNG even when meters are not in service you get car/motobike towed away for less than 30min and massive fine in the CBD!!! It is a total nightmare to find a carpark but the council must be happy with all the money they making out of it, it.s totally ridiculous ..5min after your ticket runs out you will get an fine for sure ..i would NEVER EVER recommand to get any close to this place if you are driving! it.s just a constant robery, i forgot to mention $50 for 2hours in a park 👌🏼😱 unless you are driving a maserati forget about it.


The city is created for us to pay for the luxury not us are enjoying it but the council's & governments we just to look at it and hope

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