Best quiet, community-feel Hinterland area to move to ..
26 answers56 following

Best quiet, community-feel Hinterland area to move to ..

Hi! Im currently living in Peregian Springs but hate the 'estate' feel and close neighbours/noise/dogs/kids thing... were a couple (early 50s life in the old dogs yet!!) keen for a 'community' vibe where people know neighbours and make friends (not rentals/transient like here) not too remote (or too many creepies in the yard ie snakes!!) where you can get reasonable house or land to build and pref nice views. Near to road networks and not too hot/inland. Somewhere peaceful/quiet where youre not constantly hearing dogs barking or kids shrieking...! PS We're not ready for the Aveo yet by the way, before someone suggests it LOL! Thanks for any constructive advice/help
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26 Answers

Ziggy59 have you found your area yet! We are also looking for an affordable quiet area on an acre. Interested to know what you have decided


Me too Ziggy

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It may be out of your search area but have you considered beautiful Tamborine mt in the Gold Coast hinterland??
Only 40 mins to the beach, within an hour of 2 airports yet could be 100+ km away from the hassle of suburbia.
With several amazing rainforest walks thru National Parks, excellent facilities and a real country town community, this is a great place to live!
I came all the way from WA 18 years ago... and love it more each day... even after all the rain we fact I love it more than ever.
To give you a taste of what we have to offer...


Tamborine has no sewerage or running water and is overpriced for what it is. So many conditions imposed by the Council. Cost to build is enormous if you're looking at acreage.

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its never really about the town that represents peaceful living, it is about a certain area, streets, estates etc. There are good pockets and there are also bad pockets. I live in Tewantin parklands and in a cul de sac and its peaceful and beautiful backing onto the forest! I have wonderful friendly neighbours....its amazing! its not far from Noosa (if I want that ...and sometimes I do) and it's close to Cooroy which is another cute friendly town. Further down from parklands is a very quiet estate the Daintree...its very peaceful...its all about balance! there is bogans/redneck everywhere....but really what harm do they do to YOUR lifestyle??? so my advice is pick certain streets/ estates, ask local people living in the area if its quiet etc


What harm do they do to your lifestyle? Harrass, open air loud parties, vandalise, drugs, domestic violence. Cause sheer horror. The talk on this forum seriously needs a reality check. The Sunshine Coast is changing very quickly huge population growth, the rednecks are prolific in Maleny, Cooroy, all the places that were once relaxing. Not anymore. Shocking place. Go to the Sunshine Coast if you want to waste money, time and throw away your health. A bunch of worthless thugs. Absolutely no culture whatsoever and the self taught conservative hobbyist will ridicule professional artists, unless the person is a millionaire. The most backward horrible place.


Exactly! What harm do they do? They ruin your life that's what they do!


thats what i was thinking!! the sunny coast is rough as


Exactly Sylviab.


So are you talking about the Sunshine Coast hinterland, it looks amazing up there


In Noosaville as a single senior woman I have been subjected to neighbours opening my side gates to snoop around while I am out - I then put locks on the gates. I was yelled at because I spent too much time in my office (one of the minor bedrooms which faced the rented property next door) even though I couldn't see into their property and nor did I want to. If I went into my bathroom they complained "she's in the bathroom again". The son had mental problems and would stand on something to look at me over the fence. My neighbour on the other side would make sure I knew she could see me whenever I went into my garden to try to make me feel uncomfortable, not to be friendly. I had tradies arriving at 6am who would park outside my home (I had a wide frontage) making a noise and then all piling into one vehicle before driving off with one of my neighbours). This was done to annoy me. For some reason they obviously didn't want an old lady (from interstate) who was friendly, yet minded her own business, was quiet and respectful of others and their properties living in their street. I moved to Cooroibah and it is exactly the same. I have had to install security cameras because the neighbours have been repeatedly trespassing. I have been threatened because I wanted a proper fence to keep out their horses and they didn't want one as they used the escaping horses to come onto my property to snoop around. I have had to warn them that I have been to the police and made a statement of their behaviour and that if they trespass again or threaten me I will take them to court. This has made a difference because luckily my cameras recorded the wife standing over me threatening me, wagging her finger in my face and ridiculing me because I have no family. How nasty was that!! I am not the only woman experiencing these things. It seems Queenslanders don't like interstaters coming up, unless they are spending their holiday cash or whether they don't like older women owning homes. I think there is so much nastiness up here that I have never experienced anywhere else I've lived (several other states). The people who have been friendly and nice to me are all from interstate.

I lived in noosa banks tewantin for 15 years loved it

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Looking for a home in Cooroy, QLD 4563

To advise Maleny as a relaxing lifestyle, is not acccurate. They try to keep this image. They scream, harrass, domestic violence. It is a poor area, a ghetto. Just because there are a couple of different bookshops in the main street does not make it a relaxing lifestyle. I only say this as if someone requires peace and listens to disinformation, they waste a lot of money and have their health deteriorate. Other states are open and honest about regions. Why all the pretending? Maleny, the town is full of derro yobs. It is just a bogan country town on a hill. Peaceful? That is ridiculous. Ridiculous.


Goodness me tanyaw1, you've certainly got it in for our small town. It's nearly impossible to recognise the Maleny we've lived in for nearly 15 years from your rather vicious description. Yes, we have a few of the problems experienced in many other places, large and small, but to say that the town is 'full of derro yobs' is simply ludicrous. I haven't encountered screaming or harassment but there are countless examples of a community which cares for everyone (check out the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, the Maleny Community Centre and many similar groups) be they wealthy, poor or, as most of us are, average. There are actually three bookshops in town - all independent and locally owned and run. We have independently owned and run shops such as a butcher, fish and chip shop, hardware and stock feed outlets. The IGA is outstanding and they contribute a great deal to local charities and groups like the SES, Cadets, hospital and day care facilities as well as other organisations further afield. This reply is rather late in the writing as I only noticed it a few moments ago but I thought it was an idea to put a dose of informed comment and reality into the subject just in case some intending visitors or residents happen upon this site. Come on up to Maleny, check out what this amazing community has to offer, enjoy the cooler weather in winter, avoid the worst of the heat and humidity in summer and maybe you'll get the real story instead of relying on one very unpleasant comment. Thank you.

Hi do you have a mold problem up there, when we visited someone up there, just parked in the street and I could smell mold, I just wondered, because I really need to go somewhere that's cooler as I don't handle the heat very well, we are near woodford by the way, I just want to know what's like.

Yes mold is quite an issue for months on end, every year in Maleny ( I built on a rise in the elevated Mary Cairncross Av ( not in any of the valleys) and put in more extensive drainage than council requirements. I lived there for 12years. You need to fire up the slow combustion wood fire stove even in summer - once a week let it burn for several hours, if there is a moderate summer wet season, plus make much use of eucalyptus, clove oil blend in diffusers in use often and rubbed on various surfaces - to keep mold away. It is a beautiful area. There is a good, diverse community spirit. Main street in/out of town is dreadfully congested, especially school hours.


I totally agree Tanya. I lived in Maleny for 9 months and was bored to death. Nothing to do, and what there is to do you get bored with pretty quickly. Then there is the horrible steep, winding road up there and down to the coast. If you have teenagers there is nothing for them to do, no public transport, only one taxi (lucky if you can get that!). There is a large alternative lifestyle community who like to think they're "cool" but really they're just a lot of lazy, dole bludgers. It's a pretty area, but in my opinion only worth a day trip.

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Diddillibah, Kiels Mountain or Rosemount areas are all very good. Small acreage, but still only 10 mins to Maroochydore or Nambour, Beaches and river close by. Also lovely caf at Rosemount called Rawsome, vegan and dairy free. Big pineapple markets on Saturday mornings for your fresh local fruit and veg.

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Have you looked at "Yandina Creek". It is a bit of hidden gem on the ridge with stunning hinterland and ocean views. Less than 10 Mins from Coolum Beach!

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I am glad I found this. We lived on Magnetic Island and Townsville from 2003 to early 2015. We had terrible problems with unruly (that is an understaement!) neighbours and hated to see the destruction of the environment (particularly all the mango trees taken down which are loved by the flying foxes). Barking dogs were another issue and Council were as useless as an ashtray on a motorcycle! In the end we sold our property and went overseas for 16 months and are now living in Metung, East Gippsland. A beautiful spot but we have our property on the market and were seriously contemplating the Sunshine Coast (we have a friend in Cooroy) and have been up there a couple of times in the past but reading this forum all our fears have been confirmed.

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As I write this, people are screaming, and hollering in the background. That is how they speak on a routine basis. Yesterday, another neighbour yelling making writing a letter a challenge let along working from home. Every town I have tried up here is irrelevant. They are rowdy, loud unpleasant people everywhere. Should any peace be sought one would need to be on substantial acreage. Then be mindful that even on a large block or area, many up here are tradespeople, labourers and have no respect for council laws or the peace and comfort of others. They are prolific power tool users. As the population increases up here, the quality of rest and tranquility has become a memory. I am not writing this in spite or to be vindictive, just to spare people from wasting their finance with false expectations that would be encouraged by sales people and communities fixated on maintaining a false image. I have lived in the middle of 4 CBD's and it was quieter. I have never seen such nonsense . Some areas have people singing in open air, out of tune, the shocking sounds heard blocks away. Most that speak want people located, about 3 houses down the street to hear they yell that loud.
It is not the place to come for peace and quiet.
This is definitely the redneck capital, but worse than redneck as they are also invasive and will try to accuse others if they struggle in the environment that they have a problem. They, don't like anything different and try to make things difficult for people different to them. I say this to bring some truth and honesty amongst the lies and deceptive marketing. Leave the state altogether. If you do not become like them, they won't include you in the community. Most are heavy drinkers and fitting in means having no standards of moral decency and hold fast to deceptive marketing to entice people to the area. Leave if you can.


What suburb do you live in? I agree with everything you say. We live in a peaceful suburb near Beerburrum/Elimbah, all acreage and very peaceful. We chose to live here because of all the people you speak of...I don't want anything to do with them and I refuse to become like them. I have found some likeminded friends, but it's been a struggle.

Hi Tanyaw1 You are just getting a taste of Qld and Queenslanders. Try moving and living in north Queensland if you think Melany is Bowen is 100 times worse the problem is these people never go or do anything and cry if anyone else does. QLD has the most ignorant and arigent people in Australia for no reason at all, I am fairly sure this attitude stems from Joe Bielke Peterson's error when Qld was the most progressive state in Australia. What Joe didn't count on was he was dealing with greedy small minded Queenslanders. Once you understand this and you don't need them you get along fine.

Yes I have to agree its a Qld thing, I just came back from a few days in Cairns scouting for property and it would seem that the further north you move the worse the people are. I agree it must stem from JBP days. They all think Qld is paradise and the only place to be, but what they don't see is that it has been ruined with poor housing development, people building boundary to boundary ( do we really need such huge houses that have to be cooled with the air con running constantly) and many of the houses empty as they are only holiday houses. All this does is create ghost towns that are 50% occupied, if that and are only busy during the school holidays. Needless to say restaurants charge the earth for a simple meal. A cup of coffee in Cairns is so expensive, more than I have paid anywhere in Australia.


Well i live on the gold coast and the people here are so nice and friendly from one end to the other good community spirit to i would never go back to sa ever love this place


You say you are writing to warn people, however, you do sound spiteful and vindictive. Reading your posts, clearly you have an axe to grind. Not all Queenslanders are the same and not all areas are the same. That's like saying all New South Wales and the people who come from there are the same, all Victorians are the same, etc.. Telling people they should leave the state; that's ridiculous! I moved to Cairns 18 years ago. I have never had a problem. We were warmly welcomed by the true North Queenslanders. It was the ones who had only been here, or staying for, a short time that were standoffish. We had no trouble fitting into the community. We don't smoke or drink and lead a very quiet life and met some truly wonderful people here. The neighbourhood I live in is beautiful and quiet with great neighbours who look out for each other. I have lived in a few places in Queensland and made good friends in each place. Maybe it's an attitude thing.


Well said Tanyaw1. My neighbours in Noosaville were nearly all tradies. Loud, beer-swilling, swearing bozo's who thought they were men because they had a beer in one hand and a fag in the other. Nothing could be further from the truth. On Friday and Saturday nights I was subjected to loud music and then the long drawn-out goodbyes outside my home at 3am. Revving engines and loud trikes riding around their property - it was a nightmare. They didn't like the fact a woman was able to buy a large house and live in it alone, so I was snubbed. I couldn't wait to leave, absolutely the worst place I have ever lived. Now living temporarily with a friend in Maleny while I am house-hunting. Her street is quiet, but the town is full of old hippies and the "alternative" crowd, trying to shock or put on a show for the tourists on Saturday ie walking around town with a parrot on their shoulder, or sitting in the street strumming guitars etc. Not sure where I will end up, all I want is a quiet neighbourhood with nice neighbours who respect each other- surely not too much to ask for.


Hi Tanya, so glad you wrote this because now I know it's not my fault that I'm experiencing such ugly behaviour from neighbours .

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I agree with some of the answers above but want to throw a few more locations into the mix. Consider Verrierdale, its close to your current location and offers the feel you are after. Also look at the acreage off Murdering Creek Road, Peregian Beach, beautiful blocks close to the beach and you can see the community pride from the messages on the public notice board as you enter the area. Also Doonan is famous for the the hinterland vibe, community feel and access to Noosa and Eumundi. Good luck

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Maybe consider Cooroy Ziggy59. A great small town feel where the whole town pulls up stumps by 1pm Saturday to socialise with the neighbours. A quiet small town only 15mins from Noosa with new land opening up to build, or current homes at very reasonable prices. Definitely worth a drive down Maple Street, the centre of town, to get a feel for what is becoming a more sort after quiet lifestyle.

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Coming up alone dont want to feel isolated but need a few acres close to beachesd6


I have been looking for the last 6 months and have given up...maybe 15 years too late for this region. I was looking for a small acreage as well but still close to the beach, and unfortunately that is very hard to come by up here and down the east coast of Australia, as real estate is still skyrocketing everywhere near the ocean. I now think going overseas may be the answer. I was looking at Cooroy, still a good vibe, the town has defiantly picked up even in the last 6 months, Eumundi/Doonan too expensive, Kin Kin is nice but there is one windy road in and out to Cooroy town. I am glad I found this forum, as I think this has confirmed my thoughts on the region....which is don't bother looking anymore, its just too busy.


It is sad that it is full of thugs and ruined. If you lived there years ago and return a decade later it is very apparent and the type of people are rubbish.

woodgate and or rainbow beach. low populations, flat areas, beaches outstanding. quiet. not too many resources, but depends how old you are. the idea is to get a moble home and go andlook and stay in these areas. i am in tewantin and so tired of the ignorant tree cutting neighbours with barking dogs ( under excerciesed back yard accessories ).

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Buderim has everything you are looking for. Quiet yet close to everything and some of the best dog parks and walks around. What about Coffee at the Bird & Bee with your pooch.
Move her and you will love it. All the best ........Lloyd


Want to to 20 acres to house a couple of horses

I have been told that Buderim is a bit hilly and I do have some issues with walking , due to age.

where would you suggest to live in Buderim if you loved the peace and quiet and were physically active?

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Kin Kin is a great community! Lots of community spirit like the good old days. People sharing veges and fruit they have grown themselves. Great friendly school where all the kids are like cousins. They have a great kitchen garden scheme by Stephanie Alexander where the entire community are involved! In the Noosa Hinterland and only 35 minutes from Noosa!


Ive been looking around there, I have kids do you think it would be good for families?

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We are a family from Sydney looking to move from the Blue Mountains to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland as we are over the cold winter weather. We have 2 boys 18 and 16. We were actually looking at the Maleny/Montville area??!! Glad I found this post!!


Although this is a pretty area, it is terrible for night life, public transport and taxi's (only one taxi in Maleny). A lot of families move to the coast when their children become teenagers as they have to drive for miles down a steep road to take their children/teens to activities. I lived at Maleny for about 7 months and was bored to death.

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Cooroy is another option to consider. My parents-in-law have just built there, and love the community feel. It is also only 25 minutes from the hustle and bustle of Noosa. A great Main Street with cafes/shops/restaurants.

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I wish I could answer the original question. I'm looking for that place myself, but I'm afraid it could be a fantasyland. Anywhere one has neighbours, one is bound to have a problem with one or two of them. Even people who live on acreage in rural areas have problems with neighbours, so sometimes it's worth just double-glazing your house, putting on the air-conditioning, ignoring the world and staying where you are. Drugs seem to be a problem in many rural and urban centres; often it's just exchanging one problem for another. Good luck though and I will follow with interest.


tamborine mountain would be my pick to answer the original question.. or currumbin valley.. I just purchased on Tamborine Mountain, building there just after christmas


I think it always pays to have a look at the crime stats for an area before making the move.

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Tannum Sands has it all, honestly, it is a hidden gem. it's like stepping back in time.


I used to live in Tannum Sands when I worked in Gladstone. It was an excellent little spot then and safe to walk alone at night. Not sure how it is now. Excellent family beaches there too.

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I'm wanting to buy an investment property on reasonably flat acreage that I can move to eventually and grow and enjoy frangipani. Nice views would be a bonus
Sounds to me though that rentals are a bit of a no no in the areas I am thinking of ?

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This is near Gympie drive through stage 2
St Andrews Estate Curra Qld:

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All sound worth investigating but how warm r ur summer months... not horse weather?


Unbearable humidity, take cold showers and put on wet clothes, still too hot. A necessity to have air conditioning and access to good swimming. The place is overpopulated and polluted with low quality people and they have utterly destroyed the environment. Destroyed the place.

I really hope you've left the Sunny Coast now, Tanya. It's not just the odd bogan but also the complete downers who have nothing better to do than whinge and whine that try to destroy this paradise. I hear Antartica is good this time of year. The population might suit you.


I am not whinging, Natalie. I lived there when it was paradise, went away and returned to find the information important to share with others to spare them from making choices that may have a detrimental impact on health and finances. I have mentioned that living in cities has been more peaceful due to the people having consideration for others. The whole point of wanting to live there is to enjoy the natural beauty, but developers have ruined and subdivided places I used to have fond memories of and turned forest into golf courses. It should have restrictions and regulations to how much wilderness and nature is destroyed. A study has found that two of the worst towns in the nation for crime are located on the Sunshine Coast. These people are moving throughout the region. I must say I do have more respect for the Emperor Penguin, as they nurse their egg for 4 months in minus 80 degrees without food, to protect and love their chick, than I do for most of the people I have come across in these times. Now please leave your crass comments to yourself.


Hear! Hear! Tanyaw1

i totally agree tanya, 30 years here, too mnay people with too much noise and chaotic renovations. dogs barking ( uloved and back yard accessories ). people in business suits driving HUGE white 4wd that will never see sand. this place is a farce now and just embarrassing. my neighbours moved in and cut every tree down on the block. total devastation and invasion of privacy. no respect. everyone has arrived and brough their ignorance, bad manners, high and mighty attitudes with them. the traffic is that of main roads now. constant and alarming.

and whoever N is. you are so out of touch with your silly argumentative comments. you are the sort of person who has moved here with your fighting words.

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Beerburum,woodford,maleny cheaper blocks of land and relaxing lifestyle, so over children/young adult's and nightclub culture. Have to be careful near caboolture either live up or down train line as there is way to many ice addicts/drunks/violence/destruction/ vandalism in other areas.As well as break ins,burglaries, thefts.


Beerburrum and Elimbah are peaceful areas...acreage only

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Cooroy, Kin Kin, Eumundi, hands down for that good 'ol country community spirit, but don't discount the older parts of Noosa Heads, Tewantin and Tinbeerwah. I have found a wonderful community spirit everywhere I have lived in Noosa, collecting neighbours along the way as life long friends.


tewantin is ruined. so many renters with bad habits and unloved dogs. bark bark bark. loud voices, unmowed lawns, cars and unused trailers littering the streets. the problem is, there are just too many people in the world now cramming into these houses due to rental crisis. there are cars everywhere. argumentative comments not welcome. any constructive criticism from intelligent thinking beings bring it on.


Could the shire/council introduce a cap on the number of human's who can dwell in the area?

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Consider Holland Park, Jewel Box. Massive bushland, beautiful walking tracks and fantastic family community.


Sadly, Holland Park is not what it used to be. Splitter blocks, overdevelopment of apartments. It's lost its backyard, suburban feel.


Holland Park is being ruined by buyers chopping down all the trees and making it just like any over-developed suburb in Brisbane; tree-less, hot and overcrowded.

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Peachester has a real friendly feel about the place, You have fantastic views throughout the Glasshouse Mountains area and a quiet tranquility transcends this wonderful town. It is close to Beerwah with its rail links to Brisbane and has great road links to the Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas. The beautiful towns of Montville and Maleny are on your doorstep and all in all this little jewel of a town is an Idyllic place to live. Move there fast before everyone discovers its potential and you will not be disappointed.
You heard it here first!!

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You have to consider Beerwah. Great Hinterland town with all the amenities. Peaceful, quiet with a strong community and only 20 minutes to the beach (Caloundra) and 45 minutes to Brisbane with great road networks. This is where heaven was meant to be had God not decided to put it up in the clouds!


Beerwah is about 70 minutes to Brisbane on a good day. During peak hour it's more like 2 hours


Beerwah is bogan country.


Queensland is bogan country ... (excluding some parts of Noosa)


But one has to ask; where have those bogans come from? Many have come from south of the Queensland border.


Nope, my experience is of dinky di Queenslanders (the original bogan). I've lived in Noosaville and now Cooroibah and in each place my neighbours have loved to trespass and snoop around my property to see what I have and if anything might be of use to them. Then there is the neighbour who rushes out to see what I'm doing whenever I venture outside - he has cameras and an alert system set up for when I exit my front and back doors. The neighbour on the other side is a crass, loud-mouthed, foul-mouthed mother who is an embarrassment whenever people visit my home. FB has also mentioned about the trespassing and harassment of women living alone. Having lived all over Australia I've come to the conclusion that sadly, the only nice people I've met up here have all been southerners.

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What about Eumundi ? That's a nice place with a bit of a hippy feel. On Saturdays they have the market (which is awesome) .. but I get the feeling it's quiet the other times. Of course, the A1 freeway is near by too. The beaches 20 mins drive.

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