What is the Crime level in Moe, VIC? DoIs there a police station nearby?
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What is the Crime level in Moe, VIC? DoIs there a police station nearby?

I'm very keen on moving to Moe, VIC as it's so affordable, however I won't know any one and am a single female,so worried about the crime level. What is it like? Is there a police station nearby? Has anyone had problems with neighbours / robberies etc? What type of people live here?
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5 Answers

Moe/Newborough is a changing place,
I was born in Newborough, spend most of my life here, I have also lived in many other places around Australia,
We do not have an elevated crime rate, Do the research yourself,
Moe Newborough has less crime incidents than Warragul!
Morwell unfortunately has a lot of incidents,
It amazes me how people with no actual knowledge of an area can give advice on an area
Let me give you some advice from a person who lives in Moe, and has done so for most of my life, I also have knowledge of investing and building in the area
Moe is a hidden gem that because of peoples comments like some above has stayed a hidden gem and is only starting to get noticed now (2020)
For investing Moe is now ranked number 2 just behind Melbourne
Any one who didn't see this back in 2018, are not from here, and have no idea how amazing this place really is
In Moe we have
- A world class race car track
- Currently a world class down hill mountain bike track getting built for 1,000,000
- A water ski championship lake
- Drive 45 minutes to the snow
- Drive 1 hour to the beach
- 50 minutes to Pakenham
- A world class running track
- An indoor heated pool, sports center,
- Almost the best rental return in Victoria
- Clean Air
- Nice people
- 2 X Golf courses
- Out door swimming pool with diving board
- Great camping
- Great surrounding towns with amazing bushwalking, camping, hiking,
- Great capital gains in the last 2 years
- Cheap house prices,
- Great rental demand
- New amazing library in the center of Moe
- lots of schools, ( I was able to send my kids to a catholic private school and the price was only 3000 a year more than public!)
- Low crime, ( there are pockets of areas with some crime like all areas, but we leave our house and shed unlocked most the time,
- Country living
- Like anywhere if you actually want to work, you can get work

Moe does not have much or really any night life or much on very often
But as you can see from above there is lots to do
So to sum it up
Moe is cheap living, and cheap investing, I have been able to live, invest and work here,
I live cheap, I have lots of disposable income, and I have some investment properties which are positively geared!
So don't take advice from people who are not qualified to give it!


Thanks for your thoughts, very insightful. I've been looking for an investment throughout Moe/Morewell and Traralgon. I have now settled on Moe as I feel it is gentrifying and will be the best out of the three in years to come.

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I've been here in moe since bout "93 it was good in the 90s not much crime no idiots but it grew as druggies moved into the valley.
I lived over off king St few yrs ago I had a bunch of morons shine a torch in my bed room window it was bright like police torch they did it with 2 other houses the same night. So that side is bad.
I grew up on the other side but crime is on both sides Now unlike when I was a kid

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Who robd Moe chemist elisebeth street

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Looking for a home in Moe, VIC 3825

Not safe! We are leaving the valley completely! A friend was hospitalised walking his dog in MOE. In daytime. In the Primary School yard! We don't see the Valley getting any better. Rent has not increased, in fact it's probably dropped! More crazy yelling in the streets. Sure there are nice parts to MOE or you could just stay in your home and drive like everyone else does. After a year we only see really dodgy types walking the streets now.

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I've just moved here a few weeks ago with my partner and kids, the area itself is usually pretty quiet but that depends on which side of Moe you live, stay away from king street and elizabeth street i've heard those area's are a bit rough, there is a police station in the shopping area opposite the safeways so it is quite close and police usually patrol the area frequently, no problems with any neighbours they all seem quite friendly, mostly famillies, singles, couples, retiree's live here :) hope that helps.

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