Beagley Street
4.6(1 review)Beagley Street, Kallista, VIC 3791
4.6(1 review)
Great for
- Childcare
- Clean & green
- Cost of living
- Gym and fitness
- Internet access
Not great for
- No ratings yet
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families With Kids
- Retirees
Reviews of Beagley Street, Kallista
"Quiet, friendly and full of wild life..."
Beagley Street is one of those streets you dream about living on. The neighbours are so friendly but keep to themselves and when people need to band together you will be sure to get a good number of residents joining in (Wembley Road included).
It is quiet but there is also a great family vibe circulating through the street. The wild life love to pop in for a visit and you may lucky enough of some of them to take residence in your very own backyard for a while.
We call it our paradise and love the drive home through the many different routes. We have a feeling we may stay here for a every long time......
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of
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Beagley Street