What is the problem with living in Salt water coast area?
12 answers26 following

What is the problem with living in Salt water coast area?

A lot of people seem to keep advising against it. There is a lot of property available for sale there. I cant seem to find drawback unless there is salt water intrusion in drinking water.
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12 Answers

Very beautiful community. Close to the beach, clear view of the Melbourne City and strong community. I've been Saltwater Coast twice, they have massive parks, nice city view BBQ areas, children playgrounds and even Artificial Beach! Kis love this place, very beautiful.

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Its not a bad area at all.'s neighboring suburbs of Hoppers Crossing, Werribee & Tarneit generally are regarded as "working-class" to be politically correct. And if your looking for anything close to Caulfield, Elsternwick, Brighton, you'll be bitterly disappointed.

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Theres no mobile reception, even with Telstra. Theres no NBN available its a smart community which can only use Teslstra velocity home internet. Also because of the nearby RAAF base there are small low aircrafts flying over houses all day every day. As mentioned above the traffic is pretty bad on Point cook road, allow 50 minutes to get onto the freeway before 10am on a weekday


Hey there. Is still bad the connection? I meam phones call and internet? I am looking to rent a house there and I am very confused. Some times i work from home and I need to have a great signal. And about to get the bus? I appreciate if you could help me..thanks. Andrea


The phone reception is still not great but internet is good with Telstra. I work from home as a digital designer and use Velocity. Phone calls on Vodafone and Telstra seem to be fine but if you are with Optus then it's really bad.

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Looking for a home in Point Cook, VIC 3030

Well, you are looking at half glass empty and not the other way!
Yes, infrastructure problems of a growing suburb in a growing part of the country.
Lots of schools, newly opened Saltwater school, planned secondary school other than existing schools like Alamanda etc.
Beautiful green suburb, multicultured. Better for Australians who do not wish to be isolated in the future of globalization, I see so many people coming here with nothing, creating so many opportunities and prosperity for the country. I know some people need help and we must show them our compassion or else there will be hatred instead of love. God bless Australia.


Hey mate. Are you still living at Saltwater? I am planning to live there. Can we talk a bit more about it? Cheers. ANDREA

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There is no problem living in Saltwater Coast Estate. We have just moved to the area and it is quiet, peaceful and has everything we want. Residents get use of the Gym, heated pools and tennis courts and there is a nice cafe attached to the community centre. The bus is a few minutes walk and takes us to Williams Landing Station for the train to the city, very convenient. With Telstra Velocity having fibre optic cable to the home, TV and Internet services are brilliant. Mobile phone coverage is marginal, probably the only issue we have living here.


Hello. I am so glad to hear you. I am planning to move to Saltwater with my family next month. I was wondering about the internet connection and bus to get to CBD. Do you reckon is the internet working everywhere at SW? Thanks Andrea


The internet we have had for more than 4 years has been great. Telstra Velocity is Fibre to the home and much faster than the NBN that any of my family in other parts of Australia have. Some people complain about their Velocity but not is the area we live in. We pay for a medium plan and have never had speed issues. Mobile reception is very poor, but this can be overcome if you have WiFi Calling capability on your phone through Velocity. The bus service has just been extended into the area further than before. It runs every 20 minutes in peak times and every 40 minutes off peak. The bus runs to Williams Landing Station where you connect with the train to the CBD. Much faster than trying to drive as the roads are very congested in the morning and afternoon peak times.

Thanks so much, Stephen. I think we will be neighbor ;)

Hi get real folks - the air pollutions is atrocious particularly the over-powering pesticide sprays/odours that cover the whole area densely when the wind blows from the direction of the massive farming activity just a couple of kilometres away - those are organic pesticides you and your children will be smelling for hours - in high season the farmers spray crops EVERY DAY - they spray areas on a rotational basis and they are hundreds of hectares of crops and they do spray different sections daily

Yes agree - its suffocating poisoinous pollution - maybe if you are from Delhi its a thing you are used to

run away fast -0 don't buy there - look further away at least 15km to the north

Payal said "A lot of people seem to keep advising against it. There is a lot of property available for sale there. I cant seem to find drawback unless there is salt water intrusion in drinking water." - as a former owner of a prestige home I was happy to sell (at a profit) and move out of the Point Cook area - and I was happy that the area had a prestige cachet even though many parts of it are unattractive - viz many renters just never mow the verge and some streets look like ghettos - that is less an issue in a gated estate but the traffic and air pollution when the breezes blow from the west are so bad !!!- a lot of persons say its a great area for reasons of pride and won't acknowledge the huge downsides as its in their interest to keep the fake prestige image alive - Payal you should believe them when people advise against buying there


The occasional smells we have are not from the market gardens, but from the marine Park at low tide. The tidal plains can get smelly when exposed to the air and the breeze is blowing the wrong way. Pesticides are not an issue here as they are too far away.

lol - are you a Real Estate agent? the air quality is shite - the traffic congestion is shite - and many streets have properties where no-one has mown the verge since they moved in - and ridiculous covenant restrictions on what you can/can't do on your own property


Not a real estate agent or any connection. I am a happily retired former school principal from another state and have lived in Saltwater Coast for more than 7 years. Just say it how it is for us.

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The pros:
Has a homestead park.
Has a great view of Melbourne city
Is close to many work and play locations
Has a residents only gym and pools

The cons:
The beach isn't what the average person wants in a beach. Its the wrong side of the bay, all the seaweed washes up that side and when it rots, don't bother hanging your washing out.
The upper section of the homestead is apparently a known spot for drug dealers according to police.
Regardless of the location, the terrible infrastructure and planning has made journeys as short as 20min into hour plus ordeals.
The gym and pool is already maxing out its threshold for members and the pools are constantly closing due to vomit or poo accidents in the lap pool.
Saltwater Promenade is a very, very long road, and has been turned into a hotbed for speed traps and marked at 60, when the road is perfectly capable of catering to a 80 then 70 traffic flow without losing safety standards.
The lack of internet capabilities makes life extremely difficult, and the lack of phone reception means that even 000 can be difficult to phone. This is actually dangerous, but who cares right?
Point Cook is all reclaimed swamp land, so be weary of displaced wildlife, like tiger snakes.
All in all, it's not as bad as some neighbourhoods, but there are a lot of things that have been done very poorly and others that are just plain negligent.


fifp, you are talking Saltwater Coast and generalising it to all of Point Cook.. saying it's all reclaimed swamp land. That's not true, Saltwater Coast and Sanctuary Lakes side yes but those locations are only a small part of Point Cook. The areas near the Town Centre are prime land with way better accessibility to telecommunucations, transport freeways, within reach to other suburbs anenities etc


No actually, it's all reclaimed swamp, with the exception of a few hills with the odd homestead on top. Between the nearby sewage treatment facility, and rotting seaweed being washing up from the said coastal park reserve, its prime location for those who fancy a reasonable looking home in a congested odious yet cheap growth corridor. And yes, there's snakes, right at my backdoor w I lived virtually accross the way from the shopping centre, just off Neptune way. Let's keep it real.


Neptune Way is a long way from Saltwater Coast! It is in Point Cook near the Town Centre. I live in Saltwater Coast and it is sooo much better than the centre of Point Cook with plenty of open space and lots of playgrounds for kids and walking trails. Yes there are snakes, but then I have lived in many parts of Australia and they all have snakes in their area, it comes with the country we live in. They dont bother us at all and we hardly ever see them. Unless you choose to annoy it, a snake will never seek to attack you. I have lived here for almost 6 years and love the community and the area. Everyone cares for each other and we also have a fantastic lifestyle centre for residents of our estate only.

Hello I would like to get more information in regards to school and the saltwater swim school complex as we are planning to buy our first home in and around the saltwater p9 school . Could u provide us more information on what to look for and what not to when it comes to saltwater. Also I wanted to know does everyone who lives in saltwater get to use the gym and pool .

Hi there, ad i am thinking of buying the house i. Salt water coast in the strert bamed bondi parde near to salt water school. Can any one tell me how is the school and do we hve to pay for the swimming and gym at sat water life style center as being the resident. And is it still poor mobile reception and internet??

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Saltwater Coast is fantastic. Great community, city views, lots of parks and surrounded by beach

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Some pockets in Saltwater are very cheap compare to others like Warunda parade, haze drive, bovard avenue. Is there any specific reason for it?


Personally finds it overpriced especially when the developers started cutting down the size of lots to half sized like 350sqm. Think about it, why would families want to go all the way out there to live on a teeny weeny lot and pay premium for it?

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Others complain about the increasing crime rate. But everyone has cctv.


Gangs and desperate individuals wearing hoodies don't particularly care about CCTV.

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Its a nice place for a new area however many consider it a long way from the Freeway and a little isolated within the context of Point Cook. There is also a very high percentage of renters v occupiers. In saying that I like the area and consider it the second best estate in Point Cook behind Sanctuary Lakes.

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The traffic out.
The fact it's build on previous swamp land
the traffic out
and the traffic out.

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Snakes. A lot of snakes in the area.


Any one has seen any or how many times ? Brown or yellow ?


I saw Tiger snakes.

The air quality is so bad from Altona industrial area and agricultural pesticide spraying on the big farms near the Zoo that cover hundreds of hectares - blows dusty in summer and severe bad air quality is common and the traffic is what you get when the roads are from what may have been adequate 20 years ago - traffiic jams forever virtually every day - cannot recommend this area to anyone - so many renters and most leave soon as they can - constant turnover in some streets as people sell up after finding they made a big mistake buying in the area

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