Landor Street, Tarragindi, QLD 4121
Ranked 1st best street by locals in Tarragindi, QLD
Great for
- Childcare
- Clean & green
- Internet access
- Medical facilities
- Neighbourly spirit
Not great for
- Nightlife
- Shopping options
- Lack of traffic
- Cost of living
- Eating out
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families With Kids
- Retirees
Reviews of Landor Street, Tarragindi
"For a main road it's quiet"
Toohey Road Tarragindi runs from Toohey Mountain to Sexton Street. Although the top end of Toohey Road (before Marshall Road) is busier than the bottom end, it is the gateway to fabulous walking track and the recreation area of Toohey Forest. It is also where you will find the Village Shops which includes the fabulous Davies bakery, a Thai restaurant and the world famous Tarragindi Deli
As you make your way along Toohey Road you will come across one of the most reputable State Schools in Brisbane, Wellers Hill Primary School. You wouldn't find a better school on the Southside I believe
You will also come to the Wellers Hill Shops which include a doctor, dentist post office hair dresser, newsagent and excellent Indian Restaurant.
For a main road it is very quiet at the bottom end outside of school pick up and drop off and the afternoon rush....which is not too bad when you compare to some of those North side suburbs.
There is excellent public transport running along Toohey Road, going to either the City or to Garden City. The public transport is that good that a current resident (lived in same house for 55 years) of Toohey Road and her husband bought up 5 children and lived their whole life without ever owing a car or having a driver licence and they were always able to rely on public transport.
Overall for a fairly main Road it is very clean and green and is convenient to the Freeway either City bound or to the Gold Coast and has excellent public transport
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees