What are the high schools like in Wangaratta?
2 Answers
There are 3 high schools in Wang, Galen Catholic College, Wangaratta High School and Ovens. Ovens was called 'tech' originally because it was a technical college where students that wanted to do more hands on jobs went. The tech didn't have a good reputation when I was at school, I often heard of students that were expelled from either Galen or the High going to tech as last resort. This changed at least 10 years ago, maybe even earlier when they renamed the school 'Ovens' and made it a regular High school rather than a technical college. I don't know much about Ovens as we didn't have much to do with them as they were on the other side of town where as Galen and the High are down the road from each other. I went to Galen Catholic College, the private school. It is a great school, teaching values and morals. Galen is a smaller school than the High School. It wasn't snobby at all, most the students were born in rural areas and were very down to earth. Galen had a good range of subjects and were pretty up to date with technology for the time. The High school was double the size of Galen and had a broader range of subjects, it is a public school. The High had a great focus on music, probably better than Galen in that respect. It also had a great sports team. From year 10 onwards Galen helped to guide the students into taking the right subjects to match what they were interested in doing in the future. They were very motivating and a lot of the students did exceptionally well on their VCE in my year level. In saying so though, there were just as gifted students at the High School. I think Galen being a smaller school helped to be more one on one in the classroom. It was less daunting if you're scared of getting lost too! The High school is really big in comparison, in walking through on the odd weekend, I couldn't believe how many rooms there was. Galen's gardens and shaded areas have improved heaps since I went there. It really is a good looking school. I had more teachers that I liked than didn't like. If Galen didn't have a subject that a student wanted to take, the student could opt to enroll in the High school classes for that subject. They'd just walk over (It's about 300 meters or so away). Then they'd walk back and do their remaining classes at Galen. Wangaratta is a great little town and I'm sure the 3 schools all have their good points.
I hope this helps!
The schools are excellent and all deliver quality facilities and exceptional teachers. For higher education there is a Charles Sturt University campus in Wangaratta.