Want to move to Bargara - Employment?
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Want to move to Bargara - Employment?

Would like to move to Bargara but what is the chance of my partner & I finding employment, both in our late 40's
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1 Answer

We have just moved to Bargara, but still drive into our work places and schools.the lifestyle is extraordinary. The job prospects are limited, but gets back to face to face knock on doors with a personal profile, potential emploers will easily forget a phone call/email, however personal contact allows you to sell your biggest have friends in employment agencies if that will help.happy to help.


Thank you, for your answer. Finding employment in Bundaberg would be wonderful, I keep an eye on the job sites as we currently live in Sydney but fell in love with Bargara & Bundaberg when on holidays.

garymartin real estate agent

Thanks Kath Yo for taking the time to comment.....It sounded liked Susan when I asked her if we should leave Brisbane and take a bank promotion to Bundaberg. We did, on the banks promise that we would be back in Brisbane within 2 years....well the 2 years was up and the transfer back to Brisbane didn't seem very attractive at all....after enjoying the slower lifestyle, lower cost of living, 10 mins to the great beaches, awesome place to raise the kids, a huge sporting town/city and being able to find a park in front of any shop....23 years later we find ourselves still loving the lifestyle.....On the real estate side of things, we've had a gently declining market since 2008, but now showing all the same indicators that we had in 2002 (just before a 5 year booming market......No sales pitch, but if you were looking to make the move....sooner is going to be better than later. We're already seeing a a significant rise in enquiry & sales and less on the market For Sale........Iam starting to sound like a real estate agents sales pitch so I'll sign off for now....Cheers KathYo

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