Deepdene Rd, Balwyn, VIC 3103
Ranked 7th best street by locals in Balwyn, VIC
Great for
- Pest-free
- Public transport
- Resale or rental value
- Schools
- Clean & green
Not great for
- Cost of living
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families With Kids
- Retirees
- Singles
Reviews of Deepdene Rd, Balwyn
"Beautiful Street – Lovely Area. Quiet but convenient"
Deepdene Rd is a little piece of paradise just off buy Whitehorse Rd and Burke Street. It is surprisingly quiet and tree lined, there is great public transport with the tram at one end into town and the other end of the street you get a quick tram to Camberwell station or just walk, from Camberwell it is about 13min express into the city.
The only downside to the area is the price it is not cheap to live in Deepdene, and as a result there are not many young families on the street. However there are some and the schools nearby re great… We loved our time on the street and would go back again.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
"Beatiful street, mansions and older homes."
Deepdene Road, Balwyn is a cut through between Mont Albert Road and Whitehorse Road, has a number of newer mansions on the street. Lots of traffic up towards the OLGC School (Whitehorse Road end) which cause havoc and on Sundays when church is on. Turning right onto Whitehorse Road can be a struggle.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
This review is spot-on, nice street that is used as a cut-through.