Is Frankston a safe place to live?
22 answers29 following

Is Frankston a safe place to live?

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22 Answers

Frankston has changed! It's an incredible bayside suburb that no longer deserves the bad reputation. Just spend a weekend in Frankston to see it for yourself! This is not the same Frankston of 10/20 years ago. Not even close. Modern Frankston is a beautiful area with great infrastructure, amazing beaches, schools, Monash University , entertainment, cafes and shopping! So much money has been invested into Frankstonin the past 10 years and it is really evident that it's completely changed the area for the better! Beautiful part of Melbourne and it is inevitably only going to get better and better !


It's the bad eggs from other suburbs, that give Frankston a bad name. I moved here, with my Parents in 1971. My husband and I have raised 5 children. Like all suburbs, there are good and bad spots, but overall, Frankston is pretty good.

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Hi Kailee,

I have lived in Frankston my whole life and love it! It's a great spot to live! I have never had any issues with crime or anything like that.

Hope this helps!

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ive lived in sommie, frankston seaford and many surrounding towns and i can say i love frankston, its a great place

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Looking for a home in Frankston, VIC 3199

The best thing to do would be to spend a day in Frankston. You'll quickly realise that it is a truly beautiful beachside suburb of Melbourne with a relaxed, friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

I have never once felt unsafe in Frankston. Everyone is friendly and it seems more and more young families from the city are moving in!

Modern Frankston is not the same Frankston as 10 years ago. A lot of money has been invested in the area (e.g. the new railway station) and it is getting better and better every time I visit.

It seems many people still see Frankston the way it was but it has changed so much. See it for yourself! A beautiful beachside suburb of Melbourne with great infrastructure!


What you're saying is true. When you talk about the beach, the foreshore, the tourists and the families with kids, they mostly congregate around the foreshore located at the foot of Oliver's Hill which boasts some multi-million dollar mansions. Sure you won't find bogans there. Now spend 5 minutes in young st opposite frankston station and you'd be likely to not want to come back to frankston. Weirdo's, freaks, undesirable aggressive looking people who you don't make eye contact with. Then comes the neighbours of most frankston units/apartments and when I say Frankston, I mean Frankston. Not Oilvers Hill. Not Frankston South. Not Mt Eliza. Frankston central area. Bogan area. Your neighbours will probably be either nuisances, violent, threatening or all of the above. Beach st in frankston central boasts one of the highest areas of armed robberies of shops. So you wanna go to a frankston pub for a beer? Call an ambulance in advance. By the time you finish your beer and have blood all over your face the ambulance should be there for you. It's a good thing that Frankston hospital has now become one of the best in Victoria. Fairly recently walking home from the station a young drunk bogan walking in an adjacent direction to me shouted out "nice watch!", then, "don't ignore me you rude c--t". And what about that king-hit guy who hit someone walking past him for absolutely no reason at all. And what about the 'standard frankston punch-ups'. Like the one I saw at the entrance of the shopping centre where police had to use spray etc while male, females alike were going full on fighting. And not long after that came another gang fight inside the shopping centre. I do my best not to walk around frankston unless I really need to. And I drive with all my doors locked and the windows up so as to be safe.

The area around the station seemed fine to me. When I visited back in 2011 it was like a different place. It's improved so much and I didn't experience any problems while I was there or on Young St. Atmosphere seems to have changed completely and it now feels like a welcoming, clean and safe area. I know this was not the case back in 2011 but it has definitely changed. It was actually the area around the station and Frankston North that I noticed the greatest improvement. I'd encourage anyone with doubts to travel to Franskton for the day to see it for yourself. In my opinion it's a safe, friendly bayside suburb that's improved so much over the past 10 years.


Whoever G is doesn't know Frankston at all. Its not what it was in the 80's and early 90's. I have lived here my whole life. Cops get called to areas surrounding the Frankston hospital more than any other area. Living in areas off skye rd and karingal drive is just average families. You will always get the odd bad apple in any suburb but I would rather live in Frankston over Cranbourne, Dandenong or anywhere in the western suburbs


Also station area on young street isn't bad at all anymore because of pso's have cleaned it up. G or adam doesn't know what they are talking about


You can't judge Frankston, on a couple of places. Overall, it's pretty good. Like anywhere, don't walk the streets in Frankston, at night


Frankston is full of junkies.

I am looking to move to the Mornington Peninsula area to be closer to our daughter and grandchildren. I have seen a few properties in Frankston South that I love , however being very new to the area would love some feedback.

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its fine, i would say my train trip to work is more dangerous than frankston.

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Hi Kailee1994. Great question and in my job I meet a great deal of people who have moved down from closer to the city to live in Frankston. I recently had some clients who grew up in Cheltenham, moved down to Frankston and they love it here! Buying a property in Frankston is a lifestyle 'sea' change. Yes there are some shady characters in Frankston and some areas are not so nice, however I live in Cheltenham and there are some very strange looking people who hang around the train station and telephone box! Frankston is similar to a box of Favorites - some properties are your plain old chocolate flavour and some properties we sell are absolutely stunning and a real Turkish Delight :-)

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I lived in Frankston/Mt Eliza for over 50years,befor that I was living in inner Melb.
The Peninsula will doo any time.


Mt Eliza is a different world. So is Oliver's Hill I'm talking about central frankston where crime is happening and should be stopped. Not at the corner of Canadian Bay Road heading towards some billion dollar wine property estates

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frankston vic is a socieo-economic low area but the property prices today are high and unaffordable for most new house buyers and rents are over-priced considering the typical kind of bogan neighbours you get, who can, and most likely will resort to violence or threats of violence for the most trivial issues such as "why are you flushing your toilet at 3am!" or "why are you coming home so late I can hear your footsteps!". Ive lived in this zoo for 15 years now and I can say it doesn't end here. I've noticed a steady increase of aggressive, (ready to punch someone out), bogans roaming the area. And the rents just keep increasing. So "Is Candlebark Street a risky part of Frankston?". Yes it most certainly is like most streets of this jungle called frankston. It's
also needless to say that it is racist in many ways, even myself being Greek and having the odd bogan look at me like he wants to start a fight? OK, fine, I don't look back and I walk away however I've got 22 years of 'win-chun, kung fu' training holding a 4-dan blackbelt any would-be attacker better pre-book a hospital bed


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I've lived in and around Frankston for most of my life, yes there's a few eggs but hasn't everywhere got a less desirable place to be or live? I love Frankston, and the increase in prices in every corner was always on the cards. I think that some people are thinking in the past rather than the future. Yes it had a bad reputation especially in the 'Pines' and 'Karingal' but that is disappearing very quickly due to new or renovated properties in those areas. The old shabby looking houses getting good prices at auction etc. I welcome the new Frankston and surrounding suburbs, the updated hospital, Uni, schools, new houses and other developments (Pen link, train station, PARK etc)

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i was stabbed 6 times in candlebark street for trying to break up a fight, i do not reccomend live there.


Well beat them up

You can get stabbed ANYWHERE trying to break up a fight! I do hope that next time you see a fight in Candlebark Street or anywhere else on this planet, you do the sensible thing and call the police......


I'm sorry to hear this and hope you are now well. Many people boast that frankston is safe but it is not! Where else apart from Mars would you smell a deodorant ignorant bogan picking on you at the supermarket whilst you are trying to keep your 1.5m apart?

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Hi thanks for your reply
Can I ask where about is this happening in your neighbourhood. Is it the ambassador ? Only there does this kind of thing happen. I've lived there a few years ago for 2.5 years. In this time I was bashed twice on unprovoked attacks (like stepping out of my front door), both times hospitalised with head injuries. Have had neighbouring thugs using vice and stand-over tactics to keep getting cigarettes and small amounts of money off me. Constant all hours neighbourhood disputes. Disputes which most of the time resulted in aggressive talk and action, aggressive behaviour involving violence, window smashing, fights, unruly drunkenness and more unsociable behaviour at this place. My advice is to not rent there and pay an extra $20 per week or so and get out of this area.


Mate - you need to pick a better share house!!

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No it is not a safe area, hence, the property prices are so low despite beach front nearby. High crime, lots of drug addicts and bogans.


And where are you sourcing these statistics?? ....or might this just be your humble opinion?

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Things you have said are hard to find reported like the frankston fights, etc. I have been complaining about this place, but now you have made me aware of things I didn't know nor have I seen as much. So I will now be more careful and be careful yourself.

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I understand your concerns, gigi1711, you can get some unruly aggressive people in frankston. Just try to park your car in the shopping centers and don't walk around streets that surround the train station at odd hours when there are less people about. Keep safe

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I'd recommend sitting (in your car, windows up and doors locked) near the station, then feel free to go to Bayside shops, my partner had someone try to start a fight with him? Just because? I had a guy with neck tattoos go nuts at me when I was lost , just people watch, see if day time or night time you want the people as your neighbour. They need help, but they're not getting it! So a life of crime and being aggressive is all they know and will continue to know.

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Beach Street itself is something to be avoided. I would never in a million years feel comfortable walking alone , even in the day! Criminals are way too overconfident that they can't be touched in Frankston, probably because they're all out on bail. Police constantly locking people up for the judge to let em free. Yes there are worse areas of course, not saying it's the worst. I've lived in a couple of different places over melb and this isn't one I want to raise my kids near....

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I'm going to agree with a lot of people, I myself have seen too much of the dark side in Frankston, unfortunately I don't feel safe over the last 7 years of working IN Frankston. One of they days walking into work I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a woman sitting in the gutter of McDonald's at 10am drinking a cask?
I also witnessed 10 or so "kids" running from the police all through traffic, on roads, cops caught up with them half of them weren't in cuffs because they were too young!!!

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For those that don't know, it might help to learn that there are three 'Frankstons' - Frankston North, Frankston and Frankston South. Each is an independent suburb. Frankston itself also contains the areas of Karingal, Frankston East and Frankston Heights.

Frankston South contains well-kept homes and clean streets. I have lived there and never had any issues. Most homes there are owner-occupied. Frankston North is quite a small area, and most of the houses are very shabby, with many cement-board homes. There is rubbish on the streets and I'd say most dwellings are either housing commission or low-grade rentals.

Frankston itself is a bit of a mix between the other two. There are some beautiful residential areas but also some that look more like Frankston North. However, neither F Nth or F Sth have notable shopping areas, whereas Frankston has a good shopping centre, railway station and excellent, family-friendly beach front. There is also a state-of -the-art pool & recreation centre, an arts centre and a very good library.

Overall, Frankston and Frankston South are a lot nicer than many other suburbs I could name and don't deserve a bad reputation. I can't really evaluate Frankston North, other than by appearances.

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I've lived in Frankston south for over 20 years having moved here from Doncaster. I can honestly say I love the area.its a major city with all the infrastructure you would expect, uni, tafe, major hospitals (public and private), shopping centres, cinemas, restraints etc. We are the only major city between melb and port sea, on the bay.

For the price, this area is a little gold mine. They have amazing activities on the foreshore for all to enjoy. I remember back when port melbourne was so dodgy, you would be afraid to walk the streets, So to Williamstown. At the end of the day you have to look at what your buying into. The location and infrastructure will always trump over all else.

As prices move up, people move along. I've raised my children here and both are now at uni and doing incredibly well. It can be colourful, but that's life anywhere. Always had fantastic neighbours and have developed Long term friendships here. could not imagine living anywhere else. I love my regular walks along the beach and many recreational activities for the kids and us, as a family to enjoy.

Melbourne city has more issues than here in my opinion lol.

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Well I'll come clean frankston ok cause crime is a disease mate and I am the cure mate

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So there is no police in the area to make it safe?


Of course there is lol

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Is Candlebark Street a risky part of Frankston?

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