Murray Street, Mowbray, TAS 7248
Great for
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- Gym and fitness
- Internet access
- Lack of traffic
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Who lives here?
- Professionals
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- Families With Kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
Reviews of Murray Street, Mowbray
"Fancy a Bet??"
Murray street is opposite the Mowbray horse and grey hound race track and like most streets in Mowbray, a very short walk to the Mowbray hotel, supermarkets and everything that Mowbray has to offer. Generally this side of Mowbray is a working class area and a quiet neighbor hood, keeping in mind there is the occasional rental property which is common throughout the northern suburbs due to the university being very close by helping investors gain good rental returns on their properties. A second supermarket has been built roughly 2 years ago with a new target building near complete within a 2 minute walk on Murray Street. This street provides easy accessibility to major roads leading to the Launceston CBD and other suburbs.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Trendy & Stylish
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