"Affordable Suburb , Safe and Loving ."
i have talk to my neighbour and the place i stay ( Abercairn Way ) were 20 years CRIME free. there is no suspicous person around the street and no drunk and druggie to be seen , but happy family with dogs and screaming children. I dont lock my window and even parking the car without lock doesnt worry me either. imagine jogging in a huge park and playing golf . it is a good place for family.
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
"The Best Street around that area with wonderful big homes for familys and kids"
As a resident of Parkwood and Thornlie, I would recommend investor to buy houses near all the amenities with great home 4 x 2 and big block of land , if u want capital growth.
There is a Big children playground and tennis court and park in walking distance , not to mention Cul-De-Sac location.
High on the hill u have elevated land that will suit much of the owner occupier, means u have NO problem in selling if u thinking of upgrading.
Castle Glem is a great place to invest.
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
Yep totally agree... its an awesome close to freeway access, great surrounding amenities eg RSHZ and Willeton SHZ , quality food and caf options and CRIME FREE!