Merriville Road
3.5(1 review)

Merriville Road, Kellyville Ridge, NSW 2155

3.5(1 review)

Great for

  • Childcare
  • Internet access
  • Shopping options
  • Eating out
  • Gym and fitness

Not great for

  • Lack of traffic

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families With Kids

Reviews of Merriville Road, Kellyville Ridge

"Not as busy as it first seems"

A great street for the price. It wasn't so busy when we first moved here in 2006 but has gotten busier as the suburbs have grown.
Handy to Rouse Hill Town Centre (15 minute walk) and just down the road there is the servo with emergency rations. The McDonalds and Ettamogah Pub and Dan Murphy's also makes things pretty handy.
Whilst it's a busy street it's not super busy and the way the houses are laid out we still get a feeling of privacy. Neighbours are great. Too bad about the people who 'visit' Merriville who leave all their litter on our front lawn (discarded McDonald wrappers etc).

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids

What are the apartments like there in terms of safety and noise? I'm looking at purchasing in one of the blocks there close to the shops.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

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