If money were no issue, where in Victoria would you live?
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If money were no issue, where in Victoria would you live?

Hi guys,

Being completely fascinated with real estate, and places to live (of course), I thought about the simple question of "If money were no issue where in Victoria would you live...and why?"

I have my thoughts, but I'm going to wait until someone else bites before I let loose :)

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Camberwell, Kew or Hawthorn - young family.
Those houses that look down onto the yarra, near Victoria street (not sure of the exact suburb) - any family size :)
This tiny laneway/street near the Salvo's in Abbotsford, looking onto the yarra. - no children or older children.
Southbank - batchelor

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Hey PureKrome,

Thanks for biting :)

Camberwell...not for me. Too much in the thick of things.
Kew - FOR SURE. I love Kew, and I think it is very underrated in Melbourne. I predict Kew will boom in the next 10 years, especially as to many people it is somewhat undiscovered. There are so many gorgeous back streets in Kew, with amazing tree canopies of the road that many people just adore.
Hawthorn - Again not for me, but last night just set a new record for most expensive home sold in Melbourne - 25 MILLION - so you are not the only one who loves it. Check it out here:

Southbank - Don't agree...I'd take Port Melbourne anyday

Im glad you broke it up by lifestyle though. For me, the ultimate place to live would be in Port Melbourne, mostly because I am a young male. But when I grow older and have children, I think I would prefer to live in Toorak (If money were no issue). While I always say that a suburb like Templestowe gives you amazing value for money and land size...taking money out of the equation, Toorak all the way.


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Personally I find Toorak too cliché'd. There's too much old money tied up with that suburb. Is it beautiful. Sure is. But there's more to a place than looks - it's people and ammedities aren't the best. I find the ammedities are lacking compared to the sexy trio of Kew/Hawthorn/Camberwell.

IMO, there's too many conservative people there with conservative views in a pocket of Melbourne that has a small number of facilities (eg. old mum boutiques, some art shops, the odd travel agent, etc -> shops that don't appeal to me), fuddy duddy neighbours and an air of arrogance.

The suburb feels too cold, for my liking.

With the activity centre around Bourke Road in Camberwell, the various cafes and mixing shopping - from the small clothing shop to some bigger brand names - i find the diversity and number of options, mixed with a more varing age group -- teens to middle aged families and a sprinkling of elders - and complimented with some old money and new money ... i find the area a lot warmer and vibrant.

If anything, it's becoming too popular. I need to get in quick. somehow :)

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If money were no issue... I would pick somewhere down Mornington Peninsula. It has the perfect mix of wineries and beaches, and a reasonable driving distance from Melbourne. Heaven!

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I would have to agree with you April. I love Mornington so serene and beautiful. As for Kew it is just too expensive. you can not get anything there for less then $500 K

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North Carlton is wonderful around Rathdowne village.

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@PureKrome - yes you do need to get in now as the property prices in all those areas are never going to go backwards...but then again this is a discussion for "money no issue" so it's good to dream.

I do agree with you about the coldness of some of the suburbs, but then again, I've never really been a huge 'sububry' type person. I've always liked my privacy. There are some streets in Toorak that are very private, especially considering the size of some of the fences in the area. Maybe the privacy issue makes then seem cold?

@AprilFlame - I do like the Mornington Peninsula, but I don't think it's within driving distance to Melbourne. I guess it all depends on what sort of travel times you are used to. BUT if money were no issue, I would live in Portsea on the Cliff and take a helicopter to work hehehe.

@Crissy - money no issue...therefore Kew not too expensive ;)

@BrianWard - really? North Carlton? Money no issue and that's where you would live? really???

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Hi Aj
How are you?

Even if i had a lot of money Kew just would not be a place i would want to live in. I think it is a bit overated. The house prices are too expensive.I would rather build my dream home (If i had heaps of money) Somewhere along the great ocean road?
I guess opinions vary but that is mine.


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It's a great topic, AJ -> because it's completly opinionated :) For example, Crissy, you said you'd love to live along the Great Ocean Road. The more i think about that, the cooler (no pun intended) that sounds. But then I think back to what AJ said .. the travel the Melb .. which implies his personal requirements of certain facilities which are probably not found (easyily) along the Great Ocean Road. For some people, that's _exactly_ what they want :) No people. No traffic. They don't go out to cinema's or theatre or Bunnings, etc.

So this is why this topic is great :) One person's trash is another person's treasure. I'm really interested in seeing what somone considers the best place to live, where i initially would not ... and see what they know about it, which I don't. :)

@AJ: Regarding privacy + houses. I grew up oversea's in Asia. I lived in big expact/wealthy communities. Every single one of these places had massive gates. massive walls. To me, that's not an issue of privacy, but a bit .. more .. cold or even rude. Initially (to their defense) it started out because of safety -> Break and Enters started rising, so did the walls.

But when i came back to Melbourne, i loved it how I could go down plenty and plenty of streets and there are no walls. People are still private, which is totally good and fine. But they also showed some trust in each other, which i find then translates to a calmer and softer (warmer?) feel to the place. I loved it :)

Then i hit Toorak and I'm back to a wall'd, cold place. It makes me sad.

This is why I personally have a preference to Kew/Hawthorn/Camberwell. To me it's a nice blend of old meets new. Culture meets relaxed. And there's a lot more trust as i find there's a lot more houses without walls while still having both small to big homes ... and u can have your privacy without having to do that 'i must know my neighbours / Wisteria Lane' type thing.

well, that's my opinion at least :)

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Hey Crissy,

I'm great! Yes I agree that opinions vary greatly, that's what makes the world go round :)

Somewhere along the Great Ocean Road would be very nice. I used to go to Anglesea a lot and was very beautiful especially in winter with a warm fire. I just think the commute to Melb CBD would kill me!


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I must agree that i would not like to travel that far. But hey if you have the money you wouldn't have to work. Hahahaha. Maybe you could get a job locally or work from home.

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Kew or Hawthorn for me. That's where I live now (renting... only in my dreams can I afford to buy!) and I love it. Close to the city, but not too close. Convenient public transport and beautiful tree-lined streets.

Both Hawthorn and Kew seem to be very dog-friendly too. There is always someone walking their dog in the streets and playing with their dogs down at any park you go to. There's also an excellent dog-off-leash park in Hawthorn:

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Actually, i retract my statements on K/H/C ... the best places to live are .. um ... er.. St Albans! No, wait! Packenham! um, er ... yeah, that's it. Packenham ... everyone, go there and live. please. Not K/H/C .. place sucks. nothing there for anyone. Packenham is the place to be.

/me looks around nervously...

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Opinions vary whatever makes you happy :-)

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If you are after long term investment returns areas like Canterbury, Kew, Toorak, Brighton have had amazing returns. They are blue chip and expensive for a reason. They just dont go back in value.

If you are after lifestyle - go further out. Having lived inner city I felt like everyone was on top of each other, no privacy in your backyard (some people like that king of thing). I've always been a fan of outer Eastern areas like Templestowe, Lower Plenty, Donvale, Warrandyte - lots of land, fast city access via the non-tolled Eastern Freeway.

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I chose to live inner city for lifestyle... short trip to work, CBD, theatres... the sacrifice is space. Although I agree that investment wise, you can't go wrong with the leafy east.

Agree with Crissy... to each his own.

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I am glad you agree April. I hate the fact that people are saying "the best place to live is here or here".
The best place to live is where you and your family feel most comfortable. As no one is going to tell me that where i live is not a good place to live. Ok we all know where the best places for return of investments is. But it is not necessarily the best place to live.

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@missh I think you should write a review of Kew\Hawthorn if you love it so much...share the love :)

@purekrome I love the sarcasm, although not sure it comes through that well in written form.

@JVS not talking investments here, that's a totally different topic all together. This is pie in the sky stuff, where your income grows on a tree in the backyard.

@Aprilflame do you find the city lifestyle a little too cramped though? I lived in a an apartment right in the middle of the city, and while it was good for a while, I found it a little claustrophobic after a while. I need greenery!

@Crissy that's the beauty of a site like this, is to get people's different perspectives. I always find it very interesting when you meet people from overseas and everyone thinks their home is the best place to live, just like I think Australia is the best place to live. It all comes down to opinions.


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Money no object - your options are $20 million + in St Georges Road or Irving/Albany Rd Toorak, Brighton Beach front or Portsea clifftop. Maybe level 90 on Eureka Tower. I can't imagine what the Pratt family residence Raheen on Studley Park Rd, Kew would be worth. $70 million maybe.

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Even if money was no object, I'm not sure if I necessarily would want a massive house .... Cause it takes effort to keep it clean and tidy ;p

but then again, if money was no issue, then I'd hope/expact it to come with some maids and a Gardner ;)

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@AJ - I'm with you in terms of apartment living in the CBD. Done that before but felt that I couldn't switch off with the bustle literally on the door step, noises and sirens at night. Noise travel upward... no kidding.

What I meant by inner city is the band within ~5km of the CBD, eg. Carlton North. Lots of greenery and typically quiet so you are not reminded that you are close to the action. Landed properties would have a yard, but could just be a courtyard. Instead of 3 bedrooms, the could have 2 bedrooms instead. That's the compromise vs. living further out.

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@PureKrome yes maids come with the house :)

@JVS level 90 on eureky tower? I'd love to see some pics of that. Do you know who lives in it?

@AprilFlame thanks for the clarification. Yes there are a lot of 'greeer' areas around the CBD. Just smack bam in the middle of the CBD (as in Collins Street) was way too much for me.


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Esplanade in Williamstown, great small town lifestyle minutes from the city

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Penthouse apartment in the CBD any day! Need to hug a tree? botanical gardens are a short walk away...

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Albert Park because it's a (not so hidden) treasure in Melbourne's beachside suburbs with access to a great beach, brilliant restaurants and shopping strips, great schools and a stone's throw from the city, cosmopolitan St Kilda and trendy Port Melbourne.

Might try this place for starters

Oh but of course, I'd have a little weekender down the coast somewhere.

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ooohhhh I love it...real estate porn!!!

Nice one alice161, that house looks stunning!!

This one would be more up my alley though I think:

We really should start another thread about "Hottest homes to dream about!!"


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Ok - this is such a hot topic I have created a list of Melbournes most expensive homes (whether sold or not). take a look and add to it if you know of any other candidates.

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Fantastic list JVS - Just tweeted it for ya :)

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alice161, Albert Park is awesome. Not too busy, all the amenities of the lake. Parking is an issue but if you have money you can get a garage. It seems to be more upmarket than Port Melbourne, more houses than apartments.

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Definitely somewhere with seaside views , just a little place like this

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North Carlton!

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Kew has one major trains!

Like Balwyn, it is too isolated because of this. Trams and buses jsut aren't the same and take twice as long. Especially with kids, trains are important for them getting anywhere.

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Hmmm, somewhere in the city, with a helicopter landing pad on the roof so I can make a quick getaway tro my secret lair somewhere near an isolated beach...

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@lal81 why North Carlton? What's so great about it?

@walster trains don't phase me at all, I've never really used the,. Buses on the other hand I know well, and Kew has A LOT of them as you mentioned. Yeah they aren't as timely as trains, but I think they do the trick. Now if we can just save up a few Million $$$ to live there, we are all good :) Interesting though how you base your decision on the presence of trains!

@DArgy that looks STUNNING!!!

@BrianWard perhaps a $57.5 Million lair in Perth would do the trick for you??!?$575-million!!


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I agree AJ North Carlton is far too congested for my liking I don't care how expensive the properties are there . I was actually born there.... If only my dad had kept the 2 storey terrace house ..its worth quite a bit now !

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Here is the website for the $57.5 million home for those thinking of moving to WA.

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North Carlton? Money no object? $20 million beachside shack over North Carlton? What is this hidden gem all about?

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AJ - Whats not to like about North Carlton? Rathdowne village is wonderful, its leafy, quaint streets with a cultured, village feel. Great access to restaurant, cafes, retail strip shopping, public transport, freeway, parks and educational facilities.

JVS - Don't get me wrong, places like Port Melbourne, Brighton etc are great with beautiful homes, but are generally for the affluent and find that they are really quite sterile and lack life and culture.

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lala81, I know what you mean about affluent areas lacking life and culture. Maybe its because by the time we can afford to live in such upmarket suburbs we are too old to enjoy it!

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@lala81 - there's nothing wrong with North Carlton, I just don't think it would be the number one place to live, if I had all the money in the world. Also Port Melbourne (my new home) is FAR from being sterile with a lack of culture. Check it out on a Saturday afternoon in summer. It's CHOCK FULL of life and atmosphere.

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AJ - I understand that North Carlton may not for everyone, but I suppose it all depends on the sorts of things you value. I have spent a lot of time in Port Melbourne and your perspective of it not being sterile or lacing culture is an interesting one. Whilst what I am about stay may offend some, not intended and is rather stereotypical. With that disclaimer...I think Port Melbourne is rather anglo-saxon and pretentious, and while the suburb is a popular place to live or visit may provide 'atmosphere' I don't generally agree that atmosphere is culture.

I dont think there is the diversity and the embrace of the arts that make the inner northern burbs lively. Just my opinion though.

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I was just asking myself this same question recently. Because currently I live in central Fitzroy with 3 generations under one roof ....which I love (sometimes).... but if money were no object we would purchase an additional family home in North Fitzroy with a big garden.

My other faves are Carlton (for anyone), Collingwood, Brunswick, Northcote, parts of Preston, and even Coburg. I love these places for their warm community and down to earth people, also it's never boring to live in the North. I know quite a lot of people in these areas and most seem very happy with their patch

Over on the West: I love Yarraville and parts of West Footscray

In the South East: Balaclava is lovely. I could easily handle living in RIchmond too.

So many great suburbs in Melbs, we are lucky!!!

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This is a fantastic topic!

I would have to say either Brighton, Toorak or Albert Park, they are all amazing, so hard to choose.

Melbourne is truly an beautiful place :)

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If I had a stash of cash almost certainly I would live in Toorak.

However, I mentioned in my review of Toorak about the superficial people residing in the suburb ie. women with Botox and carrying $10,000 LV, Chanel handbags and being a poser which is a significant detriment to the truly affluent that have lived in the suburb for a while ie. Lindsay Fox or people working their way up ie. Eddie McGuire. Those two typify the humble and sincere nature of their personalities as opposed to forking out millions for a mansion and flaunting your latest sports cars and material possesions.

They say, "If you got it, flaunt it"; however, I would rather be a frugal scrooge in Toorak and keep to myself and be humble as opposed to the keep up the Joneses mentality- it is everywhere. I would rather be the Warren Buffett or Bill Gates of Toorak and not mean billions in cash- yes even though it proves handy!!!!- but the more money you have, the greater the problems and how society influences us as individuals to acquire material status items. Also the higher the mansion price tag the greater the maintainence required!

Even if I lived in Tooraks finest AAA belt- St Georges, Orrong, Clendon, Albany roads and their off court avenues it will just be the house I own. No boat, private jet, limo or expensive clothes. Why is that?

To quote Warren Buffett himself, "Most toys are just a pain in the neck".

Having said that, Monomeath avenue in Canterbury is another AAA street that I would definately consider- well off, but residents generally maintain a low profile.

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Apologies that I have not been on here for quite sometime.

I did mention should and if money were no object my top 2 places to reside in Melbourne include both Toorak & Canterbury, (see my post above).

However, I forgot to mention three other suburbs in Melbourne: Brighton, Hawthorn & Caulfield North.

Brighton has phenomenal parnoramic views of Port Phillip Bay. The Esplanade has some great homes but for the ultimate luxury creme de la creme of estates are hidden off St Kilda road; one would require multiple millions for the waterfront mansions ranging from 10-25 million.

Hawthorn has some beautiful homes and leafy streets. The best being those on the Yarra river ie. Shakespeare and Coppin Grove and Kooyongkoot road which rivals Monomeath avenue in Canterbury. Glenferrie road has great shops and cafes too :).

Finally, Caulfield North is quite understaded but has some terrific homes as well. Having spoken to some real estate agents just out of curiosity, they mentioned the best homes are between Orrong and Kooyong roads bordered to the north by Balclava road and Glen Era road to the south. Also close proximity to Aviv bakery in Elsternwick where they some delicious chocolate babkhas and bagels too.

I forgot to mention South Yarra in my previous post. Terrific place to buy an apartment for one. The best homes being near the beautiful Royal Botanic Gardens.

So to sum up-
Truckloads of cash; Toorak, South Yarra, (more about looking handsome...hehe)
Have deep pockets but would prefer to keep it quiet: Canterbury, Hawthorn
Enjoy ocean bay views with grand waterfront mansion: Brighton- off St Kilda road of course
or simply likes to consume bagels 24/7; Caulfield North

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