Is Logan Central a safe place to live?
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Is Logan Central a safe place to live?

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16 Answers

Im quite amused by the above comments so I thought I should add my thoughts, being a true Logan bogan. I was born and raised in Logan and moved to the north side of Brisbane straight out of high school as it was closer to my work. I also lived at the Gold Coast and just recently moved from fig tree pocket back to Logan as its my home town and I missed the privacy that I had in suburbia. In the 40yrs that my parents have lived in Logan theyve never had any troubles and neither have I; obviously wouldnt move back if that were the case. My family are all working professionals and have likeminded friends who have invested in this area. Although it is a low socioeconomical area and is reknowned to have a high crime rate, one would be very naive to think that this kind of behaviour is just within the Logan district. Im not proposing that Logan is better than either of the two cities (Brisbane and Gold Coast) however from my personal experience I have faced more confronting situations having lived and worked in the heart of both cities. Short answer to your question, growing up in Logan I was an awkward nerdy Caucasian girl with braces who rode her scooter to the local fish and chip shop and played 44 home with the neighbours kids until the street lights came on...just like any other kid. I was very blessed to have two beautiful nurturing parents that provided all that they could and although in later years considering buying a nice apartment in the city I chose to buy a house in Logan. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and judging from the stories on the news I couldnt blame them. However it is very one sided from the media and/or ill informed opinions from those who havent dared to cross the boarder. Sorry for the sarcasm but its quite funny knowing how safe it actually is in comparison to what people imagine...not as bad as youd think.


Well said. I have lived in my Gravatt, Sunnybank and then at Logan because of location close to hospital. I haven't had one bad encounter. On the upside I've had my handbag returned to me from a shopping trolley, had a door knock by a caring someone looking for owner of a lost puppy. Had my recycle and garbage bin brought back to the side of my house. Neighbour's son mowed my nature strip as he was doing his and the next neighbours anyway,. Had mail and parcels returned when postman made mistakes. Had young couple/neighbours help push my car off the road when it broke down. Otherwise it's down to personal experience. I think the mean spirited come on sites like this and enjoy their misery


great work mate, i had lived in Logan from 1984 till 2001 and recently moved back since 2019 during my times in Logan i never had trouble with neighbors, gangs, break ins, or any other problems. i think in all honesty people make their own problems in area's cause of what they have heard rather than what they know is true, if you stay away from trouble it generally leaves you alone too, get involved with fights gangs or drugs or other trouble it then follows you or finds you, i know Logan City is not perfect and never was but it has changed a lot over the years and is far safer now than back in it's earlier years, and yes it does have slightly cheaper housing and even more housing families than usual, but it's a good area if your willing to give it a go.

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It has a stigma but I let facts speak for themselves. We have a townhouse in Logan Central and never ever had a problem. Never been broken into, our tenant is fantastic and they've never had issues. I think the place you live in is what you choose to make of it - and there's a lot going for this area if your judgement isn't prejudiced.

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I moved to Logan ( Central ), when I was 18. I'm talking Paradise Road baby in a share house. I had the time of my life. We used to walk down to the Kingston rd shops and get chinese take away, at night, no issues. There was hooning in cars and the occasional break n enter in our street while we were at work, but no one got hurt. I then moved to the North side of Brisbane, Lutwyche and it was violent, un safe at night and dangerous. It still intrigues me today how outsiders malalign Logan suburbs with high crime, same as Inala and Goodna. It's just untrue. This perception comes from the high concerntration of multiculturalism in these areas which is associated with high crime and misleading. I left Northern subs swiftly after 5 years of dealing with crime, like my car and mail being stolen. If I ever move back to S.E.Qld, I'll find a place near the NoHoperDome ( that's our big shop place for Bogans ), don't listen to the rubbish. Logan City is and always will be stylish and safe !

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Looking for a home in Logan Central, QLD 4114

Hahahahaha, you need to see it to believe it! What a total dive!



The place is a s##thole, full of bogans, morons and bloody idiots. Avoid!!!!

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To be clear, Logan is NOT a town, it consists of 70 suburbs in total and it is called, Logan City. Logan City is currently being revamped.

I'm originally from the Yarra Valley, Victoria. I bought a house in Meadowbrook (in Logan City) and after living here for 5 years, I feel so lucky. Not only is Meadowbrook culturally diverse and not bogan-ish at all, it is family orientated and incredibly safe that I would allow my kids to roam freely unsupervised. The suburb has a very flat terrain unlike other suburbs which makes it ideal for those with arthritis, wheel chair users and the elderly. Everything including the hospital, university, Tafe, Woolworths and train station is within walking distance. The Logan Council has recently planted many trees along University Dr and Loganlea Rd, Logan Hospital is being expanded and a brand new train station is being built. Meadowbrook is 30 mins to Brisbane City and 45 mins to the Gold Coast.

Queenslanders can criticise Logan City all they want but from an outsiders point of view, in terms of crime, unkempt streets and homelessness, Logan City is no different to the rest of Queensland and Australia. I would highly recommend Logan City in particular, Meadowbrook and surrounds to first home buyers and investers.


Absolutely. I live close to Meadowbrook and am impressed with the street upgrades, new shrubs, trees and stone work

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I am out numbered here on the negative, but my husband, myself and our gorgeous 3 year old son live in Logan Central. We bought our first property here in 2007, our second in 2009. Then sold our first to try and avoid another rental in the area. We love it. Great neighbors, close to everything. 2 minutes from the pacific hwy and Logan motorway.
I was a bank manager for 12 years when purchased here and now a stay at home mum - could not have had that blessing had we bought elsewhere with a large mortgage. My husband has a trade. I have had no trouble what so ever and I am home with my son daily. We walk to the shops, have spent 100k on our renovations with no fear of over capitalizing as we don't plan on moving. the mortgage is small enough to have many lifestyle options.

I believe it starts with the people living here / buying here to start telling it how it really is living here. I love it!! Logan is a very large area, the news always says Logan when something goes wrong....yet they will state the Brisbane suburb name. It does not help the area of Logan and a good story doesn't sell.
Yes there are some bad little pockets, though I have to admit, in the last 10 years, I have seen a huge improvement with these pockets as well. resident are saying no to these kinds of behaviors and are calling the police on any socially unexceptionable behaviors and this is making a difference.

So please don't consider this suburb as an investment, rather than an affordable option to live. You will not regret it.

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I totally agree with Sarah. I am a professional who lived in Central Logan ( right in the guts ) of it during the 80s. I was only 18 and moved to brisbane for work at 21. Dirung this time interest rates were at 18 percent and crime was out of control, so breakins were frequent in my area. But mid 90s it all settled down. The culture in Logan is the best in South East Qld. Access to food, different religions and boganism I was proud to contribute to. Logan Central is charming with old shops and not greedy developers, they have great sporting clubs and the train to get to work. Best chinese and afghan food and cheap living. Not to be overlooked as Sarah said crime is worse closer to Brisbane. I know, I've lived all over and Logan was by far the safest place I have lived

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HECK NO! I have been here a month and I don't feel safe even taking my toddler to ANY of the parks or even to go for a walk. Just today, I got the courage to take her to a nearby park...BIG mistake! We were stalked by 2 junkies with alcohol in hand, telling us to effing leave. DO NOT live here, especially if you have children!


I don't live in Logan (thank goodness) but today we went to Mabel Park which is a pretty good Park and the kids there were nice and playing well together and there were even older teenagers there that were happy including 7 year olds in their soccer they were playing. I don't know if you've tried that Park and maybe we just went on a good day but I'd recommend it to you if you haven't already been!


Logan is NOT a town, it's a city with 70 suburbs. Be specific - where exactly?!!


I think you are referring Logan Central as Cnr of Kingston Rd and Wembley Rd.


Logan Central is still very affordable. Wont hurt ur pocket. U wont feel the massive pain of interest rise hikes if you buy in Logan Central, yet u will have a nice home for a good price, only a hand full of goofy people around but its a good buy in the long run.


Brisbane sux coz thats why.

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In my opinion, No. It's known as a 'bogan' suburb and has high crime rates. Not good for families. I would NOT recommend it.

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The area is a complete s##thole, full of bogans, morons and bloody idiots. Avoid like the plague!

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Can be in some places like as everyone's there's bad streets and good streets everywhere

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Check police crime map. Recommend you look at Heritage Park.


That can be problematic also

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Any house in Logan Central to rent

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If your looking to enter the property market, then Logan is a good place to buy and start. However for all other people I would advise against living in Logan. Yes there are some good streets with nice neighbours, but they’re outnumbered by the poor streets with the derelicts. No offence, just my opinion.


Logan is NOT a town, it's a city so be specific, which part of Logan are you referring to. As for "derelicts", where? I've lived in Meadowbrook for the last 5 years as a homeowner & while it's nothing like the Yarra Valley where I'm originally from in terms of landscape and cafes, it's a brilliant place to live. Everything is close by, everyone is friendly, children play on the streets and as for crime, Logan city is a lot safer than Melbourne and Sydney.

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Driving around Logan Central today I would never move there. Streets and streets filled with shabby houses all with junk through out their yards! Normal people don't live like that lol no where in Logan that I saw looked appealing to be honest. The only appeal to the city is that it is inbetween Brisbane and the GC but I would be too scared to move there myself, I couldn't stand living next to people yelling and screaming etc all day. I'm sure there are good parts to the city but I can't tell you where lol

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I personally think it's not safe living here. One of my friend bought a property here last year on Garfield road and got broken onto twice. like anyone else answering this question definitely not safe for families with children. But i believe this place will be worth quiet bit of money in 15 years time. Right time to buy a invesment property as properties are so cheap compared to nearby suburbs like underwood, Kuraby even Marsden.

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