Tanika Wencia
Premier Agent

Hi there, I’m Tanika Wencia

Sales Specialist - Wiseberry Thompsons Richmond
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Wiseberry Thompsons Richmond

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About Tanika Wencia

Tanika Wencia is a Sales Specialist - Wiseberry Thompsons Richmond. To get in touch, click below:

Performance stats

Current properties for sale
Data is based on information advertised in the public domain or supplied direct by real estate agents to homely.com.au and may not contain off-market, private sales or non-disclosed prices.

Neighbourhood questions answered by Tanika Wencia

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Suburbs and streets reviewed by Tanika Wencia

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Tanika Wencia
Tanika Wencia

Tanika Wencia

1 day ago
Listed a property for sale:
985 Bells Line Of Road, Kurrajong Hills NSW 2758



985 Bells Line Of Road, Kurrajong Hills NSW 2758

  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 4725m²

House for Sale

NEW on Homely

Tanika Wencia
Tanika Wencia

Tanika Wencia

Listed a property for sale:
19/20 Paget Street, Richmond NSW 2753


19/20 Paget Street, Richmond NSW 2753

  • 2
  • 1
  • 1

Unit for Sale

8 days on Homely

Tanika Wencia
Tanika Wencia

Tanika Wencia

Listed a property for sale:
7 Castlereagh Road, Hobartville NSW 2753


7 Castlereagh Road, Hobartville NSW 2753

  • 7
  • 3
  • 3
  • 752.5m²

House for Sale

30 days on Homely

Tanika Wencia
Tanika Wencia

Tanika Wencia

Listed a property for sale:
5/35 Saddington Street, St Marys NSW 2760


5/35 Saddington Street, St Marys NSW 2760

  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
  • 69m²

Unit for Sale

Contact Tanika Wencia

Get in touch with Tanika Wencia using the details below, or send a direct message by filling in the contact form:

Tanika Wencia

Tanika WenciaSales Specialist - Wiseberry Thompsons Richmond

Wiseberry Thompsons Richmond