Any updates on kilburn and its safety, attractiveness to rent or buy...kind of people etc.
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Any updates on kilburn and its safety, attractiveness to rent or buy...kind of people etc.

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1 Answer

I just moved here 3 months ago. I find there are different pockets of Kilburn with different levels of safety. I am at Galway St. which seems quite safe. I work in community services and in finance. My partner is in security, and the lady across the street fromy us is head nurse at an ED in a hospital. I don't know what my other neighbour's do but they seem to be nice enough and keep their lawns and houses very neat and tidy. There are some houses on our street that looks sketchy still and dump rubbish out the front. I take my dogs for walks in the day and see some ofriends the people in the area do look sketchyou but no one has ever harassed me and no matter how sketchy they looked they always smiled. There are some pockets of kilburn that I would not live in or even walk in the street in the day but my street seems pretty OK. The houses down this area of kilburn also seem to be on the higher price range compared to some parts of Kilburn. 1 of my neighbour do play loud music in the day sometimes but never after 11pm. They are very friendly though and always say hi to me. For the value of what I paid for a double brick house this close to the city I am definitely loving it here. Maybe park on the street you plan to rent or buy or walk around and get a feel for your street before renting or buying. Have a chat with your potential neighbours and you will be able to get a feel of who lives there and what they're like.

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