East Pallant St, North Adelaide, SA 5006
Great for
- Childcare
- Eating out
- Gym and fitness
- Internet access
- Medical facilities
Not great for
- Clean & green
- Lack of traffic
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
Reviews of East Pallant St, North Adelaide
"Cosmopolitan living for young professional couples"
Right next door to popular Melbourne Street, East Pallant Street is a great spot for renters or first home owners. Due to the pricing of this prime location, it is most probably best suited to professional couples.
The homes are mostly low maintenance townhouses, usually with some parking which is great because finding a park is not easy on this narrow street.
The street has changed back and forth over the years form being two way to one way only and now back to two way again, depending on the local view of traffic in the area. Be very careful though - there are restrictions in turning in to this little street from Melbourne Street during peak hour and this is monitored very carefully by the police.
All in all, it's a brilliant location. Close to everything Melbourne Street has to offer, near to the parklands, and just a short walk or quick bus ride from the CBD.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles