U1: $600k-$650k / U5: $500k-$550k

3 Bed  •  2 Bath  •  2 Car

Main view of Homely unit listing, 1 & 5/60 Patterson Avenue, Keilor VIC 3036
Floorplan of Homely unit listing, 1 & 5/60 Patterson Avenue, Keilor VIC 3036
Second view of Homely unit listing, 1 & 5/60 Patterson Avenue, Keilor VIC 3036

1 & 5/60 Patterson Avenue, Keilor VIC 3036

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U1: $600k-$650k / U5: $500k-$550k

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  • 2

Unit for sale

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Unit description


Choose from these two homes at 60 Patterson Avenue, Keilor. Ideal for investment (currently leased).

1/60; Rendered brick and tiled roof exterior with a large hallway feeding of to 3 bedrooms (main with ensuite), living room with raked ceiling, well-appointed kitchen with adjacent dining area, central family bathroom, separate toilet, and laundry. Car accommodation is a double garage. Other features include timber cabinetry in the kitchen with gas cooktop and dishwasher, and outside pergola.

5/60; Brick veneer and tiled roof exterior, this fabulous home comprises 2 spacious bedrooms with BIRs, central bathroom, open plan modern well laid out kitchen-dining-living area, laundry and carport. Other features include gas appliances, dishwasher, stone bench tops, glass splashbacks, and split system heating/cooling and ducted heating.

Both these dwellings are located within walking distance to bus stop and local shops with schools and shopping center close by.


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Third view of Homely unit listing, 1 & 5/60 Patterson Avenue, Keilor VIC 3036View more
Fourth view of Homely unit listing, 1 & 5/60 Patterson Avenue, Keilor VIC 3036View more

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1 & 5/60 Patterson Avenue, Keilor VIC 3036
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