"Been living here for one year having moved up from brunswick,"
I'm knocking on 40 and the rents inner city are climbing north and mt merger wage is around 55,000. I moved up here for a job so i wanted to be closer to work. i lost the job unfortunately and now I'm stuck out here for the foreseeable future. Renting here is around the same price as you would get closer to town in either reservoire,coburg,fawkner,preston. I'll probably be moving back further down once the lead is up. the suburb is okay just very DULL.
The train into the city due to the growth of Melbourne is packed after 8:00am as you would expect, i get a seat most days but i would thing it wold be this packed this far north. its only going to get worse as the suburbs grow. traffic is busy as you would expect as Hight street was built in the 60's or 70's with no though of growth so if you drive you will know all about it. HOWEVER i got a cab home on the weekend and it was smooth sailing after 11pm all the way up to high street for $38 TAXI not uber which would be cheaper.
The suburb is your typical aussie suburb filled with bogans with v8's i don't mind this as I'm a bit go a bogan and if you want it to be deadly quiet then you should move to the country so there is that. the demographic around her that i can see is OLD PEOPLE, TEENAGERS, FAMILIES i haven't seen young professionals but i think that will change as it grows. the north is a booming!
Great for
- Pros: Cheap ,cheap ,cheap, defiantly working class a few rough nuts around but i wouldn't say its unsafe.
Not great for
- Cons: no pubs or decent cafes, the high road is pretty boring and epping mall is just another sprawling mall. Epping cinemas however is $10 a movie...thats awesome
Who lives here?
- Families with kids
- Retirees
Epping will be the central for North. I could see more luxury cars in this area (eg Land Rover, Mer, BMW) with more Chinese live in Mansion in Epping North
Good to hear it's booing especially Epping. It deserves that. 2 big hospital, Costco, huge Bunnings, too many shops that I cant name everything here. Bus train and so on.
I cannot get train seat on Wednesday only. Epping needs more big road, maybe near the Bunning side. If you prefer living with Chinese, live in Box Hill.
You forgot to mention full of Africans and Muslim