Eton St, Malvern, SA 5061
Ranked 1st best street by locals in Malvern, SA
Great for
- Childcare
- Gym and fitness
- Shopping options
- Clean & green
- Eating out
Not great for
- Parking
- Pest-free
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families With Kids
- Retirees
Reviews of Eton St, Malvern
"Local resident"
The footpaths in eton street are a disgrace. The noises from the industrial size air conditioners and smells from the businesses especially their unemptied bins along duthy street are revolting and waft down eton street. Do not expect to park in front of your house during the day. Those spaces are taken by the workers in the local businesses. the council could not care less about any of the resident's concerns.
Several of the houses in Eton street are rentals. The occupants like to play their music all hours of the night even during the week. Although I have lived in Malvern for over 10 years, I fail to see that there is anything very attractive about it.
Great for
- Close to the city
Not great for
- Mixture of nice and dumpy houses
- Too many expanding businesses
"Beautiful one day, perfect the next."
Lovely, wide & quiet street, with friendly neighbours. Our part of the street is blocked off at one end - perfect for the kids to ride their bikes when they were young, & more recently for our son to start driving lessons.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees