"Not good"
Far from CBD
In fact, far from everywhere! need to drive fair way to get to anywhere,
Public transport are ok during the day but becoming a joke after 6pm
**Too close to high crime area such as Heidelberg West, in fact you get weirdos and creeps hang around the suburban from Heidelberg West often
and this is a major turn off.
Also too expensive for little reasons, expensive to buy and rent for little reasons
Not far from shopping centres such as Northland, and many major shopping districts like Heidelberg, Preston, Northcote, but you'll find most shops and restaurants opening hours are very short
Far from CBD??? Hmmmmm, May be you are referring to another Rosanna?
Seen one Heidelberg weirdo hanging around in five years and it was because he got off a train too early
Far from CBD? You gotta be kidding me mate. Rosanna is less than 15 km from the city! Care to check the map please?!