Weather in Melbourne - is it as bad as they say during the year?
75 Answers
Melbourne has the most disgustingly coldest weather in Australia. We get 9 months of winter 1 month of summer and 2 months of autumn with no spring whatsoever. It is extremely windy and dry. It only rains when you wash the car. Occasionally you get a hot day but it will get cold by late afternoon which requires turning on the heater. I don't believe there is a more disgustingly vile climate in the world than Melbourne. Don't bother moving here.
The OP asked about Melbourne weather by comparison with other parts of Australia. No mention was made of Canada, Iceland, Alaska, the Antarctic. The OP is not thinking of moving to any of those places. They werent asking about a coldness contest. They were asking about Melbourne. Melbourne is cold 7-8 months of the year.
I think youre missing my point. You obviously think that nightly minimum of say 3-7 degrees are cold, where by others that live or have lived in others parts of the world would say that were lucky to have winter minimums like that. Sorry, but you just come across a little negative, lifes pretty good in Melbourne as well as the climate that we have here too. Thinks positive and you will feel the benefits !
Compared to other places in the world Melbourne is not bad at all. At worst the weather is mild over winter or a few days or 40+ temperatures that come and go over the summer. I agree that most older houses have poor insulation. We are doing our house at the moment (cavity wall and roof insulation, double glazing and also ripped out the ducted heating (We kept getting dry skin and sneezing often) and putting hydronic in its place).
Brenda if you really loathe something you should make a change to your life to find something that suite's you best. Not being critical but if something makes you unhappy or something you hate then the best course is to change it. We have moved around different cities in both the UK and Aus to find something to suite us and our needs. All the best.
I moved here after 10 years in Sydney. Im from London. I hate the weather. Ive had heating on March til November. Its winter 7 months of that. Erratic the rest. Summer was a right off this year. If weather affects you then dont move. Otherwise its an ok city to live. I hate the weather though and would move in a heartbeat if my husband didnt refuse.
I've lived in Melbourne my entire life, and I would not say that it's cold here. My opinion is the opposite! I've thought many times about moving somewhere colder because Melbourne is too hot for me. In winter it's warm enough that you can wrap yourself in a blanket and feel comfortable without turning on the heater, but for the whole summer you'll be DYING without an air conditioner. If you live in a double storey house, make sure you have air conditioning and heating otherwise the heat will always rise to the top floor (rendering the bottom floor useless in winter and the top in summer). Overall, as long as you have heating and cooling in Melbourne you'll be fine. The weather is pretty mild most of the time, very liveable.
It's my second year in Melbourne from Sydney. I think it's a testament to how much I love this city that I'm committed to putting up with the cold and getting used to it. In saying that it's absolutely horrible though, now that we're in mid May I'm trying to accept the fact that I will likely be frozen for the rest of the year. I thought it was a joke until last year when it was still 16 and raining on the first day of summer, Spring just didn't happen.
Hahaha that's the funniest reply I've heard. I've lived in Melbourne for over 40 years. The weather isn't great but not quite that bad. The problem is poor insulation in houses and ridiculously hot, dry summers. Spring and Autumn are lovely, and although cold in Winter there are many sunny days with blue skies. You kinda get used to preparing for all temperatures and checking the forecast daily. Lol
Too right - I'm in melbourne for work and it is absolutely freeezzzzing!! Haven't been able to do anything outside since I arrived....haven't seen the sun once just dark clouds & have been stuck inside with the heater on the whole time! Not a patch on sunny outdoor Qld life, can't get back fast enough!!
biryani4lyfe, sweetie, feel free to write away all the insults in the world with your dear face attached to them for all the world to see. I won't see them, because I will be unsubscribing this site herewith. All the best to you, sweetheart. I hope a future employer does not see your posts. Heads up: you're not all that anonymous when you put your picture together with your posts, honey.
Ive lived in different cities through Europe. Melb might have everything but we cant enjoy it year round cause of the weather. The weather here is a major factor to peoples mental and physical health but they dont realise it. If its too cold or the weather is unpredictable you tend not to be a active outdoors. You tend to incorporate less daily activity that isnt exercises eg. Walking to the shops, having a pinic or a kick at park. People who havent lived in a different city before cannot really make a statement, what are you comparing it to and what evidence do you have? What do Melbournians do after or before work? Is the weather appropriate for a quick walk or hike at 6 am or 6 pm. Even in summer if you go to the beach there is a possibility it might rain. You constantly need to check the forecast the night before and the of your plans. I lived in the Mediterranean the people would always be out all night, unlike us here come home to watch tv after work or go shops on the weekend cause its raining outside.
Most places in the world that have a temperate oceanic climate (Kppen climate classification Cfb) as Melbourne has, experience seasonal change. Its one of the reasons cities like Melbourne, Vancouver, Auckland are so popular for immigration because it is believed to be the most comfortable climate year round. Sure it may be changeable at times (usually Spring time) but thats why our parks & gardens look nice & green for most of the year, regular light rain year round is a blessing. Personally I wish more people did not want to live in Melbourne, instead we have over 100,000 people moving here each year for over a decade. My only knock on Melbourne is that there are too many people!
Most that move here is for work reasons and not for the weather and are from poor war torn countries, you dont see French German Spanish people immigrate here. Yes Melbourne is a stable well equipped city but if the same standard of living was in the Mediterranean or in Florida or California people wouldnt even consider Melbourne. My parents have been here for 40 years and they hate the weather the still find it hard to get use too. Many of my friends and family have holiday here in winter and in summer and they too have been turned of by the constant unpredictable weather. Many of our neighbours have moved up north or abroad once they have retired. If the weather was stable always hot or cold it is something you could get use to it.
I just had a look at the weather down there and it's only 11 degrees but with the wind chill the apparent temp is JUST 7!! And it's basically the end of winter??! Looks like yesterday was the same too.....just crazy stuff given Australia is known as the warm sunny country! Calm sunny 22 degrees in SE Qld, the best weather ever:)
I know of seven couples over the years that have moved up north trying to live in Utopia. Five of the couples returned because they could not handle the humidity, and the other two couples divorced. Weather is often an easy target when people are not happy with their lives. Theyre looking for an answer to fulfil their lives & thinking a warm climate will do it for them. The irony is places like Darwin in the top end have one of the highest suicide rates per capita in the country, yet it very rarely falls below 22c. Happiness start from within, climate is only a small percentage in the equation. But like I said, hopefully all the people that complain about our climate actually do something about it and move away to lower Melbourne population instead of just winging about it.
Melbournes populations will never decrease the government needs more people for its own economic benefit. You stated Darwins suicide rate compared to the rest of Australia im sure there are other factors. You can also look at it at broader picture most health happy people are in warmer climates, Vitamen D, better quality of fresh fruit, more daily activity. Your friends that have moved were most likely going to get divorced and as for humidity that is in the tropics there other states or countries with a dryer heat they just moved to the wrong place. Imagine not having to worry what to wear or having not to carry a jacket just incase. Not having the stress of will it rain or not and should i hang the clothes outside or not. These are the stresses we have on daily bases. We think its normal cause we havent experienced anything else. Not whining stating facts. FYI im only here for holiday to visit family if it wasnt for covid o would of been back in the Sunny Mediterranean. I left Melb 7 years ago.
There's about 2 months of humidity in SE Qld which is when the pools are perfect. A great trade up from 6months of cold winter - a winter that often returns in summer too down there. Improving weather from that cold indoor climate to SE Qld is a massive quality of life improvement to anyone who enjoys outdoor activities, warmth & sunshine. Most of us here know another relocated Melburnian there's so many & we all joke about our old lifestyle, would have to drag us kicking & screaming back to that now!
Having spent time in many different countries winter I can say there is truly something odd about how much worse it feels (at least to me) in Melbourne. One of which spent in severe weather in Poland, my Aunty living 30 years in Australia and having spent 20 back in Poland agrees that Melbourne does feel colder somehow, probably due to wind. However we also have beautiful days too, and the constant change in weather can be quite nice actually just be sure to check the entire days weather before choosing your outfit. We get very windy and the weather truly does change sometimes drastically at least a couple of times a day, but Melbourne is certainly worth it . Some days feel too dry and hot to bear, some are so cold youll never layer enough. Some are mild and nice, some can get humid. Thats Melbourne.
I love living in Melbourne and I like the weather, Ive lived here for 23 years. Winter tends to be between 5-20 degrees and summer tends to be between 17-40 degrees. Theres a couple of days a year which are super hot (up to 45 degrees) and super cold (under 5 degrees). Heating and cooling is a necessity. The weather can change suddenly without warning, so just have to be mindful of the forecast, there really can be four seasons in a day. Usually if it rains itll only be for 5-30 minutes and then itll be sunny again. Otherwise, on rare occasions, there are four seasons in a day. Melbournes a great city and the weather shouldn't be bad enough to deter anyone from living here.
Not even 1 month of summer this year! I agree, Melbourne's ghastly weather is one good reason to move somewhere else. Many friends of mine moved to Queensland, wouldn't come back in a million years even if they might miss friends and other things Melbourne has. They shudder at the thought of it because of the weather here. You cannot count on one sunny day or balmy night, but you can count on it being cold, rainy, windy, overcast or rapidly changing day after day. Apart from this year, the occasional sunny, warm day is likely to be too hot with ferocious winds. I've lived in European countries for many years and say, that even on the Northern side of the Alps, the summer and weather generally is far more enjoyable than here. And people do not freeze in their houses in winter - warm from bathroom to bedroom 24/7 - because they have quality central heating to reasonable prices and sturdily built houses/flats, double or triple glazed windows and good insulation. As has been mentioned, houses are not insulated here; flimsy buildings generally with inadequate heating facilities. One ends up spending an outrageous amount on energy (the price of which must be one of the highest around the world), if one wants to not freeze day in and day out. I always wondered why Melbourne was voted one of the most livable cities. It is not. Have been trapped here due to the global crisis and can't wait to get back to Europe and STAY there. My advice: move if you can, when you can!! Because it does affect people's well-being as has been said in the comments. Depression for one is linked to a lack of Vitamin D and lousy weather in general... (apart from other possible reasons of course).
I'd try SE Qld before returning to Europe if you must be the best climate & lifestyle in the world! I've lived in Brissie & Melb....can't beat living in a balmy, sunny & outdoor climate like Brissie! Melb is cold, cloudy & windy most the year, only ever warms up when a cold front approaches in "summer" creating Northerly winds to suck heat down.....until the front arrives & snaps back to winter! Then from March to November it's just cold to freezing with a constant cold "breeze". SE Qld is naturally warm all year so you just enjoy the outdoors with the pools, beaches & endless don't even pay attention to the weather anymore because it's always so beautiful:)
I think some people from Sydney are on here commenting :) Melbourbe has less rain than Sydney but will usually be a few degrees cooler everyday. Winter is cold but its nothing compared to Europe or Canada etc. its very mild indeed. No real humidity here which is a major plus. Its been voted worlds most liveable city for many years for a reason. I think its a fantastic city but if you hate cold weather and want more heat and more rain then head up north. Property prices are out of control here so thats a factor too.
I went to Queensland for two weeks in April and it rained every single day! Clear blue skies but cooler weather upon return to Melbourne. Its all relative. Melbourne is mild weather and cool temps 3-4 months of the year. Please dont listen to idiots like Brenda. I doubt she lives here saying its cold 7 months of the year (thyroid perhaps?) its mild. Not hot. But mild climate. People are very fortunate to live in Australia. Europe would be laughing at what you call cold lol
I think thats the point, only ppl who live in Melb try to justify its climate & indoor lifestyle. Its just terrible compared to Qld unless you like the cold, gusty winds & barely any sun. You may have had some rain over 2 weeks visiting Qld but over 52 weeks its simply sublime if you like nice, warm & sunny outdoor weather. Couldnt pay me enough to live in Melb permanently, visiting is painful enough!
Well said andym12. I don't understand the defensiveness from Melb residents. Preferences are diverse but there's no denying it's miserably cloudy and "cool" here for more days, weeks and months than I personally care for. Not as cold as New York? Absolutely, but not sure how that makes the weather great. And please, the whole 'most liveable city' accolade from a survey used by HR firms to work out if they need to pay hardship allowances to expats is hardly a measure worth hanging your life choices on and doesn't even measure things relevant to everyday ppl who work and live here long term. Look, Melb like most other Australian cities, is a comparatively good place to live by global standards but weather is not the key reason... not to mention housing prices and other challenges. So if sunshine, outdoors living etc means a lot to you, then maybe look elsewhere.
I grew up in Melbourne but left home at 21 after joining the ADF. Lived in Canberra, NSW, Perth and Qld. After returning back to Melbourne many years later, I couldnt readjust to the weather. Dry skin, respiratory issues, etc. So Id suggest try it out for a few weeks before deciding to move for good. The weather is cold, definitely it depends on what you like or dislike but for me its too cold and depressing in winters which stretch far too long as compared to other states up north. I like the summers here in Melbourne. In comparison I absolutely loved Qld, may be coz I like being outdoors and I didnt have to wait for a good day to soak in the sun. Didnt enjoy the humid months in Jan-Feb in Qld though but still tolerable.
Most of these are incredibly inaccurate. Did it rain when you came here on holidays? So many sourpusses and know it alls. Obviously not from anyone who lives here and if they do then it hasn't been for long. In my 30+ years of experience I'll say that the weather has changed quite dramatically but we have a massive hole in the ozone right above Australia and climate changed has ruined it for everyone but Melbourne definitely doesn't have the coldest weather not even close. That is in Tasmania. Melbourne has changeable weather but it's pretty moderate most of the year. June and July are cold and rainy but that's what happens in winter. From September onwards it's usually quite mild. We have more pleasant days than not. I had asthma as a child quite bad but I basically grew out of it and the weather has never caused any issues. Melbourne is a beautiful city. Exciting and fun, great people, fine dining, cafes and so many great pubs and night spots and our wonderful sports facilities and arenas our lush public gardens give a wonderful quality of life. More than makes up for a few cold days and a spot of rain. Could be worse, you could end up in Sydney!
I would take Melbourne over Qld any day. I've lived there and HATED it. It sucked. It's either so disgustingly humid and sticky, you need a refrigerated air on going 24/7 or it's raining OR BOTH Its horrid, completely awful. I couldn't wait to get back to Melbourne. Qld is boring AF anyway. The weather in Melbourne just weeds out the losers and sends them north. Although it seems from this thread theres a few that are straggling and need to hurry up and leave.
I would love to move to Melbourne for the colder weather. How-ever my kids (teenagers) say a big fat no to that. Iv lived on the gold coast for 40 years and the hot humid weather is shocking. Unless your willing to go swimming at the beach everyday you will find the humidity makes you irritable and very uncomfortable. I feel for those who don't have air con in their homes, as a lot of rentals here on the gold coast have no air con and they feel like an oven. Melbourne weather sounds lovely and cold. If anyone from Melbourne is thinking of moving to the gold coast i would strongly recommend moving to, Palm Beach, Burleigh, Main Beach, Coolangatta, Miami, Mermaid, or Mermaid waters. NOT SURFERS PARADISE unless your forget moving too Helensvale, and definitely forget Logan. Inland suburbs are extremely humid and unbearable. I live on the beach (across the road from my place) and its still hot and humid being super close to the beach. You definitely need air con and several fans in your home living here. The only breeze your going to get here on the Goldie is if your actually on the beach itself. If you love hot humid muggy days/night most of the year, then you will love Qld. I love the cold and rain and will move to Melbourne one day when my kids have all left home. ( if that ever
Melbourne is only cold in winter. Though by world standards not very cold at all. Winters are relatively short. For the rest of the year, Melbourne is warm to hot with oppressively hot summers with many days in the high 30's or even low 40's. There are even 30deg days during spring and autumn. Summer heat can hang on right through into April. Anyone who thinks Melbourne is cold, doesn't understand cold. My only gripe with the Melbourne climate is it's too hot. We've just experienced rive days in a row in the 30's and there's more to come.
Melbourne only has a couple of days bellow freezing at night but it's never bellow freezing in day time. To many people coming from other parts of the world, best temperature range is 0-20 Celsius. It's 10 - 20 here for the majority of the year The problem with Melbourne, as is the rest of Australia, is the heat. About 1/3 of the year it's above 20 and can get above 40 one or 2 days. I would have moved to Tasmania if not because of work. Speaking as someone from South East Asia not some freezing cold country.
At the moment in Melbourne it is the 7th of April, the sun is shining, the skies are blue & it is 24deg, tomorrow is predicted to be 25deg, next day 26, next day 27. The night time temp is around 14deg, perfect for a good sleep. & our summer has been absolutely beautiful with warm , clear , dry heat, not the intolerable humid heat of Queensland & Sydney where they have both had that much rain that they have had flood after flood & people have lost their houses , & lives have been lost, winters are not that cold , put a winter jumper on & go & enjoy the fresh air. Go for a walk or play a sport, like most Melbournians, its not called the sports capital of the world for nothing. Love the 4 seasons , great place to live.
What a lot of rubbish. Melboure is one of the world's most liveable cities and the weather is a factor for this rating. Yes winter has cold days but not freezing, in July (the coldest month the days start with crisp frosty mornings brightening into beautiful blue sky's. Put a hat and coat on and the day is fabulous. I live in Melbourne and play sport outside all year round and am over 60.
Wrong. Winter is in June - July, lows of 6 and high of 12. Autumn is in late March - May which cools down at highs of 17 - 14. Then Spring is in September - late November as temperatures average 25 and dont go that cold at night and summers are late November to end of February. Although march is warm still as avg temperature in summer is 25 - 35 degrees and lows of 17.
Are you crazy? Melbourne has a much warmer climate compared to Canberra and Tasmania. And 4 seasons in a day is just BS. Many cities in Australia and the world also have these days when it's cold in the morning and very hot at lunch then cool down in the evening, on heatwave days. You would be very lucky in Melbourne because most of the time we have a cool change on heat day. So you will only bear the heat for a few hours instead of a few days or weeks in Perth and Sydney. We don't have many sweaty nights here in Melbourne. I wouldn't live anywhere else in Australia. Melbourne jas the best weather.
"Laughs in Canberran" you people never worked out doors in -8 degrees in the winter or 40+ degrees in summer. Born and raised in Canberra for the best part of 25 years, moved to Melbourne and Canberra makes Melbourne feel like a dream. Don't believe me? When you think it's hot or cold in Melbourne just check what the weather is in Canberra.
Reality check everyone - anywhere that has 4 seasons (not just wet and dry seasons) has more cold than hot months! ha...I am from Melbourne and now live in London and it's cold and pitch black here from October to May! Thank your lucky stars that you're not in the UK. Winter is unending oppressive grey for the few hours it is light each day, dark when you start and finish work and freezing cold! The summers are vaguely warm (early-mid 20s if you are lucky, but most 16-18 degrees!) there is no leaving the house without a jacket, even on a 'hot' day. Everyone leaves to go to mainland Europe at the weekends to get some sunshine! I can't wait to come home to some better weather!
Reality check everyone - anywhere that has 4 seasons (not just wet and dry seasons) has more cold than hot months! ha...I am from Melbourne and now live in London and it's really cold and pitch black here from October to May! But the cold here is nothing really in comparison to other places in Europe. Thank your lucky stars that you're not in the UK. Winter is unending oppressive grey for the few hours it is light each day, dark when you start and finish work and freezing cold! The summers are vaguely warm (early-mid 20s if you are lucky, but most 16-18 degrees!) there is no leaving the house without a jacket, even on a 'hot' day. Everyone leaves to go to mainland Europe at the weekends to get some sunshine! I can't wait to come home to some better weather!
The worst time is during summer. It can be extremely baking hot during heatwaves. The rest of the year has a reasonably comfortable temperate climate. Not too much rain. Winters are not at all cold by international standards. Those who refer to Melbourne freezing are softies from other mainland locations who have no idea what real cold is, who live in perpetual summers.
Melbourne it has the worse and most miserable weather ever
Yes - I've had to come back down to Melb from SEQ for a few months due to the border issues & all I can say is OMG it is worse than I even remember it......and it's almost October! Absolutely freezing cold & cloudy with huge wind gusts every day...can't even get the ski jacket off & heater on all day & all night all week, get me out of here this is no way to live!!
Melbourne is cloudy with grey skies pretty much all of the year. I've been on annual leave for 2 weeks and every single morning have woken up to grey skies and no sun (it's 'Spring' here at the moment. If you love sunshine, warmth and blue skies never ever move to Melbourne. I'm extremely depressed and have no motivation to do anything because of constant lack of sunshine here, and cold cloudy days, every day. I'm desperate to move to Perth or Qld where they have normal sunny weather, and not grey skies and freezing winds every single day. A warm sunny day is so rare here now, and even if it starts off warm it will change and become cold by late afternoon. Even during Summer we used to have some nights where it would be warm and balmy but last 10 years, this has gone as well. I can't remember the last time we had a warm and balmy night, I think it was back in 2008. Every day I watch the sun struggle to push out from under the thick veil of clouds, and it does..for 2 seconds then disappears behind clouds again.
Maybe you should give SE Qld a try - we did 4 years ago & wish we did it earlier now! Its been sunny almost every day this year & its just so lovely enjoying outdoors in nice sunny warm weather - our heating bills are non existent. Were fitter than ever from all the lovely early mornings walks that we couldnt dream of doing down there in the frosty dark mornings. The houses are cheaper which means you can live near the city rather than have the hour commute in traffic down there & we can do day trips to the sunny coast or Gold Coast which trump day trips to the cold windy Mornington peninsula. The state economy is also booming here so we have new projects everywhere including a new runway, cross river rail & Queens wharf. Add the upcoming Olympics/Gabba redevelopment etc & I dont think theres anywhere better to call home!
Agree with some of what you said Andym 12. Dark mornings ok what time do you want to get up 4? Its light at 5:30-6 in Melbourne 7 at the latest in the middle of winter or very start of daylight savings. I was in the gold coast in Feburary and it was dark at 6:30pm I hated that. Still light at 9pm mid summer here and light at 5:45am. Melbourne has more daylight than any capital city other than Hobart. I do agree its freezing May-Sep but from Oct-April avg is around 20-38 deg. So far this September its hardly rained at all and been mostly 18-24 not so bad. Grand Final day looks excellent sunny and 29.
I used to live there so I unfortunately know the place too well. We go for a walk at 6am each day in bright sunshine up here whereas its dark in Melbourne most the year at 6 not to mention so cold - will be just 9 degrees at 6am down there tomorrow & it hasnt even reached 20 degrees during the day the last few days - in Spring! Going from todays top of 18 down to 9 overnight but then up to 29 Saturday sure is a crazy roller coaster to be on. Grand final day will be 29 but then the next day only 22
Wow, a lot of emotive answers here, so let's try to give a more objective and factual one.
Firstly, "good" and "bad" are subjective terms, some people don't like the cold, others don't like heat, some prefer dry heat, others prefer humidity, so it's important to keep that in mind.
Melbourne has a temperate oceanic climate with almost no humidity, whereas SE QLD and NSW have humid sub-tropical climates, which is the main difference.
Again, either one can be good or bad depending on your preference.
Sydney and Brisbane have a lot more sunny days, more consistently warm temperatures and rarely get cold by world standards. However, they also both have stifling and oppressive humidity where 27 can feel hotter than 35 in Melbourne; and both also get a LOT more rain than Melbourne (particularly Sydney).
Melbourne experiences far more variable temperatures year round. Any season can swing violently from day to day, but for the most part:
- Jan to March are the hottest months, with intermittent heatwaves (35-40+), usually very little rain unless impacted by an El Nino event like this year, and it's a very dry heat. When it's 35 you can walk in the shade and feel a cool seabreeze, but the sun is scorching. March is the nicest month of the year, often consistently 25-30 with no rain or humidity. Heatwaves are usually followed by a sudden drop to 20 for a few days, which can be refreshing after 40.
- April is the only true autumn month. It cools down quickly, is changeable (25 one day and 15 the next) and the leaves fall.
- May to September is a long 5 month winter. Cold, grey, windy, but occasional pleasant days around 17-18 with sunshine to break it up. 18 can feel over 20 in the sun but feel more like 15 in the shade with the wind.
- October to December is the most unpredictable time. It starts warming up (November and December start getting sporadic days over 30), is most often over 20 but still has cold days in the teens, and October is the wettest month of the year.
Despite its rainy reputation, Melbourne is the second driest capital in Australia. Melbourne's wettest month has less average rainfall than Sydney's driest month.
The reason isn't less days with rain, but that rain most commonly passes over in 10 minutes and disappears. There are very few days that rain heavily or for a long period.
The upside to that is that you rarely need to cancel anything due to rain: just wait 10 minutes until it passes. Heavy rain more often lasts for hours in Sydney so it gets more mm.
Due to its position further south, Melbourne has longer daylight in summer (around 16 hours) and shorter in winter (only around 8 hours) than the northern states.
That adds to the long Melbourne winters having a tendency to feel dark, depressing and dismal. By contrast, summer is really pleasant if you like heat but not humidity.
That all depends on preference though. I know Qlders who can't cope with the hot dry Melbourne heatwaves because they're accustomed to humidity. Melburnians are more likely to struggle in the oppressive humidity of Sydney and Brisbane.
Bottom line: it depends what you like and if you're more comfortable in dry (albeit colder) climates or humid/tropical climates.
It shouldn't be assumed that everyone's preference is the tropical humidity of Florida, Queensland, Fiji, Bali, etc.
Melbourne is more variable, cold and miserable in winter but a lot less rain, no humidity, dry heat with extreme heatwaves in summer usually followed by a cool stretch, and as others have mentioned the wind can be the worst factor.
Sydney and Brisbane are warmer and sunnier, more consistent, almost no real cold weather, but also a lot wetter with heavier rain and stifling humidity.
* I should note, this particular summer is useless to try to illustrate examples from, because the El Nino event this year is causing atypical weather patterns. When there are tropical storms up north, it pushes more rain and down to Victoria than usual (which in summer is generally almost none) which happens once every few years and this is one. By contrast, two years ago March & April had 0mm of rain.
I should add, I didn't mention Perth or Adelaide in the post above. Subjectively, they probably have the best weather out of Australia's 5 largest cities because they aren't as cold in winter or as unpredictable as Melbourne, but they're not humid like Brisbane & Sydney and have a lot less rain. But if one was looking at the 3 major east coast cities, it's a very subjective choice based on your preference around humid or temperate climates. None of them are perfect and all have flaws - as does any climate - so it's just about choosing which flaws bother you the least. Again though, it's subjective. If you prefer humidity, you won't find many flaws with Brisbane or Sydney's weather, you'll absolutely love it and won't like Melbourne's climate. My sister moved from Melbourne to Queensland, because her partner prefers the tropical climate up there. Whereas my wife moved from Sydney to Melbourne and hates Sydney's humidity despite growing up in it, she prefers the Melbourne climate. I love Arizona heat but I hate Florida heat. Different strokes for different folks. It's all personal preference, there is no right or wrong, and absolutely no point in people arguing about what's "better" or how it affects lifestyle, because each city's lifestyle is built around its climate - Sydney has a lot of water activities and a surfing culture, Melbourne has more of a dining & entertainment culture with great festivals throughout winter, the Sunshine Coast is great for those who love nature and the great outdoors. When taking advice, I would look to the more objective comparisons based on data so you can choose what suits your OWN preference, rather than emotive expressions of personal preference which simply state that people hate what doesn't suit that preference and use current weather (like "Oh it's only 12 degrees today") rather than long term averages as their evidence.
I'd also like to add that most people complain about Melbourne's weather as though it changes every 5 minutes every day of the year, when in actual fact Melbourne's weather is very stable on a daily basis. It's really only in summer and spring when just some days are likely to be changeable. Melbourne's climate shouldn't be described as being 'four seasons in one day', however 'four seasons in one week' is more applicable especially during summer and spring. For me, Melbourne has the ideal climate of any city in Australia. As someone who experiences severe headaches and fatigue in warm-hot temperatures and humidity, the mild climate here suits me perfectly. I love having one or two warm-hot days knowing that a cool relief is on the way to give me a break before it warms up again. The thought of living somewhere like SE QLD or northern NSW where it's just hot and humid nearly all year makes me depressed.
great, even-handed post trentt2. I moved to melb 3 years ago and have to say it's not the temperature but how long winters and autumns last giving the feeling we live mostly is in miserable cold. i've never realised how much i need sunshine until living here. even london has more sunshine across more months of spring and summer climate. as you say, some ppl like it, i can't wait to leave
Brilliant trail guys and shows the split views I am used to hearing living in Melbourne. I am from the South coast of England, but then spent 8 years in NSW before moving to Melbourne. Is the weather slightly better than where I am from originally? Yes. Is it similar or comparable to NSW outside of Jan and Feb? No. And thats fine, but for us who have 3 young children and want them outside not inside, it has been hard having an extended winter and more time at the coffee shop to meet people, rather than grabbing a take away an hanging at the playground enjoying the 16-18 degree norm, instead of 11-14. It is all about perspective and what you are used to, but the biggest realisation for us, is that the overnight temps drop away even in summer and remove the breakfasts outside in the morning completely (maybe 3 days a year) or the late nights on the alfresco, unless you are rugged up or want to have the gas heater on. Great city, great by the bay in Mount Eliza where we live, wrong climate for us and fed up of the uk family comparing their weather to ours! Thanks
Yes that is my experience from Melb, basically an indoor city for the most part. Here in SEQ its the total opposite, mornings & nights are balmy outside most the year which means most evenings & breakfasts are always outdoors on the balcony or outdoors at the cafe (most our venues are outdoor/semi-outdoor). Im also a cyclist & mornings in Melb require full rug up winter gear year round, I hate that & much prefer here where all I need is summer gear & sunscreen where we dont have those awful winds either!
I have always thought that if you want to get an impression of how people's lifestyles interact with the weather, take note of how their balconies, verandahs and patios are set up as extensions of their living spaces. In Melbourne they are generally quite empty or well barricaded. I'm trying to work out there now and everything is being blown away. March and April are really nice though.
Gosh Im just in Melbourne for work & its only 8 degrees!! Mid November!!! And apparently this is their best day in ages according to locals.
Who could want one season of winter all year round, how depressing & boring! Not to mention all the for lease signs all over the city.sure cant get back to SEQ fast enough!!
With all the answers given, i don't think the guy ever moved tho
It's about preference. I'm from Canada and have lived in Melbourne for 3 years. I like the weather here. It's a Mediterranean climate but more variable day to day (and hour to hour). If you like predictable, long stretches of beach weather, next to Hobart it's your worst option among Australian capitals cities. The average January high is 26, but it's rarely average: it can be 40 at 2 p.m. and once the (almost invariably short) heat wave breaks, 22 a couple of hours later. A 14 degree sunny and calm winter day is gorgeous; a 14 degree cloudy and windy winter day is pretty miserable. I bike and cycle a lot and I find the wind the most off-putting feature of Melbourne. The best for me is the relative lack of humidity - I grew up in a dry prairie climate and find hot and muggy debilitating.
I would point out that the country is the canary in the coal mine for climate change and will be the first to burn up if it gets out of hand, in which case Melbourne will be the last metropolis standing.
I have heard many Australians declare that Melbourne is just too cold for them. I get it; even though I'm from a place where the average high in the coldest winter month is -14 (that's minus 14), in 3 years my sense of thermoregulation has adapted and I can complain about 10 degrees and drizzly with the best of them. In my limited experience most Australian cities are by world standards extremely pleasant places to live (though fearsomely expensive). The best option is the one that ticks off your priority "must haves." If the most important variable is year-round tropical or semi-tropical weather, don't pick Melbourne. If other factors, like architecture, green space, and general livability are more important, it's a good choice.
I've been in Melbourne since December & I've required a jumper & pants for most of it! Definitely not the place to be for summer people. Today is supposed to be 24.....only just reached 18 at midday.....mid summer......& tomorrow's max is JUST 18! The rest of Australia offers far more superior living than this city!!
Don't be fooled into thinking this is standard summer weather in Melbourne. This summer we have been affected by La Nina which makes for colder and rainier than average weather. In an average Melbourne summer (neutral, no La Nina or El Nino), it is normal for temperatures to range from 23-low 40's with most days generally in the high 20's. Last summer was distinctly warmer, and the one before that we averaged 27 degrees maximum across Dec-Feb.
Melbourne has four distinct seasons, it's proximity to the sea has a moderating influence. If you are moving to Melbourne from another mainland city you may feel cold in the winter months, but, its a great time to wear those warm clothes and visit Victoria's fantastic snowfields. Frosty days are very rare in Melbourne. We get around a dozen very hot days in summer,and I mean HOT, over 38c,I think Melbourne holds the record for the highest capital city temperature in Australia, around 47c, but high humidity days are very rare. I've lived in Brisbane and Perth and found Brisbane too humid with no distinct seasons and Perth has very long, hot, dry, summers, but all Australian capitals offer a fantastic lifestyle that is envied worldwide. You will never get bored with Melbourne's weather.
Bro are u retarded? Winters are June - August and are not that cold unless u wear some layers and some gloves or scarf. Spring is in September - November and highs are 20 - 25 and are not cold at all. Summer is Early November from high of 25 and low of 11 to end of March (temperatures cool down) Autumn is just cold wind from April to late May.
There is no doubt that Melbourne in winter is colder than other mainland cities,but overall it is NOT that bad.The best way to describe it is "changeable".Winter in general is fairly cold.but you can still have some nice days.Autumn is cool but pretty clear.Spring is the season that Melbourne gets its main reputation its very unpredictable.Hot one day, cold the next and the most rainfall for the year.Speaking of rainfall,not many people know that rainfall per year less than either Sydney or Brisbane.but it has more rainy days(in other words lots of drizzle).Summer can be HOT,but a couple of hot days is usually followed by a cool change,and many summer days can de mild also.Hope all this helps!
It's a horrid jail lifestyle. Most livable city for those who like to sit inside on the couch all week and weekend. Great jobs and money you can't use on anything. Buy bikes or boats they cost an arm and a leg to keep registered to just sit in garages. I hate it here, I have my whole life. Miserable places create miserable people.
We moved from WA to Victoria because we couldn't bear the continuous heat and dry spells. We find Melburnian weather much more liveable. Yes, it's quite changeable and unpredictable, but that's what we love about it! If it's 30 degrees one day, it may be 20 the next! And you get rain in summer, which is a pleasant change from the aridness of WA :-)
Congrats . Im happy for you. Yay. Melb & its ppl r pretentious snobby jerk off attitude
I've commented on this post before but thought I'd write an update, I FINALLY left Melbourne and moved to my home town of Coffs Harbour in northern NSW.
I lived in Melbourne for 3 1/2 years and I absolutely loathed every single minute of it. The weather was beyond depressing, I am an outdoors person having spent 20 years in Brisbane and I just couldn't cope down there. Sitting inside watching netflix with the heater on weekend after weekend because it's too cold and miserable to be outside enjoying life is not my idea of a quality life.
I've only been back north for 3 months and you couldn't pay me to go back to Melbourne!
No wonder having lived in that humid hell hole called Brisbane. That has terrible weather humid and gross. I lived in Townsville and hated every second also. I love Melbourne. It has great weather, its beautiful at the moment too, lots of warm sunny days and cool breezes off the water. It never stays too anything for long but usually it's mild. It's cold in winter.. that's what happens in winter. Shocking! lol but it's the best city to live in for entertainment, music, sports, dining you name it. So of course there's jealousy. Outsiders have to pick on something so it's usually the weather.
Really Ziggyvonmars, I have lived in Melbourne 44 years. Melbourne is the 2nd coldest capital city in Australia. Hobart is the coldest and ACT has the coldest nights. Melbourne has less sun and more overcast days than any other city in Australia including Hobart and that is fact google it. Melbourne is windy, constantly overcast has virtually no spring just winter from May to the start of October. Sometimes even November is cold like the one we just had. Its warm to hot 4-5 months tops, cold 4 and freezing 3. Ok if you like the indoors 8 months of the year.
no "outdoors person" should be shunned from doing their outdoor thing in a temperature above 10. If you actually do sport and stuff you would love temperature bellow 20 even. Are you only out when it's sunny? Sounds like a very spoiled attitude towards life and the environment: "the sky has to be a certain way or I won't be able to do my things"
I've lived here in Melbourne my whole life and will certainly move when my parents are no longer with me. Its bascially winter from Mid April until Mid November in that time you would be lucky to get 15 days over 20. Mid November to Mid April which is only 5 months the weather is ok. But even when its warm it rarely lasts more than 4 days. Its also very windy throughout the year and has even less clear days than Hobart. Terrible climate if you like the outdoors.
The worst time is during summer. I hate it. I basically stay indoors October through March. It's just too oppressive out. It can be extremely baking hot during heatwaves. You should be aware of that if you live here. The rest of the year has a reasonably comfortable temperate climate. Not too much rain. Winters are not at all cold by international standards. Those who refer to Melbourne as "freezing" are mostly softies from other mainland locations who have no idea what cold is, or who live in perpetual summers. Winter is from June to August. Cold weather doesn't typically begin until June and ends around August/September. The first 30deg days usually occur in October. That's hardly winter.
I have to totally agree with you
On your 9 months cold
1 month summer if lucky 2 months some years and some nice autumn weather and zero spring. I grew up here and although its always been cold winters we used to have spring- Its like we are in a giant wind tunnel - maybe from the thousands of air craft daily increased over the years. Its changed.
Very depressing place Melbourne. Its an indoor city 8 months of the year. Freezing from mid April to mid November some years just like the current year.
My parents are in thier late 70's and when they leave this world I will leave for somewhere warmer perhaps Perth.
I have wasted 45 years in this iceberg and can not live here another 30+ years.
The summer's are dryer than Sydney's and Brisbane's, which a lot of people like.
Right now in SEQ its a beautiful 27 - 28 degrees everyday with a refreshing touch of humidity, perfect for cooling off in the water, getting a tan, enjoying a cold drink with friends; and were in the middle of Autumn! The nights are a stunning 19/20 degrees, perfect for enjoying the nightlife Brisbane is known for, including going to the Footy at Suncorp, Restaurants at South Bank, or bars in Fortitude Valley. Unfortunately, Melbourne doesnt get to experience too much consistency with their weather and though they might have nice days this week, soon itll be back to cold. Whether its 25 this WEEK and 12 the next, 25 TODAY and 12 the next, or 25 this HOUR or 12 the next, its hard to feel settled with Melbourne Weather.
Sums up SEQ pretty well - been amazing weather all week & almost all of last week too.....out of 365 days you get amazing bang for back up here compared to my old Melbourne life. Your summation of weather down there is pretty accurate but for the omission of the cold wind chill....those "warmer" days usually have cold icy winds that make it feel 1/2 that without a thick jacket! And the nights/mornings are so cold for most of the year that you lose the outdoor dining & outdoor activities before/after work unless you're willing to brave the cold. When I visit & see people rugged up in jackets mid summer outside cafe's trying to eat breakfast I really wonder if they have ever seen how we do things up here....
Ah yes have seen how things are in QLD, visited Noosa 15 years ago over Christmas, cut our visit short because of the disgusting, unbearable humidity. Visited Noosa again in July 4 years ago & for the week we were there wore a thick jumper everyday & it rained, interestingly the person who lives in Noosa comes down to Melbourne for 3 months over Summer because of the humidity. On the way home we visited friends in Burleigh Heads for a few days & again it was cold & wet, these friends lived in QLD for 10 years & have now come back to Melbourne, so please do not tell me all about Qlds weather , I have been there numerous times, its lovely for a holiday in winter but the best place for me is Melbourne. I lived in the tropics for 2 years & could not wait to get out, everyone to their own.
You sure must be sensitive to humidity; its far more humid in FNQ than SEQ. I dont find SEQ too humid at all & love the fact theres a little just to ensure nights & mornings are lovely outside without the chill factor everpresent down melb - it is mainly tourists who think SEQ is too humid as they are usually from down south & acclimatised to cold, polar conditions. If SEQ was too humid there wouldnt be so many southerners flocking up here nor would there be so many ppl living further north - Cairns, Townsville, Darwin..incidentally SEQ is only subtropical.if you lived in the tropics your experience is probably quite different. Cold change on the way to melb with cold & windy conditions alreadylosing 6 mths of the year to indoor heaters & dark cloudy conditions sure seems worse than a few humid pool & beach days to me.outdoor life with no winter in sight
Its clear you dont know Melbourne or have never been to Melbourne, weather today in Melbourne 26deg & sunshine, Brisbane 26deg & rain, & prob humid, heater has not been on this year & its mid April, thats not too bad. Autumn is beautiful weather, Spring is beautiful weather, if you dont like winter, bad luck , move . Most people are happy to have the change, you can still get out & do things, its not that cold. Brisbane gets a lot more rain than Melbourne in a year..
Born in Melb & lived there over 30 years....and never again! Beautiful 28 degrees on the way here today, 29 tomorrow, overnight minimums around 20 it's simply sublime here. Melb will be struggling to retain double digit minimums after the cold front hits tomorrow. I visited Melb last December was meant to head to the BBL but it was freezing as outside so we opted to watch it on tv; Abbey on the ch 7 coverage was in full on winter gear (in summer!) at the ground & was so cold she said "If this is melbourne in summer I'm tapping out"!! I won't even bother visiting for sporting events after that winter in summer trip!
I've just been to Melb for Easter....well it's become even worse down there...after a windy hayfevery Easter Sunday (which at least was warm) it turned awful it rained constantly from Sunday night until Wednesday.....tops only around 15 & nights below 10, winter gear aplenty & didn't see any sun Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday! Don't know how they live like that....and it's only mid April!
To be fair owens3 Im from the UK too and when youve moved halfway around the world to a country as big as Australia youll want to pick the part thats right for you rather than moving back and forth! Im really liking this discussion by the way and Im glad we live in a country with so many different climates to choose from.
if you are looking for statistics you will find them here
but if you are looking for a place to live there are other things to consider don't forget that Melbourne was voted "The most livable city of the world" for 3 years only loosing the title to "Vienna". It is certainly the most livable city of Australia
Another freezing day in Melbourne. Coldest in 36 years. I had some plants to plant but it was too cold to go outside: feel like temperature of 9o. I stayed inside with the heater running all day. Gotta love Melbourne! And its mid-Spring here (in this cold hole).
Our team of landscapers were working all day in shorts so not sure you think it was freezing? Even in the middle of winter we never get below zero here in the south eastern suburbs in beautiful Melbourne. If you enjoy be active outdoors you will only feel uncomfortably hot & sweaty in Summer when it gets over 25c, the rest of the year the temperate climate is perfect. Cant imagine why people would want an Summer climate all year round.
I see the max temp yesterday there - mid Spring - was only12! Wow that's cold....very give some perspective London was 16 yesterday/today. The entire AFL has moved here & happily training/playing outdoors in our beaut warm, sunny weather....& now planning to remain here for the off-season too they're loving it so much. Boating, pools, picnics are a major trend up here in these calm balmy conditions.....but are a rarity down there in the cold where it's mostly an indoor lifestyle. I think it's evident from this forum that - if you like warmth, sunshine & outdoors, stay clear of Melbourne. If you consider 12 maximums nice for 1/2 the year, Melbourne may be worth looking at (after there's a Covid vaccine & the economy can recover...).
You kidding yourself are you. The AFL is only up there because of COVID, its not permanent. As a former player myself I cant imagine doing pre-season training in that steam bath of a summer you have up there with all the rain you get. Most people I know love our cool comfortable year round temperatures. Queensland is not for everyone contrary to what you believe. Its only people like you that have moved up there that believe that everyone should think the same as you. Utopia is where YOU feel comfortable. Not others trying really hard to sells there opinion to you.
It seems you know little of SE Qld's weather! And there is nothing comfortable about 6mth winter & 12 degrees even into mid Spring! I have not suggested Qld is for everyone - I said if you consider 12 maximums nice for 1/2 the year Melb may be worth looking at.....& that Melb is a good place to live if you don't like the sun/sunscreen/sunburn or sweat. It's just 12 degrees down there now, still colder than London I'm sure that is a shock to anyone thinking of moving to Melb! Well it's time for me to go take a quick dip in the pool, enjoy your day lads!
I am so over it Andym12! But I have family, friends, a house, a part-time job here. It would be difficult to move to Queensland but I am thinking about it. Though, as John said, sometimes people focus on the weather when they are unhappy. Covid in Melbourne has been dismal with all the lockdowns and waves of infection.
It largely depends on how highly a warm outdoor lifestyle ranks among your priorities - I love it which is why Melb isn't for me. Here is a true outdoor lifestyle year round, if you enjoy pools, outdoor breakfasts/dinners, walking, cycling, kayaking etc then here is the beez knees of living. Going to the footy in sunny 25 degrees is just spectacular compared to sitting in the rain with numb toes & fingers in ski gear holding onto your beanie in the wind! Then the hot days there are because a cold front is approaching which creates huge Northerly winds sucking heat down from central Australia until the cold front arrives at which time the wind turns Southerly & temps plummet instantly (as happened there on the weekend). Cold fronts don't reach Qld so we have much more consistent weather & so little wind that they even dismantled the only windmill built here back in the convict days because there was not enough wind to spin it! Moving interstate is pretty easy once you have work lined up, especially if you're an independent person, most people spend longer driving to & from work each day down there than a flight SE Qld to Melb to visit anyway (not that anyone is visiting Melb right now obviously). Good luck with your decision!
Hi Esat, Ive been reading your comments and I do agree with you. Unfortunately, it can be hard to move for better weather once someone is established in a place. I would love to live somewhere other than Melbourne, but I think I will have to make do, given my loved ones are here. I own a small property in the Whitsundays. Whenever I visit there, I feel literally transformed. Thank you for your entries to this thread. They are respectful of other people and create food for thought.
Thank you also, that is amazing that you can get away like that. I left all my family and friends and moved to North Cyprus, best move i ever made. The weather was amazing i was always outside thats when i realised there is more to life. I only moved back cause of family reasons and i regret it biggest mistake of my life. The only bad side to Europe is the economy.
The only people who truly defend melbournes weather are people that were born and bred here and haven't really lived anywhere else.
I actually feel sad for them because they have no idea how pleasant life can be living with blue skies.
Im currently in stage 4 lockdown enduring my 3rd Melbourne winter with plenty of time on my hands to make a decision - I'm not wasting another year of my life in this dreary hell. I'll be moving back to northern NSW as soon as the borders open.
Melbourne is a bleak and miserable hole.
The worst place I've ever lived.
The dreary weather has a massive impact on the way you live your life here, which is basically inside on the couch with the heaters going for 8 months of the year. The people reflect this mood, people are rude and unfriendly and just damn miserable.
If you are filthy rich and can afford an apartment in the city and can eat out at restaurants every night and brunch at cafes all day then maaaaybe it would be bearable, but to live an ordinary life in the suburbs, you just wouldn''d move north, lol.
i spent over 30 years living in melbourne, then the UK and now have been in Montreal for a few years where -40 and mounds of snow are normal. I have been here for a couple months, and I have not felt so cold in my life. The wind is bitterly cold, miserable overcast days 50% of the time, and housing with bad heating and insulation. It is a lot more easy to live in places that have less wind, and better heating/insulation.
I personally believe that here in Melbourne we dont really have a winter, more like a long autumn followed by a long spring. If you want a winter you really have to head to higher altitude, place like Bright in Victoria or Jindabyne in N.S.W. Melbournes climate doesnt get could enough to call it winter.
I was born in Melbourne and been living here for 30+ years. While I love the city, I feel like the the weather's getting worse every year. People in the CBD are still wearing puffer jackets in December (since April). It was hailing today in summer (12-Dec-22) and there's been no spring the last 4-5 years. Sydney's average this week is 24C while Melbourne's is 17.5C. There are a range of reasons why people do not move locations regardless that they do not enjoy the weather. People can still love
It's the worst spring and summer in Melbourne for the last 30 years. And it's not only Melbourne alone. It also affects Adelaide, Hobart and Canberra. Even Sydney has colder days than usual. However I am still happy because we are still way more lucky than other places in Australia. For example Sydney has been raining non-stop for the last few years. Last year I was in Sydney for 2 weeks and it rained 23 hours a day for 2 weeks. We couldn't even go out for foods.
Melbourne has the best weather in the country, along with Adelaide. If you do your research, most people in Australia and the world agree that Melbourne and Adelaide have the most liveable weather. This is why Melbourne is the most liveable city in Australia and many migrants chose it to be their home. It has 5.1mil people, almost the same population of Sydney despite most politicians are in Sydney. It says that Melbourne is actually better for living and people still make the right choice
I lived in Melbourne for 30 years and then the Gold Coast for 5. Im back in Melbourne for the time being and I hate it. Its constantly cold, grey and miserable in the winter and it gets too bloody hot in summer, though its not consistently hot. I cant wait to get out of here and back up north.
Victoria has a reputation for its crap weather that's all year round. Victoria the bipolar state of Australia.
Compared to other places in the world Melbourne is not bad at all. At worst the weather is mild over winter or a few days or 40+ temperatures that come and go over the summer.
Debunked in 2022 as Melbourne had a brilliant summer which continued well into Autumn
No!!! Worse, and that is not a joke
Ive been in Melbourne for 10yrs and my wife for 35yrs. We both disgustingly hate weather seriously but rest of the weather its just perfect for everything.
I am from france, i've been living in melbourne for 6 years..
I hate the weather so much.
The thing is, in france when the winter coming, people are ready and houses are well isolated. But in melbourne, no isolation in houses and 2 little months of summer december and january but getting cold at night or late afternoon. Hotter in france during summer. If you care about weather you won't be happy to move here. So what i am doing is i move to france for summer over there and come around november here ahah. Good luck
Not at all! I have lived in Canberra, Wollongong, Albury, and Darwin (each for years). Melbourne has a better climate than any of them.
Summers are not too hot (like Sydney or Wollongong), winters are not too cold (like Canberra), it's never too humid (like Darwin). Yeah, sometimes the weather changes a bit in a day, big whoop! :D
The weather is not so From France and has been living in Melbourne for 6years I love this town but I don't like the weather. It is never consistent with the season. And 4seasons in 1 day is not a myth. The good thing is that even if winter is pretty cold you can have some lovely sunny day not too cold but in summer the weather is crazy from very high temperature to cold...
Good grief! And to think us Poms have a reputation for spending our time constantly discussing/arguing/whining over weather!
Anyway, for all the moaning and groaning over which part of Australia has better weather (depending entirely on your individual tastes surely?), those of us lucky enough to live in Edinburgh, Scotland know that our weather beats all. Those balmy days of summer with occasional highs of 21/22, rare days of 25/26 and once a year day of 29/30 always feel too hot as we are accustomed and conditioned to appreciating anything above 16! Winter is spent appreciating anything above 8/9 and we often rush outdoors accordingly! Just means we are much tougher than you....
Rug up everyone who dislikes the cold! 3 degrees tonight in Melbourne-town and frost forecast. Its technically mid-Spring, which means we have just two more months of cold, wet, blustery, wintry days to come before we have our 3 warm months. Hang in there! Gotta love Melbourne!
Definitely an each to their own statement. The cool weather means we can control our comfort level in doors & outdoors. Feeling cool, you can wear a jumper or jacket as opposed to the Summer where when you feel too hot thats just bad luck. Once you stripe down & youre still hot then what? Not to mention constant sweating outdoors, the sunburn & skin damage from that, the flies, mosquitoes. Whats good about it?
I can agree that Melb is a good place to live if you don't like the sun/sunscreen/sunburn or sweat! Of course that sure isn't many peoples preference & in stark contrast to the lifestyle on offer in the rest of the country! It's reflecting in the thousands upon thousands fleeing Vic for NSW & QLD highlighting Melbourne's dependance on overseas immigration to sustain its population. QLD is coming of age & very exciting to be a part of in addition to the climate which can only be described as paradise; Beautiful one day, perfect the next :)
As we sit here having a beer outdoors in 24 degrees its 14 & raining in Melb....where it wont hit 20 again until Wednesday! Yet were high 20s all week except Sunday which is 30! Hard to believe such a difference in lifestyle from a 2hr flight North, Melb is definitely the place to be if you enjoy the cold.
Ive read a lot of comments here and I find Johns158 comments to be so one sided and argumentative that I am not sure what he is defending. When people cant take the heat they hate everywhere thats warmer than where they live. Too much defending Melbourne going on here. John needs to sit down and watch a good game of rugby and discover the world.
@johns158 how often does that happen? You forgot to mention the storm and rain that occurred after out of no where i got drenched walking again.
The forecast two days ago predicted rain late afternoon today, thats why I went for a ride this morning instead of this afternoon. If your concerned about rain & storms, forget about moving to S.E Queensland, they get storm surges that wash away the sand dunes & even cyclones some years, they also receive almost double the amount of rain fall compared to Melbourne annually. Check out the stats for rain fall up there.
Esat dont listen to Melbournians just look up the bureau of meteorology historical observations & note temps but moreover compare the apparent temps/wind year round. Wind chill down there makes even reasonable temps cold whereas we barely have wind - today melb was 15 at midday but apparent temp just 8 (that is still a warm day for Melb considering Tues & Wed max only 13). Meanwhile my evening walk at 6pm here was 17 & apparent temp 16 - warmer than Melbs apparent temp all day (btw melb temp at 6pm was 9 with apparent temp 3!). The 2 cities couldnt be more different in lifestyle. Year round warmth & sun versus mostly cold, windy & cloudy.
Every single town in Australia has its pros & cons. Queensland has warm to very hot weather all year round, some people like that, Victoria has seasons, some people like that. Theres no right or wrong here. Expat Melbournians love to try & convince others that their decision to up root & leave family & friends was the right choice. This choice can have a big effect on people close to you so needs to considered very carefully. Warm weather vs no family & friends. A great multicultural location vs culturally challenged (more bogans per square kilometre in Queensland than anywhere in the country) great choice of landscape diversity in Victoria i.e. our high country & mountain forests for hiking, rugged coast line, kit surfing at Rye, surfing the GREAT OCEAN ROAD. All these activities is something I would personally never leave. All comes down to the individual. No right or wrong here.
That's going off track....the OP & Esat are talking about weather/lifestyle not family friends and all the rest. Therefore there is only one answer:) IMO it's easy to overthink moving a short 2hr flight away & incorrectly assume why ex melburnians encourage others to try the move if they're already thinking about it - it's bc we've experienced how much better life is up here & how friendly Qlders are. Having perfect weather along with the Goldie, Sunshine coast, Brissie, Hinterlands & 3 airports all in a 100k radius is just the beez kneez of living, bring on the AFL finals & hopefully in future the Olympics! People can always move back if they don't like the change & that is way better than having never tried it.
@johns158 Im not trying to convince anyway, merely only stating my own experiences. Victoria is great as i mentioned before we have everything, but you have to remember we cant always experience what Victoria has to offer. How often does a normal family/person in Victoria experience the things you have mentioned. The families/people that dont get to experience all that Victoria has to offer is it worth living here, what are the reason hindering us from doing all the things you mentioned eg. Money, weather and time. We can always find a job regardless of state. If the weather is better we have greater opportunity to be doing outdoor activities. Last is time well if the weather is unstable you have less time, if you are stuck in traffic as most of Melbourne is you have lest time. These are all negative attributes when you are trying to live a happier healthier lifestyle. Family and friends are important but why base a decision attached to them. If your family and friends love and care for you, they can always visit and call. If anyone has an attachment to there family and friends then i see that as a far bigger problem. You cannot compare something unless you have lived it.
Thank you, :). I know everyone is different and has there own reason why they choose something. I try to follow some basic rules, 1. To do what ever makes you happy. 2. More is lost by indecision than by wrong decision. 3. Not live with what could of been. 4. If something is worth it, a bit of hardship is nothing. Enjoy your weekend.
Yeah go for it, beautiful calm 23 degree day here whereas down there it's blowing a gale & going to rain most the week ahead.....outdoor activities are just sublime up here! The best part about Australia is there's so many options all with different climates & it's so easy to move, well worth trying if you like outdoors & sunshine, if you don't like it whats the worst that can happen? You just move back (although we joke how no one ever leaves here!!). Enjoy!
It depends. I have lived in Sydney and Melbourne extensively. So I understand the weather in both.
Each year the weather can be different in Melbourne. Some years it will feel like a double very dry (no rain) hot summer and other times it will feel like it will miss summer.
The winter can be the same. Some years mild other years freezing.
I wouldnt say most of the time it is cold. No. Id say 5 months is cold. 2-3 months hot. And 4 months or so is really nice mild in between weather.
Today is 28th June, proper winter. Sure it's only 11 degrees right now but it's still, crisp, & fresh & the sunshine has that glorious warmth to it. Yesterday was a bit cold for a tee & thin hoodie for me, but added a thicker layer & no probs. I love the 4 seasons. Today I am absolutely loving the sun as I missed it yesterday. If from Syd or north you will find it cooler & different for sure. But good different imo.
Three layers on top are whats needed indoors in a Melbourne winter: two layers fitted close to the skin to hold heat in and a thick outer layer to prevent the cold seeping in. Two layers for the bottom half: e.g. tights and a thick pair of trousers. Make sure to wear covered shoes and warm socks. When going outdoors, add an overcoat. If it is very early or very late, you will need to add gloves, a scarf and, maybe, a beanie. Ignore the thin hoodie and Tee nonsense. Melbourne is cold nine months a year. Even in December, your heaters are running and you will need your overcoat.
Brenda your the type that gets cold in 20 degree weather.
Melbourne is not for you.
Move to QLD immediately.
I'm sure you would then complain about how hot & humid it is there.
I grew up in northern nsw and then spent 18 years in brisbane.
I moved to melbourne 2 years ago where I met my partner who was born and bred here.
I HATE melbourne and its weather.
Did you know statistically melbourne has more than 160 over cast days a year? Thats 6 months of grey....
It really is a miserable place to live, I lay there at night and long for the blue skies of Qld. Life is so much better when the sun is shinning. My partner doesnt want to move north so I will probably have to leave him cause living in melbourne is unbareable, even for love.
Shering, I just moved to Geelong(1hr from Melbourne) from northern NSW, before that I lived in Brisbane for 4 years. I HATE life here. Why would anyone want to live in Victoria. I long for the sunny blue skies every single day of my life here, like you. Life is so crap when its freezing + the sky is grey! I totally agree! My boyfriend is doing university here, but I might have to move and do distance, because its so depressing.
Brenda, someone already made this comment and I agree. If you dont like it, move. I hate living in Victoria and would move tomorrow if my family wasn't rooted here. I have lived in the tropics overseas for 10 years, and also QLD previously. Life is so much better waking up to sunshine. I really feel that spending your life discussuing/complaining about the weather, or worse, hoping for sunshine is stupid and a wasted life. I literally spring out of bed to a clear sky. Victoria on the other hand feels like groundhog day, waking to clouds, what is the point? SOD = me. But it goes on for 9 months of the year, not 3. And yes........Victorian summer's are very short lived and erratic. The only people who defend Victoria's weather are ignorant and/or in denial.
I like Victorias weather I do not think I am an ignorant person or in denial. People like different things. I couldnt think of anything worse than it being sunny every single day. I like the seasons. Its natural. The cycle of life. I love the cosy feeling of wearing a big jumper and having a cup of tea. Just as much as I like a nice walk in the sunshine. I find in Melbourne I enjoy both.
Mark, you do realise that I did not post the question? Someone asked about Melbourne weather and I responded that I think it sucks. Since then, I have been attacked on this page for offering my opinion. I have been insulted for my age by the ignorant little 'biryani4lyfe' and called a "Boomer" by that ignorant child. All because I expressed an opinion on the weather in response to a question --- about the waether!
I have not been in Melbourne too long coming from the UK just last year. So far the weather has been fairly stable but those days where it was in the 40 range was uncomfortable but in a few days it was back down again. The winter does not bother me, the UK can almost feel like a year long winter in comparison.
One thing that took me by surprise though was the hail storm on the 19th January, it caused damage to skylights, roof tiles and the veranda polycarb corrugation was shredded. Thankfully my car was in the carport at the time so no damage there.
Melbourne is cold and often wet most of the year. We have two seasons: really cold (8 months of year) and steaming hot. The cold, wet weather begins in May and continues through to mid-December. Mid-December through mid-March are the hot, sunny months. Just three. April runs hot and cold. So eight months very cold, dark and wet: a heavy coat needed every day; three months of, sometimes intense, heat and one month (April) variable. If you like heat and sunshine, Melbournes weather just stinks; no two-ways about it.
Melbournes climate is significant in just two ways - heat, and wind. It has no rain - just drizzle, it never has single digit max temps, it has mild winter nights - seldom dropping below 6 or 7 degrees. Frost is a total rarity - apart from the Yarra valley, which gets a dozen frosts at best. Its an unexceptional climate except for its extreme maximums in summer and high wind in Spring.
Melbourne has already had 8 nights this month dip below 6 degrees! And it's not even winter! Frosts are not an absolute rarity in the SE suburbs; visited last August & was stuck hosing my car to remove all the ice. Gives me shivers just thinking about it.... In the context of Australia, Melbourne's climate is significant bc it's the only large city that is mostly cold, where you always need winter gear on hand & is the cloudiest city in Australia too. Temp records don't tell the true story either as the wind chill factor from the Arctic winds there can make even "warm" days feel cold.
Actually BOM shows it only hit 22 for 1/2hr from the big northerly winds. Yes some prefer cold & its basically coldest cloudiest part of Oz so perfect for them. The OP is concerned about Melb weather & its very windy & cold late September there; that would be unexpected for someone whos never lived there especially if they prefer an outdoor lifestyle. Weve all been regularly using the pool up here in the warmth & sunshine, will be in it all week! Anyone who enjoys that lifestyle would be misplaced there so hopefully this info helps!
You dont have to be an Oxford Scholar to figure out that S.E. Qld is hotter than Victoria. The OP is not an idiot. Not everyone wants to hang out in a swimming pool for 10 months of the year either. Hot weather doesnt mean a better lifestyle for everyone. Im sorry if not everyone wants to live in S.E Qld with you.
The OP asked what to expect throughout the year? Bet he/she wasnt expecting late Sept snow in Vic while S.E. Qld is enjoying pool weather, its perfectly relevant in answering the question. On the contrary theres currently an exodus from Melb to SE Qld putting pressures on housing here. All the Afl/V8s/netball etc all came up too so its very busy!
That sure isnt our experience, perhaps Nth Qld in summer but not SE Qld! Love summers here, rarely use A/C & the pool is amazing all summer long Takes a cpl mths to get used to sleeping with the warm nights if youre from a cold city & sure need a lot of sun cream/hats with the constant sunshine but thats about it!
I remember growing up, during winter there would be weeks of cold very wet weather, raining every day for weeks. Constantly in Galoshes, then we would holiday in Mildura in summer and come home with blistered shoulders and lips and very tanned. I think this was a result of my dad loving hot, dry, weather. The heatwaves we get in Melbourne can be quite unbearable, as I lived in sub-standard accommodation on a number of occasions. The hottest was of course the Feb of the big fire, I was living in the North of Melbourne. Stifling. Contrast that to where I was living in a done-up single layer brick garage with a cracked slab and rising damp, it felt much colder for 2 winters as a result. The electric heating the landlady supplied resulted in a bill that kept me poor. No insulation. I have since lived in a building, commercially built, with double glazing and hydro heating, and it was fabulous. Now I'm living in a small unit, rebuild, the aircon was not working, and my room has been constantly 30C (upstairs unit). Finally it got fixed 2 days ago, but I watch the mercury creep up to 28C every day and have to use the aircon to cool it down. Winter here I barely felt it indoors. We have the windows that only open 10cm as well. I get affected by the heat, but saying that, last years summer didn't feel so hot, and winter was very mild. My brother used to spend all his time in shorts when he lived in Sydney years ago With my indoor temp being so hot, I walk around outside without sleeves when others are in long sleeves this year. I'm mostly affected by the Hayfever season than anything.
Melb weather is fine. I love it. Or did. Lived there for 30 years till moving here to bendigo six months ago. I really feel the heat and used to head to the beach or into a pool in Melbourne summers (no pool here in Bendigo so wont go out the door next summer) but spring and autumn always seemed good to me, much like April in the UK when I motorhomesd around with my kid six years ago. But I dont feel the cold so Im in a tshirt in winter in Melbourne and Id say its brisk and wet and can get cold - but we dont have cyclones or droughts and we do get different breezes. Ive never had a parka or big heavy coat in winter in Melbourne but I die in summer anywhere! Anything over 24 and Ill lock myself in front of the air con! In fact here in Bendigo Ive swapped winter and summer to suit me! Lol. But expect 26-40 in summer and 6-16 in winter. And youll find a good pub for any season and nice people (usually).
I just moved to Melbourne from Vancouver, BC. First, I was told Melbourne is open and free, no lock-downs. That changed as while in quarantine. Secondly, Melbourne has some of the worst drivers I've come across and I'm bloody from Vancouver! Third, Australia looks like a well-developed third world country. And last, the weather here is pretty rubbish so far (late June to late August is what I've experienced so far). The weather is not very stable and it really, actually does change every few hours. Random bursts of rain then sunny. It's calm one moment then the next moment it's crazy gusts of wind followed by as if everything is back to normal. It actually feels colder here then Vancouver. The homes here keep no heat. If it wasn't for my Aussie wife, I'd be out of Australia ASAP. Only thing Australia has going for itself is the quality of food and pretty decent coffee. Otherwise, no thanks.
Hahaha. Love this. Hi buddy. You need to go to Queensland. Half of us Melbournians are desperatelt planning our escape out of this state. The one positive you forgot is that there are a range of choices regarding basically any product or service you need and job opportunities used to be a little better pre covid. Like i said. Go to Brisbane or the Sunshine coast or Perth or Hobart or Sydney or heck even adelaide or Darwin or Canberra and you may like AUS a little more. I think the bad drivers are in certain subirbs however we all assume everyones driving sucks and thats saved my butt once or twice when I've had an off day. Good luck.
Vancouvers absolutely beautiful! We lived there when I was in primary school and moved to Melbourne 20 years ago when I was in high school. It felt like wed gone back 10 years in time. However we loved Australia and now call it home. You just have to give it some time and explore other states and regions to find what you like. I absolutely love Brisbane but once you leave Melbourne itll give you this nostalgic feeling thatll youll crave to be back here. Every time I visited Melb even for a weekend from Brisbane, Id go back with a cold lol. Its weird and strange, still feels like home to me.
Hey eddieb9, we just did the opposite - after 3 years in Melbourne, contract up, back to Canada, and we're settling in Vancouver. Remember you arrived in winter, and after 3 of them I can assure you that the Melbourne winter does not feel nearly as cold as the Vancouver winter. Average July (dead of winter) high-low are 14 and 7 in Melbourne. Yes the weather is highly variable even within a day but there are some beautiful winter-month days where it's sunny, 15, and t-shirt weather. As for drivers, I did a lot of biking on streets and I found the drivers to be very respectful of cyclists. Plus there are traffic cameras everywhere so you'll notice that there is very little speeding even on major roads. Hard to get my head around the notion that there are third world elements to it. It's a modern, prosperous city, lots of infrastructure, pretty impressive skyline. True, many houses are under-insulated (we paid an obscene amount for natural gas heat in a townhouse attached on both sides). But the city will grow on you, and depending on where you live, you don't have to drive much. I'm a prairie kid who drove constantly since my teens and we didn't have, need, or want a car in Melbourne. Lived in Prahran-Windsor area.
I have been cold for the last two years of my life living here. Stuck here due to covid unfortunately. Three jumpers, a jacket, a dressing gown, two pairs of pants, gloves, heater on all day every day. Nothing is enjoyable because its always raining, always overcast. And then you get one or two random 45 degree days in summer that are blowing a hurricane type hot wind at you and if you step out into that heat you will literally disintegrate into the side walk. My God, I hope you never made that move.
I'm also from Melbourne and I have to agree that the winters here can be pretty brutal. Although the actual temperatures don't look that bad it feels much colder than it is here because we have very humid winters. It feels colder at 5 degress and 100% humidity than it does at -2 and no humidity like you get in other places. Also, as someone else has already pointed out, the older houses here have absolitely no insulating properties at all. This means that whatever the weather is outside you also feel it when you're in your house. I would say that it's cold for 6 months of the year here, hot for 2 months and in between for the rest. The in between is the good time to be here, but unfortunately it doesn't last very long.
Rain, hail and freezing as we approach summer in mid-November. Whats funny about this thread is those telling others, whove lived here their whole lives, what the weather is. E.g. babies who know it all despite a limited time on the earth. Its a beautiful city, or at least it was before overpopulation, but the weather sucks. It really does. (No advice being sought, thank you. I am not the OP.)
Its a beautiful city, with so much going for it. I love the town, HATE the weather! I hate it! Cold at least 9 months a year! I am not the only Melburnian who feels this way: loves the town, hates the climate. What bugs me about this thread are the know-alls, some born yesterday (bratty Byranni), some new to the country, but they know it all. No manners, no respect for those who know what they are saying, and whove long preceded them. The BoM has proven the accuracy of my comments since this thread began, a couple of years back. ... I was right, just sayin. (I usually am.)
Hi tjsydney, Melbourne is a most wonderful place to live! We get all the four seasons here, sometimes in one day which keeps life very interesting and never boring. Our Summers are glorious and Autumn is just stunning. Yes, Winter can be cold and wet, but we have loads of clothing shops that cater for the cooler months and it is over before you know it anyway. The best part of Winter is the open fire place, where it is cosy and ambient. Within 1.5 hours of Melbourne you can be at the snow in Winter, and the beach is within 15 minutes of Melbourne CBD. Ocean beaches take about an hour to 1.5 hours to get to but well worth the drive. I guess the best advice I can give you is pack an all weather coat, umbrella, jeans, jumper, thongs, t-shirt and shorts. That way, you'll be covered no matter what.
How’s biryani4life going with her blanket these minus mornings?
Surely it is common knowledge that most places with four seasons (as opposed to just wet and dry seasons) have more cold than hot months in the year?
I am from Melbourne and have lived in the UK for over a decade now. If you want something to complain about, move here. Winter is just unending oppressive grey, when it is light... which is for about 7 hours a day in the depths of winter. Its cold and dark here from October-April every year!
When Summer finally arrives, that is wet too and barely makes it above low 20s. There is no leaving the house without a warm jacket (even on a hot day!) I have sat outside in my winter down jacket on a summer evening.
In summer everyone leaves the UK at the weekend to go to mainland Europe for some sunshine.
I can't wait to come back to Melbourne for some better weather!
This year has clearly been the worst! What is going on with the sideways rain today and freezing cold temperatures.
Melbourne has consistently WAY outranked Sydney as a better place to live. Not only that, but Melbourne was ranked "World's Happiest City" only a few years ago.
So... you're just wrong. :)
BrendaF5, where did OP say they only wanted comparisons between Melbourne's weather and other locations within Australia?
I love Melbourne weather, beautiful Summers, Spring & Autumn, cooler Winters but it suits me, I do not like humidity, continuous rain & mould like QLD, Everyone is different & likes different climates & things.
Brenda, what's the best weather like in summer?
I am in the UK and I always thought it was warm everywhere in Australia. But now I have heard differently. Still, U am sure it is nowhere near as cold and miserable as the UK
Folks opinions are just that but check what plants can grow in Melbourne as they live outdoors 24/7 all year All Mediterranean species thrive in a sunny north facing balcony we have hadgood crop of oranges while grapes and Canary Island palms abound Melbourne has 2200 sunshine hours pa way below Perth 3000 but quite above sunniest town in UK with 1800
I’m from Southern California and don’t find Melbourne weather too horrific. Been here 4 years so not a lifetime but long enough to experience it all. It took some getting used to. Mostly just frustrating to try to plan activities weeks or months out. This past summer was pretty weak but I’ll take it over last year’s 40 degree days and bushfires. I’ll admit the last two winters have just plain sucked but luckily we were all locked inside during the yuck months last year anyway. The key is taking a trip
North for an escape! Silver lining I suppose.
If you’re open to seasons and accept that you can walk into work with a coat on and leave to get a tan and vice versa then it’s quite a fun experience. Winters are cloudy and rainy but nowhere near those of Northern Europe or the US northeast.
Agree with someone above who said a lot of homes have crappy insulation. They’re old. Not all but many. Mine is. But I’ve just pulled down my heavy comforter and I’ll take it over tying ice packs to my legs with the fan on to sleep. A/C and. Heater are essential.
In a nutshell, it’s dry and not primarily pleasant from May to late October but November and March are so lovely. Plus it’s beautiful in the sun and the rain.
(Okay I wouldn’t come here for the beaches though...if that’s your thing)
32 degrees C in Melbourne now at 6pm.
And loving it...
Curled up by the heater tonight here in Melbourne-town. 16o! It’s mid-Summer.
Interesting stream of responses. I live in Melbourne for family and work reasons and often say people don’t generally move to Melbourne for the weather. I find the winters freezing and long, and suffer the winter badly. The extended grey gets me down. As others have noted, compared to many other regions it’s not reliably great for outdoors. Indigenous knowledge recognises 7-8 climatic seasons rather than the introduced European 4 seasons.
Bad weather coming up for some this weekend in Melbourne. High 20s. Brrr/yanicold4life will be upset. But it’s fine - come Monday - back to freezing! Hang in there cold lovers!
Miss Melbourne dearly. One bad thing is weather. Today’s weather in Sunshine Coast Qld reminds me of Melb. Miserable gray weather. Summer here is so horrible oppressive heat and humidity. Sad sunset 6:30 not 9pm.
Melb is in the middle of winter already....just 9 degrees there now - Friday/Sat/Sun/Mon mornings were just 5! They just had such wind gusts that roofs have been blown off in Geelong & my parents are complaining that its been so cold & wet there for months already that theyre sick of the heaters already. A cloudy SE Qld day is 1,000 times better than that! I didnt find my 1st summer here hot or humid either....much better than the gusty 41 degree days melb has in summer (that are followed by a cold spell) & having to endure 6mths of winter, I could never return to that again now, this weather is the best it gets!
I came to Brisbane a few times when I was living in Sydney. Oh my God. I could not stay there a day let alone living there. It's so hot and humid. You sweat all day and it makes you sick. Especially it doesn't work if you have to wear suit and tie to work. I used to take shower 3 times a day back in my home country and I am so lucky to live in Melbourne now. Even Sydney is too warm. I always had a wet shirt by the time I arrived at the office.
I think Melbourne should move to a better climate then it truly would have it all.
Well, I was wrong re this year. Only March 3 and Ive needed to run the heating since yesterday to keep the temperature at a comfortable 21 degrees. Only stopped using the ducted heating mid-December. ... Just 9 weeks of summer this year and now were back to running our heaters and heavy clothes again for the next nine months. Usually winter runs 7-8 months in Melbourne, but sometimes its nine.
Brenda I moved from Melb to Bris a year ago. Sounds like you should try it - I loathed the cold & gloomy weather there - always feels so much colder than the actual temp with those arctic winds. I used to joke with my melb mates winter is 6-9 mths there too In Brissy almost all year is sunscreen & hats, my 6am 5k walks are mostly in beautiful sunny balmy conditions year round & theres hardly ever any wind which means theres hardly any allergies either. And utilising the pool all year long is amazing - the improvement to quality of life for an outdoorsy person is immeasurable!
biryani4lyfe, I have M-I-L-L-E-N-N-I-A-L-S (that's how you spell it, honey; you keep practising though - you'll get there) in my life. So glad they turned out nothing like you, honey-child. Keep working on your attitude too, as well as your spelling, and you too can make YOUR mum proud. You can improve; I know you can, little one! All the very best to your lil self.
I was born in Melbourne and love it here. But the weather is so bad. I lived in North Queensland a few years ago and I loved it but got sick of the humidity and moved home after a couple of years. I think northern NSW on the coast is where I will finally settle when I retire, I definitely like the warm weather opposed to cold weather but like I said Melbourne is the best city.
Typically the temperature falls to much less than 7 overnight. Frosts are common. If you need to park your car out, prepare for a layer of windshield ice in the morning. Overnight temperatures are typically around 4 but often drop as low as 1 or 2 in winter. That’s colder than your refrigerator. Melbourne may not be as cold as some places, but cold is cold and cold it is and if you don’t like cold weather, this is not the city for you. I agree as well that there are too many of us here now for our facilities.
With 3000 people moving to Melbourne each week I as a Melburnian will try to convince you not to come as it’s putting a lot of pressure on our infrastructure. I love the Melbourne climate, I don’t want to live in a place that has the same weather all year round as thats just plain boring! With winter temperatures between 7 and 14° many people in Europe or North America would envy a winter like that. I just think in Australia that people whinge too much about a cool climate. We don’t get snow fall in the Melbourne area which means we don’t have all the problems that other parts of the experiences with harsh winters.
Yea I agree. Melbourne is so mild a winter compared to other parts of the world. Foreigners who come here often claim Melb doesnt even have a real winter. Its just going to feel bad weather if you come from north Australia. And are used to a lack of seasonal weather and almost expect this idealistic perfect humid sunshine a lot of the time. Most people around the world do not have those types of expectations or benchmarks. I dont think the weather there is something to bench mark Melbourne against. Melb is seasonal. And I think the majority of people would like it. Unless they are used to somewhere near the tropics.
I was born in Melbourne and been living here for 30+ years. While I love the city, I feel like the the weather's getting worse every year. People in the CBD are still wearing puffer jackets in December (since April). It was hailing today in summer (12-Dec-22) and there's been no spring the last 4-5 years. Sydney's average this week is 24C while Melbourne's is 17.5C. There are a range of reasons why people do not move locations regardless that they do not enjoy the weather. People can still love a city or not move even if the weather's atrocious, vice versa.
It's so hard to read some of these comments without utter breathlessness at the level of ignorance, exaggeration, and uncritical thinking. Ive lived and worked in Denver, Colorado, USA, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and London, England. Moved here from Sydney 44 years ago. Never ever wanted to move back. The weather in Melbourne is fabulous, delightful, moderate, and temperate. Summers are great. Some of the negative comments in here are complete and utter BS, or total exaggeration. and have absolutely no factual basis. Winters can be cold, sometimes Ok, so It's further south, so Melbourne temperatures average a few degrees less than Sydney. you dont need to be a genius to figure that one out. Im sorry, but this Melbourne weather myths is one of those self-perpetuating urban myths that ignorant people keep alive and use to make themselves look smart. As to severe variability, show me several years of the consistent statistical numbers that prove the so called four seasons in one day or only in Melbourne weather variations, and I'll believe you. Until then, the Melbourne weather urban myth is the biggest load of BS since George Custer told the 7th Cavalry that there were no Indians on the other side of the Little Big Horn River. Use critical thinking and check facts. Your life will be happier and more fulfilling.
we moved to regional up on the ridge from Melbourne and from a weather point of view prefer it. we still get cold weather may to November but more sun nicer air . we didnt like the endless grey days and drizel all day many days. twice as many rainy days as sydney but half as much rain. then its very hot in melbourne from 1 jan to autumn equinox then bang cold again. our new house is warm and soundproof and its nicer more peacful but we may move to gold coast tho as we are not getting any younger and victoria weather is getting to harsh for us we like the idea of nice weather that is not extreme like victoria
attheend of the day we all have our own frame of reference and differentlife experiences and different backgrounds and different stages of life. inner melbourne has deteriorated in the 50 years we lived there for our point of view and we look forward to moving somewhere sunnier warmer more even temperatures but for others it is what they like. we are not all the same and have many and varied hopes and wishes
Youre from Sydney and it shows lmao! Melbourne weather isnt that bad grow tf up. Its cold for no more than 5 months of the year and sunny warm days are quite common. Have you ever even been here.