"Not as bad outside holiday periods"
Lived here for 5 years 2016-2021 and hated nearly every minute of it. This was mainly due to the people who descend on Rye in any holiday period and make the town unbearable. We basically didn’t go into Rye town from mid-December to March, purely because of the blow-ins. It’s amazing how people can think that driving round residential streets at night, screaming, carrying on and smashing stuff up is acceptable behaviour. Have too much kitchen rubbish? Just leave it on the side of the road for wildlife to rip up and scatter around. Why should you care? You’re going back to Melbourne in a couple days. And hey – make sure you bring your illegal fireworks along. All the year-round residents love them.
Schoolies is a disgrace. I actually felt sorry for the kids because there is NOTHING for them to do in the town except get drunk at the family holiday home and then go ransack Rye for “fun.” Again, there would be gangs of teens wandering residential streets, drunk, yelling and screaming late at night.
I was driving home one afternoon and this kid (maybe 12) was driving a golf cart on the road. I pulled up alongside to say it’s probably best he not be on the roads because cars are a lot bigger than golf carts and received the most foul-mouthed spray in response. This is common. I’ve seen idiot dads driving around with their kids in the back of the ute for goodness’ sake. It’s like people feel that the normal ‘rules’ of life just don’t apply when you’re on holiday in Rye.
Unfortunately, neighbours aren’t included in the building inspection when you buy a place. If they were, we would not have bought. On the one side was an alcoholic bogan with a bogan son who thought nothing of having wild parties starting at 11pm on a Tuesday. Or why not kick a footy around at 2am with 5 of your bestest drunk mates? On the other side was a truly awful family who were the most self-entitled people I’ve ever met.
I hope that you go live there and have a wonderful time. Be warned that you will be exposed to some appalling behaviour.
The best part of living there was the eye-watering profit we made when we sold the house.
Who lives here?
- Families with kids