
1 Review0 Questions0 Answers




WOW Jordan Nash, you really did have a bad experience in Auburn. You are correct re the ABS migration stats (look at http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/theres-something-about-auburn-sydneys-demographic-hotspot-20150804-gir2sg.html) but you assume people are leaving because they have had a bad experience like you. According to the SMH people don't wish to leave, they simply can't afford to remain here. I actually think Auburn will become the Newtown of the west. If you study the history of Newtown you will see similarities.

Great for

  • Close to city
  • Shopping
  • Well connected to transport
  • Parks
  • Affordable property

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Students

I didn't assume anything and didn't make any factual claim about why residents are leaving. Besides, 'SMH' didn't say that. A single Auburn councillor did, with no evidence to back up the claim other than anecdotal evidence from one former resident. I wouldn't be quick to cite the council's opinions as gospel truth, given how unethical the very publication you're citing has exposed them to be. It's almost like they're trying to talk up their suburb to entice buyers and investors for the developments they simultaneously have financial interests in and vote on, which isn't at all a conflict of interest.


Jordan! We went to school together! How random that in looking up auburn and you are reviewing


I agree with Jordon

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