Grandview Drive, Newport, NSW 2106
Ranked 2nd best street by locals in Newport, NSW
Great for
- Clean & green
- Safe and sound
- Internet access
- Parks and recreation
- Resale or rental value
Not great for
- No ratings yet
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families With Kids
- Singles
- Retirees
- Beach Lovers
Reviews of Grandview Drive, Newport
"Plenty of trees, sun, and stunning views"
A long winding street, really steep in some areas. The beauty of this street is that it has the Crown of Newport reserve on one side and stunning sea views on the other side. Most houses are $1M, with a few even fetching over $2M. If you are into jogging, the street will leave you without breath, such is the slope in parts. Really narrow footpaths are both a blessing and a curse: Not many people walk around, but you can't either - in some parts, there is no footpath at all, which makes walking around the area quite dangerous. All in all, Grandview Drive is the prime street in Newport.
Great for
- Views
- Plenty of trees
- Close to the reserve
Not great for
- No footpaths in parts
- Steep in parts
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Beach Lovers
"Leafy, beautiful views, best accessibility at the top or the bottom."
Grandview Drive
Grandview Drive is certainly a drive with a grand view – a street lined with houses in precarious positions, some of which have fantastic coastal vistas.
The road ascends up to Bilgola Plateau from the base at Seaview Avenue, Newport. It is a very steeply twisting road, with several hair pin bends, and unfortunately many of the local drivers seem to completely ignore the centre road lines, so care should be taken when negotiating these bends.
Right after turning onto the beginning of Grandview, there are two or three speed bumps (mostly for hindrance of the downhill drivers I believe), and then the road evens out.
On the left hand side (high side) of this low section, many of the houses have great ocean views. On the right hand side – many of the lower property’s sloping backyards back on to a reserve with a walking track through to the bottom, flatter sections of Newport – and from thence, giving easy walking access to beach and shops.
This is a good thing for those locals who like to walk – as there are little in the way of footpaths on the street frontage, and to traverse the whole of Grandview Drive by foot would be precarious.
As the road rises, so the blocks become steeper. There is a side cul-de-sac on the first major bend – Sybil Street – attractive for the almost north facing properties with their views, and the steep gardens leading down into rainforest reserve with waterfalls.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids